CliqueClack TV

BBC Babble – What’s the deal with Being Human?

being-humanIt’s been a while since I’ve penned an entry here at the Babble. I haven’t forgotten about the gifts from our friends across the pond, but  I have been neglectful. Truthfully, I ran out of series to review. Sorry, but Any Dream Will Do and Mark Burnett’s Apprentice UK are not my cup of tea. Sitting through a season of the US Apprentice was painful enough. I’m sure the Brit version is more tolerable, but I have no intention of finding out.

One new show that has piqued my interest since I heard it would be part of BBC America’s 2009 schedule is Being Human. Classified as a supernatural comedy-drama, the show has been generating a considerable amount of positive buzz since debuting on BBC Three back in January. There was also a pilot which aired in February ’08, with a different cast and slightly darker tone (at least that’s what I read).

The plot revolves around a trio of twenty-somethings sharing a house in Bristol. Lest you think this is some sorta CW horseshit, think again. The three roomies are a vampire, werewolf and a ghost (laundry should be the least of their problems). Geesh. I thought I had some weirdo housemates. The guy who played Everquest twenty hours a day and consumed nothing but bags of Hot Fries and strawberry milk pales in comparison. At least he didn’t walk through walls or drink blood, as far as I know. To be honest, I avoided him as much as possible.

At any rate, Being Human premieres on BBC America July 25th at 9pm. I can’t wait. After viewing several clips and perusing the show’s official website, I’m confident it will be to my liking. Being a fan of Buffy, Angel and True Blood, it will be interesting to see how the Brits approach the subject matter.

Will the writers switch up any of the commonplace creature of the night lore? It’d be nice. It looks like the comic angle will be prevalent, which I hope is the case. I’ve never been enamored with series that take themselves too seriously, especially when the undead are involved.

Here’s a preview of Being Human:

And a clip from season one:

Photo Credit: BBC Three

Categories: | Columns | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “BBC Babble – What’s the deal with Being Human?”

June 18, 2009 at 4:27 AM

I watched the first season and i’m so ecited for the second season to start. It’s really a fun show and the characters are easy to love. The vampire lore is changed a bit but it really works. And i love the cheeky British humor.

June 18, 2009 at 10:50 AM

The first episode start is a fair bit jumbled. But it more or less straightens out before that episode concludes. And then the rest of the series is pretty well above-average. Didn’t enjoy it as much as Demons, but it’s worth the time viewing.

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