CliqueClack TV

Harper’s Island – Well that narrows things down a bit




Well, I just knew that you don’t cast a Cylon and not use him. I guess I just wish I was wrong.

Lots of great theories have been flying around in the comments for the past couple of weeks, but tonight’s episode really seems to narrow down who is likely working with Wakefield in all of this. Seeing the majority of the main characters holed up in the Cannery during the shootings, there are only a few people to call out as possible accomplices at this point:

– Joel Booth — Yeah, we saw him shoot himself in the leg several episodes ago, but it was such an outrageously stupid act for a killing on this show that I’m almost willing to buy this theory. Sure, he was walking around in the woods, scared out of his wits when Malcolm happened upon him. Is he Wakefield’s son?

– Ben Wellington — This has been another theory being tossed around, and it goes hand-in-hand with the bag of money we’ve seen being handed around. We saw a body under the boat in the first episode, and we assume it’s Cousin Ben because of the cell phone going off under the water. Was it really Ben?

And … that’s about all I’ve got. Everyone else was accounted for. However, both of those choices are as far fetched as picking someone who has an actual alibi. Have I missed anyone? Remember, it’s unlikely Wakefield was the one with the rifle in the Sheriff outfit, since he wasn’t wearing it when we saw him with Abby. What, would he really go through the trouble of changing clothes again later?


Aw, man! I’m a little disappointed. I really, really didn’t want Wakefield to still be alive (damn that Cylon thing!), but I’m glad that the previews alluded to the fact that there may be another killer.

There’s still the whole money thing, and I’m standing by my theory that before all is said and done, we won’t just get an accomplice, but a long-lost relative. Now that Wakefield’s alive, it may not be his son (but I’m not ruling it out) but instead some Wellington relative that wanted the money somehow. Yep, that’s money’s still in the game.

I’m not on board with the Cousin Ben thing at all, but Booth is a definite possibility.

So here’s my question: If Abby isn’t Wakefield’s daughter, what does he want with her? If it’s just because she’s Sarah’s daughter, that’s kind of weak. There’s got to be another connection there somewhere.

And it’s OK that Jim Beaver’s character dies, because it’s not Bobby. Bobby is not allowed to die (Supernatural, people, follow along).

Photo Credit: Chris Helcermanas-Benge/CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

38 Responses to “Harper’s Island – Well that narrows things down a bit”

June 20, 2009 at 11:30 PM

I am not convinced that Abby is not Wakefield’s daughter. The way the Sheriff said- “No, you’re my daughter! Mine. Don’t you ever forget that.” leads me to believe she actually is Wakefield’s biological daughter.

But, the sheriff felt he was her father.

Not sure though- of course. This show has plenty of twists and turns :)

June 21, 2009 at 1:33 PM

Agree with you, CJ. And I’m still not ruling out the idea that she is somehow involved. I just don’t trust her good girl persona.

June 21, 2009 at 12:43 AM

I’m with CJ, just because we were told it, doesn’t make it true. Otherwise, Deb is totally right, Wakefield has no real motive (other than being a complete wacko).

The other thing, is that I’m feeling pretty good that it was Wakefield in the sheriff’s outfit. I need to rewatch, but I think its just a jacket the sheriff has been wearing. The reason he takes it off at the end? There’s not more reason for the charade, because Abby knows her dad is innocent (Because he’s dead).

June 21, 2009 at 1:04 AM

The only clue I could really find rewatching is hands. The camera focuses on the hands of person who killed the police, the Sheriff and Wakefield. I am pretty sure that Wakefield did not kill the police.

Now, going back and looking for other hands :)

June 21, 2009 at 1:19 AM

i am very disappointed that the killer wasn’t one of the characters we’ve seen from the beginning. i was totally waiting for the killer to be revealed as Wakefield’s offspring or at least somehow connected with the wedding crowd.
although, the show has finally rebound from the rocky first-half and killing off all the weak links, i still feel kind of cheated by the undead Wakefield. oh well, three more to go, i think there has got to be another killer. i hope the Brit doesn’t die, i actually really like him and the blonde, they make an adorable couple.

June 21, 2009 at 8:27 AM

Urgh. Wakefield being alive and being the killer is pretty boring. I don’t want Abby to be Wakefield’s daughter either, but it seems they might end up taking the predictable route.

Anyway, to keep the speculation going… I thought it was interesting how the sniper shot at Henry and they made a point of showing the sniper specifically training his scope on him when he had a clean shot at Trish’s forehead and could have dropped her if he wanted. Why?

I’m still curious about the red eyeballs. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that they might be a clue relating to the mother’s stare while hanging from the tree, and perhaps that she’s not dead. In the title sequence for the show there are two images of the hanging scene, one with eyes wide open and one with eyes shut and we all know that if a person dies with their eyes open they remain open, and if they’re closed they certainly don’t spring open. Then again, perhaps that’s just a production error?

Jimmy is looking suspicious to me. His convenient escape from the exploding boat only to not be killed by Wakefield after making a deal with Sheriff Mills seems absurd. I guess we’ll find out more about Wakefield’s intentions towards Abby in the next episode and if he would be likely to let him live just because Abby loves him. Too good to be true?

I’m not buying the Booth connection yet. It has more to do with him playing such a minor role prior to his death than anything else. It would be an interesting reveal though, much better than Wakefield being the only killer.

June 21, 2009 at 10:19 AM

My prediction is that Henry is the killer, and is also Wakefield’s son, and that they are working together. He has no alibis for any of the murders other than Maggie’s and the sheriff’s (which I think Wakefield did), and most people have been suspicious of him from the beginning. For the next few episodes, I’m guessing they will try to throw you off and put suspicion on other characters, like they are doing with the preview for episode 11.

I know some people in posts above were talking about who was shooting at them earlier on in the episode, and my guess is that it was the sheriff, and the reason he didn’t kill Trish and went for Henry is because he knew that Henry was working with Wakefield. I’m not sure who was shooting at Cal and Sully though, but I would assume that Wakefield found the sheriff at some point, set up the trap for Abbey, and then took the sheriff’s gun and went to go see who he could hit.

I, like most people, am very disappointed that Wakefield was dragged into this, even though he’s technically not a “new” character. It makes me feel a little cheated, and I really hope that the only people he killed were the ones from this episode.

June 21, 2009 at 11:44 AM

I have two theories…

Wakefield being alive and having him him as the ‘lone-ranger’ killer is too ‘straightforward’ in my book. He definitely had help and my picks are booth, niki, jimmy or henry…

Another ‘radical’ theory: there is a sole killer re: the above picks and that Wakefield may not have been the killer all along even going back to 7 years ago. He ends up saving remaining saviours and kills the real killer – i know it sounds ‘radical’ but hollywood has done it before.

Remember also Madison revealed to Trish that a ‘friend’ of hers abducted her and not the sheriff…if this ‘friend’ is Wakefield…how is Trish connected to him? Which means trish becomes a suspect…

June 21, 2009 at 4:14 PM

I’m sticking with my theory that it’s Nikki Bolton, and nothing in this episode spoiled that. They brought her back into the story, now that it’s all coming to a head, so that it won’t be totally out of the blue. (Made sense to introduce her early on to establish her, then faded her out to keep us from suspecting her too soon.)

She could have been the sniper, and afterwards, wormed her way into their group once they were all trapped inside the bar where she works. Where she probably knows all of its hiding places and where she could be hiding weapons.

I also didn’t like the way she was looking at Abby while Abby talked about her feelings for Jimmy. Could Nikki be jealous of that? Is that the real reason why it’s al about Abby?

I think Wakefield will turn out to be a red herring – like Uncle Marty, he’s introduced so that we think he’ll play an important role. But then he’ll be dispatched just as quickly, once we think he’s the killer.

It has to be someone who knows the island well, and Nikki would fit the bill.

Finally, a reason why she would have spared Trish and aimed for Henry instead? She’s in love with Trish as well. Homicidal lesbians = fun TV!

June 22, 2009 at 12:48 AM

I’ve always kinda had Nikki in the back of my mind, too, but who killed Maggie?

June 21, 2009 at 8:14 PM

The hands of the mainland cop-killer look like they belong to a woman. Or a slim young man. Definitely not Wakefield.

June 21, 2009 at 8:43 PM

I think the hands may be the Sheriff’s. Perhaps, Wakefield forced him to kill the cops?

June 21, 2009 at 8:49 PM

having read agatha’s ‘and then there were none’ i would find it quite fitting were it to be booth working with his father: wakefield. in the episode booth shoots himself, he pleads malcom not to leave and get help, i imagine he wants malcom to see him “die”. booth is the only person not murdered, which is important. if someone in the next episode died by accident would you believe it? i think not, they put it early so you’d believe the old karma of the island shenanigans.

I think Henry and Jimmy are the main red herrings that pull the audience to think one of them is the killer. i initially thought henry, but now they’ve just tried to hard to have subtle clues pointing toward him, so im done with that theory.

June 21, 2009 at 10:56 PM

I think Alyse is on to something… I think perhaps Henry is Wakefield’s son, Abby’s half-brother. Mr. Wellington said he had a “gut” feeling about Henry not being on the up-and-up. Henry may be after the Wellington money, perhaps there’s a connection to Wakefield there somewhere and revenge is involved.

I also think Jimmy’s involved too. Abby’s father, the sheriff, hated Jimmy 7 years ago but now they’re pals. I think that’s because the sheriff is wondering about Jimmy and you know the old saying… keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Also, the copycat murders occurred in cities in western washington and oregon. Places that a fisherman with a boat could go to fairly easily from Harper’s Island. Also Jimmy does harbor some resentment towards Abby for leaving without saying goodbye and not contacting him once in 7 years…

Who knows… but at this point I’m thinking it has to be 2 people in cahoots and I’m leaning towards Henry and Jimmy.

June 22, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Maggie, Nikki, Shane, and Jimmy are not the only locals on the whole island. Where the heck are the rest of the people on the island. Did NO ONE hear the explosion?

June 22, 2009 at 9:22 AM

i think jimmy is involved too. from getting close to the sheriff during abby’s absence and conveniently having abby’s and everyone else’s trust and the fact that he miraculously survive the murderer when NO ONE ELSE had. it sooooooo doesnt add up. i mean.. seriously. we havent seen 1 person escape the murderer when they are confronted by him except madison. i think this show is gonna give us a darn crappy ending especially now with wakefield being alive. damn! and we thought of so many freaking theories! i still hope for a good ending! i cant wait!

June 22, 2009 at 9:27 AM

Maybe one of the other cops on the island is the second killer and he is also wakefields son. It somewhat makes sense that he took the sheriff jacket so they state police thought he was the sheriff and then killed him but really anyone could have ahd access to the sheriffs stuff at the police station. Also the killer has to be a man unless it is a vermanly woman because the way they are showing somepart of the person the person has manly features like their hands legs and hip area. Ihope jimmy isn’t the killer though I like him.

June 22, 2009 at 9:47 AM

1-Cal is the only one to “escape” a trap (could have been one of the traps that 1/2 burned guy had and not necessarily one that Wakefield set)
2-Booth is the only one to “die” of an accident. Could still be alive. (Daddy Wakefield could have dug him up after he was “buried”)
3-JD is the only one that we dont know how he was killed, or the extent of his injuries, so he could still be alive.(perhaps aided by big bro Henry — they could have faked his death to either divert suspicion away from JD or so that JD can either find Wakefield and kill him or so that he can continue to assist Wakefield and possibly big bro)
I know — this is way out there, but it IS Hollywood!!
4-Nikki is the only one that did not have anyone make an attempt on her life during the “bar” episode.
5-Maddison is the only one

June 22, 2009 at 9:49 AM

Maddison is the only one “kidnapped” and not hurt — sorry — forgot to finish that thought!!

June 22, 2009 at 10:57 AM

I still say Jimmy, its too convienent that hes alive still and wakefield told the sheriff he could live if he went along. Although Henry definetly looks like he could be Abbys brother. How many episodes are left

June 22, 2009 at 11:33 AM

3 episodes left –
I think Henry and Abby are related- but only Henry knows it which is why he is so protective over Abby-

June 22, 2009 at 12:16 PM

I’m with Alyse, I think it is Henry. The clue being the conversation Shane and Henry had in the bar. Shane said he hated Henry and gang even more because they came back to the island and asked him WHY he came back and WHY he wanted to get married there. And I think the reason WHY is becasue that is the ONLY way Abby would come back! The Sheriff said that Wakefield’s game is to destroy everything you love and use it against you. Wakefield loved and lost Abby’s mom so maybe he wanted revenge on the Sheriff and Abby. And maybe it took years and years for Wakefield to find his child.

Having HENRY be Wakefied’s son makes sense, because Henry is the reason Abby came back. Why he is killing now is a little hazy though…if this is all about Abby, then they could have killed her in the big city rather than kill so many innocent people. But I suppose if it is a game to Wakfield maybe killing Abby off the island would have been too easy and boring to him.

Also, having the second killer be Jimmy (or making Jimmy Wakfield’s son) doesn’t make a lot of sense because he had no way to get Abby back on the island. Only Henry could get her back so I really think it has to be Henry.

I too was hoping the killer reveal would be some super plot twist and was dissapointed that it turned out to be Wakefield but I hope the “second” killer” is more exciting.

P.S. – I really hope the second killer is not Jimmy because then the Sheriff’s death meant nothing. He sacrificed himself for his daughter’s happiness.

June 22, 2009 at 12:19 PM

One other thing…can’t figure Nikki out, is she good? Is she evil? They made a huge scene of having Maggie state that locals must be “safe” because Nikki wasn’t shot, and then made us watch her walk away and then her hanging death scene, so why didn’t the killer off Nikki when he had the chance?

But again, I think that it must be Henry because Abby only came back to the island because Henry was getting married there.

June 22, 2009 at 12:26 PM

Ok, one more thing then I am done…Madison bugs. She is too old to play games and she should know better. If she was younger I could understand how she could be so easily manipulated but there is no way that a girl her age, woth her perception, would flat out lie like that, and then say it was all part of the “game”. Kids that age are too smart and they know right from wrong.

June 22, 2009 at 1:15 PM

wow, the theories are amazing.
and the show really keeps us puzzled, i truly hope it won’t turn out lame – Wakefield being alive was already kind of a downer..

i’m still not buying the Booth theory, it’s too far-fetched in my opinion.
i do still think the killer is Henry; another theory that popped in my mind was that maybe Wakefield wasn’t on the island from the beginning but he just recently heard about the murders and came to get the copy-cat (who, if my theory holds, is Henry, Wakefields son.. but maybe Wakefield doesn’t know? in his journal it states that they had a child, maybe he thinks it’s Abby but it’s really Henry?).
the only flaw with this theory is JD – if Henry turns out to be Wakefields son, who’s JD??

Also, if Madison was taken by a “friend” of hers, wasn’t there a scene earlier on where Henry and Madison made friends with each other?

P.S. damn, Jimmy is getting sexier with each episode!

June 22, 2009 at 1:55 PM

Liis: I thought Madison and JD became “friends” but I could be mistaken. Maybe it was Madison and Henry.

And that is a good point, what if the “real” killer is someone else, possibly Wakefield’s child, who somehow came across the journal.

What if Wakefield only came to the island to get revenge on the Sheriff and Abby but stumbled into the otehr murders taking place? That would be trippy if Wakefield starts helping Abby!

June 22, 2009 at 4:34 PM

After seeing the preview for next week I’m pretty sure that it isn’t Jimmy– it smelled an awful lot like the set-ups for JD and the Sheriff. I also have a hard time buying it since if the Sheriff really did find all kinds of dirt on Jimmy and believed he was the killer, he probably wouldn’t have traded in his life for Jimmy’s so he and Abby could be together.

I’m feeling a something a little off about Chloe, though I can’t pin down exactly why. All I can think is that when she and Cal were in the clinic with Mills it seemed like she was deliberately trying to get him out of the room. . .

This show is screwing with my head!

June 23, 2009 at 4:49 AM

Ok so John Wakefield was revealed as one killer in episode 10 and there’s supposed to be another killer and I’m about 98% sure it’s Henry because:

1. It’s his wedding and he’s the one that wanted it to be on Harper’s Island so maybe he purposely did that so him and Wakefield could kill people off.
2. His parents are supposedly dead but we don’t know that for sure so he could be Wakefield’s son.
3. If he is Wakefield’s son then that makes him and Abby half brother/half sister which is why they are such good friends and why he’s always defending her.
4. He was going to marry a Wellington — a very rich family. Now, Mr. Wellington is dead, Katherine is dead, Madison has a “new friend”, and Richard is dead. That leaves Trish and Shea but I heard Trish is suppose to die next episode. I don’t know if that’s true but if it is then maybe Henry expects to inherit the Wellington family’s fortune.
5. I highly doubt it’s Jimmy because if he is Wakefield’s son then he would be related to Abby and and wouldn’t he know that?!?! And they’re dating…… I think that if he did he wouldn’t date her because that’s really gross!!!
6. Him and JD never really got along…. ever. I think it’s because Henry was adopted since he is really Wakefield’s son and JD and him are just complete opposites because of it. And I don’t know if the producers purposely did it or what but Henry and JD didn’t even look a like… maybe it was supposed to be because of what I explained or maybe it was just coincidence.
7. In the last few episodes it seems like he hasn’t wanted Abby to go off alone…. maybe because he’s afraid that Wakefield will kill her and he wants her to be alive until the very end for whatever reason.
8. He had unexplained cuts on his arm.
9. While everyone else finds it easy to say that Abby is Wakefield’s kid, Henry is always trying to convince them that “maybe” she isn’t…. because he knows she isn’t and he is??
10. Nobody that he loves has died yet: Trish, Abby, Chloe, Cal and the groomsmen other then Malcolm but I think the motive for his murder was what happened with Booth and he was mad at him….. again… coincidence or a hint???

And for all the murders that show it can’t be him, then it was Wakefield and all the murders that he could have committed then it could have either been him or Wakefield.

And him being shot at may have be Wakefield’s way of throwing suspicion off of his accomplice. Plus, Henry was the one that lead them to The Cannery…. maybe because he knew that Wakefield needed the Candlewick to be empty that night so Abby could meet her dad and run into Wakefield.

I also think that it can’t be Booth even if he is alive because I just can’t see him committing such violent murders. Like, everyone suspected he went home to his mom when he went missing so he’s a total mama’s boy and just seems to soft for the kind of murders that are going on.

June 23, 2009 at 7:03 PM

“nobody that he loves has died yet”

what about Uncle Marty?

June 23, 2009 at 8:54 PM

Uncle Marty was the second person killed and remember how at the beginning he got the gun out of that bag of money??? Well, if Henry and Wakefield really are after money then there’s the motive. And when Abby and JD told him that they found Uncle Marty dead, he didn’t seem too devastated. I would assume that since that’s like the only family he has that he would fall apart, kinda like how Trish took her dad’s death.

June 23, 2009 at 5:21 AM

One more thing: I’m assuming that Nikki wasn’t killed because she means nothing really but Maggie is the wedding planner and runs the Candlewick Inn. So, Nikki was of no importantce to Wakefield and the other killer (I think it’s Henry) but they had to have Maggie dead because the purpose seems to sabotoge the wedding and she’s the planner and there’s that chance that she may have gone back to the Candlewick Inn since she runs it and Wakefield needed it to be empty so he could kill the Sheriff and run into Abby.

June 23, 2009 at 2:21 PM

I haven’t actually been trying to solve the mystery, but did the producers ever say if it was a fair mystery? Have we been given all the clues to solve it, or are they able to pull things out of a hat to create a solution?

I like nonames comment about why the Maggie would be killed even though she’s a local.

Booth was lying there dead and got buried. We never saw his body again, and they never did find the grave to dig him up, but even as agitated as Malcolm was, I don’t think he’d bury someone who was still alive.

and no, Bobby can never die.

June 26, 2009 at 3:52 PM

I also agree it is Henry. He seems like a normal skinny kid, but he is definitely scrappy. He has also successfully kept everyone on the Island. When they wanted to leave, he told them they had to look for the little girl.

I’m guessing that both He and Abby are Wakefield’s kids. They are twins. The sheriff said she was his daughter, but didn’t say she was his biological daughter.

I think that it was very significant that he gave Abby the missing page of the diary so willingly. Everyone was wondering if he was going to lie about having it, and he didn’t. That was done to throw everyone off. I say it’s Henry.

June 27, 2009 at 7:04 PM

I actually think that it is Jimmy. My theory is that Jimmy is actually Wellington’s son. He is never around when the murders take place (usally right after if we do see him).Many years ago when Abby was running through the woods and Wellington almost caught her, Jimmy is the one who stopped him from hurting her. I don’t think he wanted him to hurt her and he did let her know that he is the one who stopped Wellington, maybe because he wanted to kill her himself because he wanted revenge for their mother giving him up and keeping her. Her father sent her away suddenly before he could do anything and since they didn’t keep in touch he couldn’t hurt her while she was away. Henry actually still spoke to her all of these years and if he wanted to hurt Abby he could have done it. JD did say it was all about her so that is why I think the murders are happening now that she is back on the island. Again, these are just theories, I could be totally wrong!

June 30, 2009 at 8:13 AM

This is getting about ridiculous. Where in God’s name are all the rest of the people who live on the island, you know all the bar people from the beginning of the movie? I’m glad this show is ending — it’s getting really stupid.

June 30, 2009 at 4:19 PM

I began to think it might be Henry after Abby found JD and Henry had blood all over himself. If you look real close at the hands of the person who shoots the State Police, they look like Henry’s.

I don’t believe it is Jimmy becasue Abby’s dad told her to stay with Jimmy. He loves you. I do believe that Jimmy was helping the Sherriff track down Wakefield.

July 8, 2009 at 7:12 AM

I think it’s Henry. I think he’s Wakefield’s kid and he’s resentful that Sarah stayed with Abby and that he got left behind, for whatever reason. It was him who brought and kept everyone at on the island and he was at the harbor in Seattle when the cousin Ben was killed and strapped to the bottom of the boat. He used to work on boats and live on the island so his qualifications match up the same as Jimmy’s. The thing for me is the early episode when he was shooting discs off against Wellington. He let Wellington win and we saw that he’s a dead shot. Whenever anyone takes a shot at Wakefield, they miss but Henry always has a gun. If he took the shot, he’d kill him. Why doesn’t he? Because he’s in on it!

July 8, 2009 at 12:23 PM

I am strongly convinced that the killer is none other than Sherrif Mills. Ya ya, wakefield killed him, but after reading “And then there were none” i started thinking: The killer in that book was the one person who had all suspicion removed from him, ie, the sheriff being hung. And the stuff in his attic, he could always just say, why would i kill ppl when ive got all that stuff in my attic?

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