CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Starting with season four



Technically, this is more along the lines of a born-again virgin diary. I had a grand plan to watch and review Battlestar Galactica from the start, but I blew it by voraciously attacking the first two seasons worse than Kirstie Alley attacks a buffet. Wocka, Wocka, Wocka! By the time I awoke from my week long DVD viewing marathon, I was on the first disc of season three. Hey, blame Ronald D. Moore for creating such a damn compelling series. At any rate, I’m beginning this diary with what BSG fans tell me is the “all is revealed” season. We shall see.

As season three concluded, there was plenty to talk about. Gaius was a free man, Laura’s cancer returned, Lee quit the military, Starbuck came back alive, and the identities of four Cylons were revealed. Whew! That’s a lot to digest. Enough of my rambling. It’s time to pop some season four cherry.

“He That Believeth in Me”

A full-scale Cylon vs Human space war is a great way to kick things off. So, Anders’ stare down with a Raider causes the toasters to retreat. Hmm. How the hell is he going to explain that one? It makes sense, though. I’m sure the Raiders are programmed to recognize their own kind. Speaking of the “four.” They aren’t hearing “All Along the Watchtower” anymore. Good. I hope I never hear it again. I found its use as a motif silly. Although, I’m pretty sure I haven’t heard the last of it.

Starbuck has no memory of being gone for two months. Her Viper is brand new. The nav computer contains no data. Come on, she’s dead, right? Or at the very least some sort of angel. With all the religious mumbo jumbo dominating the plots, it’s only fitting she’s back to lead the human race to salvation. However, holding a gun to Laura’s head won’t exactly ingratiate herself with the masses.

Gaius Baltar needs to just go away already. I loved the dude when he was a philandering douchebag. Now he’s the philandering leader of a religious cult comprised mostly of nubile women. I can’t fault him for accepting the crown, but he’s turning into a King of Fools. He asks God to save the dying kid, and surprise, surprise, the kid lives. Gaius needs to be the center of attention. I get it. But the whole “Jesus” routine is getting old.

“Six of One”

First off, Katee Sackhoff absolutely killed it in this episode. Starbuck is really losing her shit. Her confrontation with Adama was intense. Her liplock with Lee was long overdue. It’s a shame those two kids just can’t find a way to work things out. She has to love herself before she can love anyone else, and I doubt that’s ever going to happen. Especially, since she’s dead.

The Cylon rebellion angle intrigues me. Boomer continues to be a bitch-on-metal-wheels. Six giving Centurions the power to reason was an astute power play. I dig it when Cavil gets pissed, and he is none too happy. War among the Cylons will put a serious damper on their plans to crush humanity.

I have a feeling I will not like Lee as a politician. The dude rocked as the lovelorn space jockey. A suit and tie, really? Meh. It seems like the writers don’t know what to do with his character. Gaius is Jesus. Starbuck is the key to finding Earth. Laura is dying again. Saul, Chief and Anders are Cylons. By comparison, Lee’s foray into the world of politics is boring.

“The Ties That Bind”

Once I realized Cally was the central figure in the episode, I knew she was a goner. It reminded me of when Kat bought it back in season three. Tory is becoming a major problem. First she hops in the sack with Gaius, now she’s blowing chicks out of airlocks. I suspect Chief won’t be thrilled when and if he discovers she whacked his wife. Tory is hot, but not very likable.

Here’s my issue with Starbuck getting her own ship to find Earth. Adama gives her Anders, Helo, Sharon, Gaeta, Hotdog and a bunch more of his best warriors for what could be a suicide mission. I’m sure it won’t turn out that way, but if I was an Admiral, I wouldn’t hand over that many quality soldiers. Just a thought.

Six continues to be a nudge. Taking over Cavil’s ship with aid from the Centurions was bold, indeed. Watching the so-called superior machines resort to human like behavior makes me giddy. Despite all their technological advancement, the toasters just can’t get along. When you model a machine after a flawed being, can you really expect them to be any different? I think not.

“Escape Velocity”

What a trippy episode. Chief’s goodbye to Cally was tough. I liked the Cally character and wish she had been utilized more. I’m probably in the minority. Chief is not in a good place. His admission to still being hung up on Boomer was a little shocking. I wonder if his still strong feelings for Boomer has anything to do with both of them being Cylons. Or is he just overcome with grief?

Gaius is officially the King of Dogville. Ugh. I wish the thugs who invaded his enclave would have chopped off his annoying head. His “love yourself” and “we are all perfect in God’s eyes” spiel is mind-numbing. Does he really believe what he’s preaching, or is he just placating his followers? With Gaius, I can never tell. Again, I used to like the cat, but now I wish he would die a horrific death.

Saul’s got a thing for the Six prisoner. He’s even hallucinating that she’s Ellen. Hmm. Could Ellen be the fifth Cylon? It could be anyone, I suppose, but I have a suspicion we haven’t seen the last of Ellen. Her sudden arrival on Galactica always bothered me. In other news, Tory has turned into a sexual freak. Nice. She’s eating up Baltar’s loins and his religious ramblings. For my money, these two are a perfect match.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I am liking the direction of season four. Will Starbuck find Earth? How will the Cylon rebellion play out? Are Chief, Saul, Anders and Tory capable of keeping their true identities a secret? Will anyone do me a favor and kill Gaius? So many questions. Such is life as a kinda sorta Battlestar Galactica virgin. Until next time….

Photo Credit: Syfy

12 Responses to “Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Starting with season four”

July 2, 2009 at 4:46 PM

I’m curious to see what you think when everything plays out. The final season of BSG was contraversial among the fanbase if nothing else.

I don’t think you’re the only one who had a fondness for Cally. I think a lot of folks did, and I know I did.

July 2, 2009 at 5:09 PM

Cally who? I don’t know what you’re talking about. There was no unhealthy fondness for Cally at all. Nope. No sir.

Its funny, though. I rewatched the whole thing this spring. Her character changed a lot after New Caprica. Before, she was this little bad ass. After Nicki was born, she turned into a bit of a whiner.

July 2, 2009 at 5:15 PM

Perhaps because her husband was an arsebite.

July 2, 2009 at 11:24 PM

Her fault for marrying a dude that obviously was hung up on another … uh … thing.

Oh, and beat the ever loving crap out of her.

Did you know that they thought about making Figurski Nikki’s dad instead of Hot Dog? Now that would have been cool.

July 3, 2009 at 12:27 AM

Yes, marrying the fellow who broke your jaw is not capital thinking.

I did know that nugget about Figurski. I think that would have been tantamount to character abuse. Poor, poor Cally. Everyone’s dumping ground.

July 4, 2009 at 10:26 AM

Figurski always struck me as one of those lifelong union guys. He probably has good pay, great benefits, lots of friends and guaranteed job security, so would not be the worst choice for a baby daddy.

Other pluses:
1. Not a Cylon.
2. Unlikely to beat/murder his baby’s mother.
3. Dermatologically unrelated to Edward James Olmos.

P.S. I always liked Cally, until New Caprica. But then I liked Tyrol before that too.

July 3, 2009 at 9:59 PM

“His admission to still being hung up on Boomer was a little shocking. I wonder if his feelings for Boomer has anything to do with both of them being Cylons. Or is he just overcome with grief?”….

Amazing. Let me see if I can help out with that one. Maybe….just maybe….it was because he lost the most desirable woman in human and cylon history. This idiot chief knew that he deserted Boomer, (again, the universe’s most beautiful woman), in her most critical hour. His cruel words to her near the end would haunt any lover with guilt but he deserted Boomer….a woman that was far, far over his head. Can you imagine being the man who slighted Boomer? When you actually think about it you suddenly realize that BSG is the ultimate in science FICTION.

I take exception to Boomer being called a “thing”. That statement is obviously the result of an improper attention span in regard to the depth, complexities, and intricate richness in her story. Of course, no offence intended but I thought I would take Boomer’s part in the name of all her fans.

July 3, 2009 at 10:17 PM

I’m sensing that you kinda like Boomer ;)

July 3, 2009 at 11:07 PM

Oh yes, Tim-1 is a loyal man. His 8 love is legendary – and quite charming.

July 4, 2009 at 5:33 PM

Can a machine have a gender?

July 4, 2009 at 8:34 PM

Machines cannot have a gender in the sense of a living sentient life. Machines are composed of lifeless, inorganic matter, only able to animate or produce work or tasks by the various means of the physics of energy known to man. If the question is in regard to the BSG cylons then the question should be respectfully altered to “Are cylons machines or sentient life?) A fair question.

The human body, without the awareness of itself, without the spark of life, is just dead matter. It is the awareness, the soul, if you will, that is the real life. The ability to choose, to know right from wrong, to be aware, etc. is the great divider between life and nothingness. This short summary of such a complex subject is to set up what my answer to the question of what the cylons are (assuming that is the issue here).

Since the cylons can:

Deceive and outsmart the human race and bomb them within an inch of oblivion.

Engineer vast basestars, FTL drives, and even a downloading technology that even humanity was left in the dust….

Have emotions. Emotions that were second to none to the humans when it came to the heights and lows of joy, broken hearts, elations, and hopes.


Self-sacrifice themselves in various ways throughout the series.

The above are only a few examples but the most important proof: The cylons were able to produce the PERFECT woman. And not only one, but a whole line of PERFECTION in the eights. Now if that is not proof of a sentient life I don’t know what is!!!!!!!!

Ah, Dorv, just in case your question was not meant for me or it was just an academic thought….forgive me. It is a BSG related site and I don’t have many shows to post on.

July 6, 2009 at 3:26 PM

I won’t give away anything so I will just add a thing or two more about what you have already commented on. I will play it as if I were at that very point of the series with the depictions of my feelings of the time.

I am in agreement with you on Tory and Baltar (Although when it comes to Baltar we are in large company). But Tory always came across as a bitch. I do not believe, however, that she is falling in with Baltar’s philosophies. I really do not think Baltar half knows what he believes either for that matter. As for Tory, she is there in the capacity as a mole, using sex as the carrot. Of course, it does not preclude that she has fallen for Baltar (or at least the sex part), in the process, we shall see.

Love to hear your thoughts on the final. To say it was controversial is an understatement.

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