CliqueClack TV

Burn Notice – Mike is kind of a dick

burn-notice-end-runThe more episodes of Burn Notice I watch, the more I realize Michael Westen is not well-liked. I don’t get it. He has a winning smile, a good sense of humor and an abundance of charm. And yet his enemy list inside the show keeps growing. It’s not completely his fault. When old pals like Harlan stab him in the back, what’s a spy to do? However, it does make me ponder just what sorta spy Mike was before he got burned.

Was he a humorless prick who rubbed everyone the wrong way? Could he have been an arrogant recluse who thumbed his nose at those he deemed lesser covert ops? If so, it might explain why he got his ass toasted. All my endless speculation about those responsible for taking scissors to Mike’s spy license might be pointless. I’ve been under the assumption this whole time that Mike didn’t deserve his burning. Since I’m a fan of the dude, it makes sense to conclude that he was done wrong by some nameless fiend. Now, I’m beginning to question my line of thinking. Maybe, he received his just deserts.

Before I unleash my diatribe, I’d like to make it clear I have no problem with Mike’s behavior. I mean, when you’re fighting for your life, or the lives of others, the rulebook goes out the window. That being said, I couldn’t help but notice Mr. Westen can be a real asshole when he wants to be. In a series chock full of bad guys and duplicitous characters, it’s often difficult to identify if anyone is “good.”

Take Detective Paxson for instance. She’s just doing her job and looking into Mike’s umpteen illegalities. How many laws has our spy guy broken in two-plus seasons? I lost count at 50. I’m sure spending multiple nights in a funky jail cell sucks, but Mike’s method of payback, while amusing, was very dickish. His fabricated dealings with the mayor’s office gets Paxson’s partner suspended. Paxson was none too pleased with Mike’s antics. Can you blame her?

Brennen, the jilted arms dealer, also felt the wrath of Mike. After Mike screwed him over last season, Brennen returned with a vengeance and kidnapped Nate. Naturally, Mike was a little upset, but his implied threat to assassinate Brennen’s daughter was quite menacing, eh? Through all his toothy grins and Robin Hood-like escapades, Michael Westen is one mean son-of-a-bitch. I sometimes forget.

What about Nate? He arrives back in town, is grilled by the coppers for five hours, gets duped by Brennen and his psycho henchman, then shot. Mike’s admission that “it’s tough being his brother” may be the understatement of the decade. Mike cares about his brother, but Nate has enough problems of his own without having to put up with all these life-threatening shenanigans. If I were Nate, I’d steer clear of Mike all together.

My favorite Westen insult of the episode was when he ridiculed a helpless rent-a-cop. While choking out the guy, he berates the sap’s feeble attempts to counter the choke hold. Come on, Mike! We know you eat chumps like this for breakfast, but do you really have to embarrass the poor fella? (Again, I’m playing devil’s advocate here. I laughed out loud at Mike’s trash talk.)

I think it’s safe to assume the reason we all dig Michael Westen is his conflicted personality. He’s heroic and cool, which is great. On the flip side, he beats up innocent citizens, breaks into and steals cars, vandalizes office buildings and lies his butt off to benefit his cause. I suspect nice guys don’t last long in his line of work. Spyin’ ain’t easy.


Photo Credit: USA Network

3 Responses to “Burn Notice – Mike is kind of a dick”

June 19, 2009 at 10:41 AM

Just how much sand did they put in his just “deserts”?


June 19, 2009 at 11:42 AM

I suggest you look before you leap, newmi.

Follow the link above.

June 21, 2009 at 8:38 AM

I agree that Michael can be quite insufferable, and might have been more so before being humbled, but I see it as arrogance earned by his competence and professionalism (much like pre-2009 Captain Kirk).

I must pick two nits, though. The fabricated involvement with the Mayor’s aide was not simple payback, but an attempt to get Paxson’s investigation shut down, or have her pulled off it at the very least, in order to prevent future interference in Michael’s life. And I thought Michael was simply offering helpful advice to the security guard for the next time the poor sap’s in a chokehold. It may have been condescension, as they’re often one and the same for Mr. Westen.

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