CliqueClack TV

Jimmy’s not Wakefield’s accomplice on Harper’s Island




I knew my feeling about tunnels around the island from way back when would pay off. This isn’t the last we’ll see of them, either, as I believe this is how the accomplice was able to slip around the island whilst still having an alibi all this time. That is, if there is an accomplice.

I’m going on the record to say that I believe Jimmy as an accomplice to be a red herring. I had him pegged as the prime suspect long ago, but I really think we’re being taken for a ride. I guess it’s sort of like with finding out Wakefield is still around and doing at least most of the killings: if it is Jimmy helping him out, at this point it’ll be a bit of a let down.

What’s interesting to note is how Wakefield went through so much trouble to pick people off one by one, hidden in the shadows, yet now he’s coming out with both guns (er, big fricken knife) blazing … that is, if he’s been working alone all along.

I’ve gotta say, this show is still not pulling many punches when it comes to displaying gruesome, almost hard to watch death scenes (Cal, anyone?). I wonder if Wakefield will get some major comeuppance in the finale or if he’ll be hauled away by the authorities, with the hint that he may return in another season had the show gotten a renewal. Hm … did they possibly shoot two different finales to account for that possibility?

I’d still love to find out that Booth is the accomplice, though my second choice at this point logically has to be Henry.


I just have to get a few things off my chest before I get to my latest theory. I’d like to think that if I were in the same situation as these people, I’d handle things a bit differently. I’m sure that I’d hold someone’s hand the entire time, run at full speed and pray while I’m running. I won’t be taking slow, backwards steps out of a room that a serial killer bursts into, and I know I won’t be stopping to light any candles in a church. Oh, and dead is dead, and I’m pretty sure my loved ones would not want me to risk my life by taking care of their soulless corpses. Fight or flight, folks — where are your instincts?

Then again, if I were a serial killer, I probably wouldn’t kidnap someone to use as bait when I already had the whole lot of them trapped in a church together.

There are some things I adored about this episode, though: Cal and Sully bonding, Sully finding his tender side, even Danny having his crybaby breakdown. And even though it broke my heart, I love what they did to Cal and Chloe. If you are anything like me, you were rooting for them far more than for Trish and Henry, and killing Cal off in front of Chloe and then having her choose suicide over murder was just the right choice to get the viewers angry for justice.

Jimmy … what of Jimmy? I agree with Keith that Jimmy’s probably not our accomplice. Remember what a great relationship the sheriff had with him? And I think Jimmy was legitimately wondering why Wakefield didn’t kill him.

Now, to my theory: Suppose that Jimmy is Wakefield’s son, and the reason that the sheriff sent Abby away is because he knew that. That doesn’t make Jimmy an accomplice, and the whole Seattle police mugshot is likely a red herring. It doesn’t tell us who the second killer is, and I still have yet to find a way to tie in the money, but this could be my long-lost relative thing finally coming to fruition.

When Wakefield said to Chloe that he almost died for a woman like her, I’m betting he was referring to Sarah, Abby’s (and Jimmy’s?) mom, and perhaps Wakefield is getting revenge for Abby leaving him, just like Sarah left Wakefield all those years ago.

And to Keith’s point about Wakefield’s public murder spree … the early killings, some of them, had to do with the money. There’s going to be another killer.

Photo Credit: Chris Helcermanas-Benge/CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

33 Responses to “Jimmy’s not Wakefield’s accomplice on Harper’s Island”

June 27, 2009 at 10:52 PM

I’m with you guys… There’s no way that Jimmy is the accomplice. They just pushed way to hard in that final scene for that to be the case.

Cal was always my outside pick for one of the survivors (I think that, if Abby, Henry, and Trish are all not murders, I think they’re locks to live), so it was very disappointing when he and Chloe died. I actually had thought Wakefield was going to spare Chloe, letting her live after having watched him murdered in front of him, but when she chose to follow him into the river, well, I thought that was a pretty cool thing. Cal (and Chloe) have come a long way in the eyes of the viewer since the premier, and its a shame to see the both of them go.

June 28, 2009 at 12:09 AM

I think that the Cal/Chloe ending was so sad and beautiful at the same time. Especially with that song playing in the background. I don’t think Jimmy is the 2nd killer either-my guess it’s either Henry or someone that was shown but not at that psychic or that girl at the newspaper office. Why would Henry not take a shot at Wakefield when Abby missed? Why would he separate from Cal? He’s the one who told everyone to partner off and block off the entrances. Though Jimmy/Trish were the only ones who listened to him. Sully/Danny started to but then ended up in the tunnels. This show is addictive. I am excited for the finale next week and sad at the same time as there will be no more Harper’s Island to look forward too.

Also if Jimmy was Wakefield’s kid (mother being Sarah) then wouldn’t Sarah have known that? She wouldn’t have allowed Abby to go off on that “camping” trip. No, its definitely not Jimmy. Maybe Booth b/c Malcolm was so sketchy on burying him. I just hope all the questions are answered like who put the deer’s head in the bath tub? Who was in Malcolm’s room and turned on the shower after Booth shot himself? And also hasn’t Wakefield only killed the locals? Was Cal the only non-local he killed? Oh the theories and questions. Love this show !

June 28, 2009 at 3:15 AM

IF it so happens that Jimmy WAS Wakefields son.. it seems to make sense that if the Sheriff knew, he would send Abby away to get her away from Jimmy.. but at the same time.. that would mean that Jimmy is her half brother correct? Cause he had a child with Sarah. You’d think that if the Sheriff knew they were brother and sister.. he would have prevented their relationship long ago, not for the purpose that Jimmy is a murderers son, but because that’s gross. Incest.

June 28, 2009 at 3:17 AM

“Cause he had a child with Sarah” .. being Wakefield, clearly.

June 28, 2009 at 3:34 AM

First off- love the show. It really is a great summer treat.

But here’s something I’ve wondered about — where the he-l is everyone from the island. I mean The Cannery was busy just a few nights ago. Quite a few people lived on that island right. I know the had The Chadwick guests leave on a boat at one point, but did the locals leave as well – or are they all in their house just hoping to get power back soon so they can watch the next CSI episode or nightly news. Just something I’ve been wondering.

Okay- Cal and Chloe. My god that was rough. I hate to see them die. At one point I thought Wakefield would push Cal aside and kill Chloe. I had my hands covering my eyes peaking out. I so wanted them to make it. i think it was the episode of them getting the ring back that pulled me into their story. I thought it was wonderful that Chloe let go, so beautifully sad.

Fu-k if I know if Wakefield had an accomplice or who it is – I’m clueless. I had finally got timelines to figure things out and the thought of it being two people throws that out the window.
I agree with ChaCha though – Jimmy can’t be Wakefield’s kid. Abby’s mom would never of wanted that relationship to happen.

How many episodes are left. I so want answers, but I don’t want it to end either.
Interesting how everyone always goes back to Booth at some point

Thanks for writing about this show!
just my thoughts

June 28, 2009 at 7:05 AM

this episode was really sad for me cus of the cal/chloe part. cal barely survived the shots he got earlier. sully saved him and they finally got along. its really sad how wakefield killed him. i like it how chloe chose to let go and join cal that way. that was just nice to watch. and the background music. so good! i dun get how people can NOT LIKE this show. its so good.

im very sure now that henry is the 2nd killer. theres no one else left actually. henry is the one who knows all the ones that have been killed. he planned his wedding/killing rampage well, i must say. is next week really the last episode? i had thought theres a couple more episodes. how many are there in total?

harper’s island rawks!

June 28, 2009 at 8:58 AM

I can’t see Jimmy being Wakefield’s son. We’re led to believe that he and Abby are the same age, which would mean they’d have to be twins. Then there’s the fact that Abby’s mother wasn’t bothered about Abby seeing Jimmy – I doubt she’d be in favor of the incest of her own children.

As for the second season, it was stated in various interviews that there would be no continuation into a second season. If the show was to do well for CBS liking, the format would come back, but under a different name, with a new cast, and a completely new scenario. All of which explains them plugging it as a mystery “event”. I honestly hope they do a brand new 13 episode series in this format, it’d be fun to have a new mystery to speculate on and they could learn from some of their mistakes in terms of pacing and under-development of some characters.

Anyway, why didn’t Trish shoot Wakefield? I mean, he’s squaring off against Shane, and she could have just took a few steps forward and shot him and close range – I doubt even she could have missed. They should have had her just run, I agree on that. It would have made way more sense that way.

Jimmy being the accomplice is possible. He was the obvious candidate for the killings right from the very first episode. However, if we’re going with the theory that whoever the accomplice is will most likely be Wakefield and Sarah’s child, then I think there are more logical characters such as Henry and Sully.

June 28, 2009 at 10:46 AM

I’m not ready to let go of the Nikki is the killer’s accomplice theory just yet. Her death may have been cleverly staged, and no one bothered to really give her a second, closer look once they thought she was dead.

Anybody here remember “And Then There Were None”? There was a character in that who set the example for this subterfuge……

But in two weeks it’ll be all over and we’ll find learn the truth…..

June 28, 2009 at 11:13 AM

I am going with the Booth theory as possibly her brother and the accomplice. It is possible for a shot in the leg to be staged and they never did dig up the body. The “nerd” act could just be a cover. He also didn’t have a huge role in the show so we didn’t really get the chance to get to know him that well. The sherriff did say that he never found Wakefield’s body either.

I don’t think it’s Jimmy because if that file the sherriff had on him had incriminating evidence then he never would have let his daughter see him. Also, if he was her brother then her mom wouldn’t have let her go “camping”. I think the previews send us in that direction to make us think all week. Why would they give anything away before we watch? I think his confession is something unrelated to the killings or being her brother.

All I can do now is watch in 2 weeks and see how it unfolds. I can’t wait!! I love this show…actually I would say I’m obsessed!

June 28, 2009 at 11:52 AM

Remember when The sheriff was tied up and he said that he made a deal to keep Jimmy alive b/c Abbey and Jimmy were meant to be together? Why would he say that if he had a file on Jimmy in his attic? I dont believe it is Jimmy. The sheriff knew he was going to die so why would he say those things to Abbey? I have always thought it was Henry. I dont know if I buy into the whole brother thing either. Did anyone ever see the movie “April Fool’s Day” ? Remember at the end it was all fake. The girl was opening a murder mystery house. I wonder if this could be the same thing. If you get caught ~ You are out. Maybe the Candlewick is going to do the same thing !

June 28, 2009 at 4:16 PM

After last week’s disappointment at finding the killer is Wakefield (even if we find out he had an accomplice it’s still going to be a letdown), this week’s episode was again disappointing both emotionally and logically. Why would Wakefield not have killed Chloe when he kidnapped her? He mentioned something about using Chloe as a ruse to catch Cal and then he ultimately killed him, but why would he kill Cal and not Abby or Madison or Chloe? Also, these people are definitely lousy shots. Trish may have something to do with it, since she clearly had an opportunity to shoot Wakefield and didn’t; the same could be said of Henry who seemed to try and convince Abby not to go after Wakefield. With Cal and Chloe sadly gone, I’m actually at a point where other than Abby, I won’t be too upset at whoever else gets killed in the 2 hour finale. I just hope they spend a good amount of time explaining not only why he/they did it, but how.

June 28, 2009 at 4:56 PM

Sully. I think it could still be Sully. He has liked Chloe all along, and Wakefield captured and locked her up. (To protect his son, Sully?)
Chloe: Why are you doing this to us? We didn’t do anything to you!
Wakefield: I almost died for a woman like you.
Chloe: My friends are gonna find me, and they’re gonna KILL YOU!

Could he have hidden her to help keep Sully’s eyes on the prize? To be sure he didn’t have any distractions?
Then it seemed odd that later he asked Chloe, “Is your fiance willing to die for you?” Almost as if to hint that he was willing to die for the woman she reminded him of.

Earlier after Sully had helped Cal (to avoid suspicion?)Cal said he wanted to find Chloe and get her off the island, Sully responded with “I just want Chloe”. It appeared to be a joke to help lighten the mood for Cal, but Sully also seemed quite serious. I think when he finds that Chloe is dead he will show himself shortly after that.

Now, my other thoughts are this (since we can’t really rule any of them out with the Wakefield variable…what a wrench in the gears)

*Henry is the killer, but the motive is unclear to me right now…Maybe Wakefield’s kid, but Sully looks more like Wakefield. Besides without the marriage, no money. Also Trish is in her wedding gown in the previews, so there must be a notary around. LOL
*Jimmy: WAY TOO Billy Loomis (Scream) but if we go with the Billy Loomis/Scream theory…
*Henry and Jimmy would be the likely killers. Both worked on the rich peoples boats. Both can hunt, fish etc.
*And then the Hide and Seek theory: It’s Abby.
*Trish or Shea…both stand to gain alot of money, and Shea could have planted those newspapers in Richard’s briefcase and the whole thing could be because she is Wakefield’s daughter (also the same age as her step mom) and feels hurt by her husband, therfore she was trying to protect her sister from the same hurt. And why not profit at it too!
*But I would rather it be Madison…that kid creeps me out!

I will not lie, I cried when Cal died and Chloe told Wakefield “You can’t have me” before letting go of the rail and falling to the river below to the song “Letters From the Sky” (OMG, how perfect!)

Lets face it,
we can all guess, but the writer(s) already broke the rules with this one, remember the tagline?
13 weeks
25 suspects
1 killer

I will miss it when it’s gone though!

June 28, 2009 at 11:34 PM

OMG This show is amazing. I can’t wait two weeks for the finale. I can’t decide if the killer is Henry or Trish. I don’t think it’s Jimmy or Abby. Maybe Booth I never really thought about him but I’m beginning to lean towards Trish. I think she’s doing it because she knows that Henry is in love with Abby. Maybe Henry and Abby had a thing and Trish knew about it. I dunno but I have a feeling its Trish or hre sister maybe. Anyway I can’t wait to see who it is!!!

June 29, 2009 at 2:18 AM

I am with Kim all the way…I have thought it was Trish for a while now for the exact same reasons…I think she is jealous of Abby. She seems so nicey nice to her, but so much has been said about how Abby and Henry are best friends, etc. And her (IMO very weird) sister could be the one who is doing it FOR her! I was really disturbed by the fact that Trish didn’t take a shot at Wakefield when he and Shane were going at it, too…very STRANGE! Tonight it really seemed like Henry, though. He seems very suspicious to me. And, yes, I agree that target practice would be helpful for these people.

June 29, 2009 at 3:13 AM

Chloe and Cal’s death scene was the most beautiful thing I’ve witnessed on screen in a long time. Though slightly clicheed, and aside the fact that I don’t really take this show seriously, Cal and Chloe had a very convincing love, and Chloe’s last line, after looking at Cal’s body: “You can’t have me” was gorgeous. Of course I thought it’d be cool if they panned on the river and saw Chloe and Cal’s bodies right next to eachother (while I also had a hysterical vision of her body-flopping him.)

June 29, 2009 at 8:35 AM

actually, them missing with the shotguns makes some sense. Shotguns have a tendency to fire wide, and it’s a big explosion that will jerk the person’s hands if they don’t know how to compensate. I’d have to go back to the early episode that showed them trap shooting, but if i recall correctly, it was the father and Henry who had shooting skills, and as has been noted, Henry very clearly was NOT shooting at Wakefield when he was seen.

I’m up with several of the commenters in this thread in at least half-thinking that it may be Sully. it’s definitely the best logical excuse for why Wakefield didn’t just out-right kill Sully. Remember that through the whole show, Sully’s been asking why Chloe likes Cal so much. Sully and Cal had their adventure and bonded, and Sully saw how much Cal really loved Chloe, but if he is Wakefield’s accomplice, there was no time to tell Wakefield to not push the testing the Chloe/Cal connection. It also explains the question that Wakefield asked — he was taunting that Cal really didn’t love her as much as Sully did. Sully’s discussions with the other friend (I never have caught his name) have some potential double meaning if it’s Sully as well. Plus, as they came out of the pipe, he was looking at the river as though he was watching for a body or something else to be there, and if he’s the accomplice, he’d have known about the trap for Cal.

it can’t be Jimmy — every obvious clue like that at a cliffhanger has been a red herring. But it does raise the question of why Wakefield saved him.

the end of the show indicated that in 2 weeks (they’re taking the 4th of July off), they’ll run the final two episodes as a 2 hour finale.

and while it is the absolute end of the season, the lack of townies is very odd, but also consistent with horror/mystery stories.

and it’s easy to forget since he was the first victim, but Henry’s uncle had the money first, so there’s a strong potential connection to Henry with the whole money angle.

June 29, 2009 at 8:36 AM

note to administrators: is there any way to get numbers on the comments? it would be a lot easier to say — oh yeah, #12 up there had a good point. I realize that numbers can sometimes be used to quantify (my post got 12 responses and yours only got 2), but for posts like this that do get a lot of responses, comparatively, it would be nice.

June 29, 2009 at 9:29 AM

Good point — we’ll look into it. You can also just mention the person’s name in your reply to get more personal or reply directly to their comment (click the reply link below the comment).

June 29, 2009 at 2:43 PM

Everyone has such good theories. I never once suspected a woman as the accomplice but that would be great for “shock” value. I had suspected Sully and even Henry a little bit, but as for the motive, you got me.

I just can’t wait for the finally to see who’s theory is correct.

June 29, 2009 at 2:45 PM

Oh and I found the Cal/Chloe scene very touching…very Romeo and Juliette in a way.

June 29, 2009 at 3:43 PM

I haven’t checked any blogs about this show until now, because I was curious to see what some of the theories about the second killer are.

I totally agree with many of the other people that say it’s too obvious to be Jimmy. I don’t think the Sheriff would have made such a big deal to Abby about Jimmy if he actually suspected him to be an accomplice.

Personally, I think it’s either Henry or Trish. If you think about it, none of those people would be there if it wasn’t for the wedding. One of them could have easily plotted with Wakefield about how many people were coming and who they were long before anyone got there.

And I don’t recall the story behind Henry’s parents, but I know they died a long time ago and that’s when his uncle kind of stepped in and took care of him and his brother. Perhaps Abby’s dad had something to do with their death (like I said – I can’t recall exactly what happened to them), or maybe Abby and Henry are actually siblings??? I am strongly leaning towards Henry, especially after a previous poster brought up the target shooting earlier in the series where we find out that Henry was pretty darn good at.

I really want to go back and watch the first few episodes again and look for some clues!

June 29, 2009 at 8:44 PM

OK. Gotta admit I have been disappointed by these last two eps. Some stuff doesn’t make any sense to me, or is just plain ridiculous. For example, why in God’s name would the Sheriff lie all that time– and to his own daughter– that he had shot Wakefield dead? Especially once the murders started, wouldn’t he want to warn people???And who the heck is in Wakefield’s grave (“it’s another body”– excuse me? That’s one helluva police department they’re running there!) Why would the innkeeper Maggie suddenly have a personality change after being with the wedding party for a week and stupidly and arrogantly leave the Cannery alone thinking she was safe? Why does Wakefield let Abby get away? What does he even want with any of them? Why doesn’t Trish even TRY to shoot Wakefield? Why does Cal deliberately run into what he knows is a dead end when Wakefield is after him and Chloe? Why does Trish insist that they are “safe” in the sheriff’s attic? Why does everyone run off alone all the time? And why hasn’t anyone killed that damn freak Madison yet?

Sadly, the show jumped the shark second to last episode. I’m a bit heartbroken. But still watching.

They darn well better explain about the money, about Cousin Ben, and at least some of the inconsistencies over the last coupla eps. And provide some motive.


June 29, 2009 at 11:06 PM

i dont care who dies anymore because uncle marty was my favorite character, then jd, but must of all cal. i also liked chloe cause if you like one you like the other. i now just hope someone gives wakefield h3// for what he did to cal and shane ( i liked shane a lot too)

June 29, 2009 at 11:12 PM

i dont care anymore who dies cause shane cal and chloe were my favorite. i just hope wakefield gets it hard for what he did to shane and cal and im happy he couldnt kill chloe. i think it COULD but might not be, jimmy because they kept giving us red herring, making us think that everytime they give us a big clue its false. now that were in that pattern, if they showed jimmy try to get a gun and shoot trish, be saved by the CRUELEST guy in the world, and have a confession, they KNEW that itd make us think its NOT him. I didnt belive it was richard, jd, or the sheiriff. but its the last episode and it could easily be jimmy. there’s no more to hide

June 30, 2009 at 4:17 AM

Trish makes perfect sense…And the wedding dress is the give away! WHY would you go back to the Candlewick and put the gown on?
In the preview I noted she asked something like “who’s there” from in her room, and she appeared to be in her gown. Any female who has ever been to prom, or got married, knows those are easy to take off, but a pain in backside to get on. Some dirty old killer or fishmonger could never get that dress on her! (He’d br lucky to get a dress like that off her too…lol)
I felt from early on that the killer may be a woman, my mom argued with me, pushing that the person would have to have a lot of strength to pull off these kind of murders, I argued back that a pully system would make very light of the work…(Note the pully when the Sheriff died)
Early on Abby was questioned if she and Henry ever had a relationship, she never answered because Henry interupted the conversation. After killing her dad, Wakefield seemed surprised that Abby “didn’t know” why he was killing people. Interesting.
Henry was a pretty good shot, he seemed to miss his skeet shooting on purpose…(Richard had said, “Do you have what it takes to be a Wellington?” interesting. And he never took any easy shots at Wakefield and he kept stopping Abby from going after him.
Too many suspects.
Like I said before, this “Mystery Event” had all the rules broken with the 1 killer thing.

June 30, 2009 at 3:49 PM

I think the sheriff had a file on Jimmy from a long time ago…he knew Jimmy and his daughter had a thing so he checked Jimmy out…sounds like something a father who also happens to be sheriff would do. I doubt Jimmy is Wakefield’s kid and I doubt he is an accomplice.

Kinda starting to doubt that Wakefield’s kid with Sarah has anything to do with this, actually. But my money is still on Sully or Henry.

I concur that the Cal/Chloe deaths were really well done. But did it occur to anyone that Chloe survived the fall? Maybe she as just playing dead.

So odd that Trish didn’t shoot Wakfield when she had the chance. Also odd that Henry didn’t take a lot of shots at him either.

More odd that Trish is in her wedding dress in the previews for the finale. Unless it is some sort f flashback, why oh why would she put on that dress when everyone is dead or dying? Really bizarre.

Still enjoying the show but I really hope it turns out to be a good reason for all the death, not just Wakefiled getting revenge on the sheriff.

June 30, 2009 at 10:33 PM

My proof: In one of the episodes, JD was shown looking at a patch of blond hair on his forehead. A.K.A. he is not a brunette like Henry. Why does Henry have dark hair and his ‘brother’ doesn’t? Because he is Wakefield’s child. I think that’s the reason we haven’t been hearing too much about his parent’s supposed death.
I agree that Jimmy is a distraction from the real secret accomplice. In the preview for the finale, Abby was defending him. She would not be defending him if what he had to admit to her was something that tied him in the Wakefield murders.
I also read someone else’s theory that the accomplice (or maybe the secret child) might be Sully. Remember how he wanted Chloe? Well, Wakefield kept her alive didn’t he? And did he do that for anyone else? Maybe he was saving her for Sully. That makes sense, doesn’t it?

July 4, 2009 at 12:35 PM

I was so shocked when I seen Chloe let go… I mean i knew she was gonna let go right when she looked down at Cal. I hope she didnt die. I mean she couldve just been faking the death and then on the next epeisode theyll find her alive. I just hope shes alive so much,she was my favorite character. I hope shes alive so her and Sully can get together. I think theyre a good couple. Fingers crossed!!!!

July 5, 2009 at 6:50 PM

I have to agree with some other peoples comments. I wouldnt be just tiptoeing away from John Wakefield if he was gonna kill me.Some of these people are horrible shooters, I mean how hard is it to shoot someone while there standing still and not even knick them??? Also why would u face Wakefield when ur probobly gonna die?

Also Henry seems pretty suspicious to me. Every time Abby tries to go after Wakefield he always stops her, could there be a reason for it,like hes the accomplice? Abby was right there and could have shot him several times but Henry always stopped her saying we need to stratagize more. Wtf why strategize when u could kill him right there??

All these people are saying that booths still alive, when how could that be when Malcolm even buried him. Obviously hes dead and not coming back.

As for Jimmy, hes obviously not the accomplice because theyre making it seem so obvious. He could be Wakefields child though because why would Wakefield spare him twice? When he was at the Cannery passed out why didnt Wakefield kill him then? Maybe cause hes his child??

As for Chloe I really hope she didnt die,she was my fave character. I was routing for her and Sully to get together because I think theyd be a good couple. Hopefully she didnt die.

Well that concludes my thoeries. Hope you take the time to think about these things.

July 7, 2009 at 3:14 AM


Are you serious you are basing that Henry is his son because of hair????.. Your Hair inst hereditary a son/daughter can have be a redhead when both their parents are brunette, As long as there has been a person in your gene pool that has had red hair before. So you stating that he is the son due to the color of his hair is almost impossible to prove.
My Input… Jimmy is his son.
From the very beginning the sheriff hated jimmy for a reason we never knew. Its because he found out that his wife gave birth to him with a different man. It explains why the killer didn’t kill him because lets be honest he would have killed him if he was anyone else. Also jimmy and Shaun at the beginning of the series where hunting with arrows. and the sheriffs old deputy was killed at is shack bow arrows, Given that the killer has only used a spear and has strung of his victims i believe that the accomplice was the one who killed the ex-Deputy.

There are alot of other little things you need to pay attention to when the killings happen (from how they are killed to what with). So go look over what i have said and make your decision i think you will be surprised.

July 9, 2009 at 3:45 PM

Does any one remember the opening montage from the earlier episodes? They showed Abby with what looked to be a gray-hared woman behind her, screaming. And so far, everyone who has even associated with the wedding party, like Maggie and the Rev., has either died or is still around.

So, where’s the psychic already? What happened to her?

July 10, 2009 at 8:52 AM

That is such a good question that I haven’t even thought of until now!

July 9, 2009 at 11:12 PM

SPOILER: If you don’t want to know who Wakefield’s accomplice/son is DON”T CONTINUE READING!


Show Spoiler »

So for some unknown reason, Global TV in Canada has aired the first half of the finale tonight, revealing the identity of the accomplice.

Those of you who predicted Henry is Wakefield’s son are so RIGHT. Henry is Abby’s half-brother and is J.W.’s accomplice.

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