CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Mutiny, and Starbuck goes all Jackson Pollock


Where was I? Oh, yeah. Last I left you, Chief was still mourning cute-as-a-button Cally after she was blown out the airlock by evil Tory; Gaius was spewing his “God loves perfection, and since humans are perfect, God loves humans” jargon; Saul was hallucinating that Ellen was the Six prisoner; the Cylons were smack dab in the middle of a Civil War; and Starbuck and her ragtag crew of deep space explorers were still scouring the Universe for the elusive orb known as Earth. So far, I was digging the direction season four was heading. Do I still feel that way?

“The Road Less Traveled”

Chief got a buzzcut. He looks odd, but it’s not like he’s trying to impress anyone what with his wife a corpse and his one-true-love performing lap dances for Cavil. He does suspect foul play in Cally’s death. Of course, Tory is doing her bitchy best to throw him off the scent. Can’t really blame her. I imagine when/if Chief finds out what she did, he’ll throw her a beat down worse than the one he gave Cally.

Starbuck has gone Looney Tunes. She’s painting pretty, pretty colors all over the walls of her quarters. There’s a planet and some stars and a comet, or something. Art confuses me. My favorite Cylon, besides Six, is back: the always entertaining Leoben. He tells Starbuck the Cylons are at war and offers a truce. He then works his verbal voodoo on Kara and convinces her she’s an angel who will lead her people to salvation. Damn, Leoben is one smooth machine.

The idea of joining forces with the toasters doesn’t sit well with the crew. Uh oh. I smell a Crimson Tide mutiny aboard the Demetrius. Helo is taking over. This can’t be good, but what the hell is supposed to do? I mean Starbuck is out of her frakkin’ mind at this point. She wants them to go where, and do what? What we got here is one of them good ol’ fashioned pissing contests. I fear blood will be shed.

Ugh. Gaius the pious is still walking and talking. Could the writers at least give him a broken jaw. Now he’s got Tory beating the God drum. Even if she’s a spy, she appears to buying into his crap. Gaius even reaches out to console Chief. I am so glad Chief told him to frak off. Unfortunately, I have a feeling these two will make nice. Sigh.


Holy shit! Poor little Felix just got his leg shattered by a bullet from Anders’s gun. Sucks for him. All of this hullabaloo and Starbuck and Sharon end up jumping to Leoben’s base ship anyway. That figures. At least her manic scribblings came to fruition. So the base ship was the comet. I see. Starbuck’s chat with the Hybrid was puzzling. Will she lead humans or Cylons to their deaths? Because if it’s humans, I’d stop following this nutty broad.

Lots of Cylon interaction going on. Sharon meets her “sisters” and looks creeped out. I wouldn’t mind a dozen or so Eight models hanging at my place. I’m sure we could keep ourselves occupied. The Six leader is the shit, by the way. She whacks one of her own as compensation for “it” killing Barolay. An eye for an eye. No wonder these Cylons broke away from the pack. They act just like humans.

I feel awful for Laura. Seeing her pallid and bald is sad. I guess only fetal blood can cure her cancer. I’m sure that was explained somewhere and I missed it. Regardless, she has to fill her role as dying leader if the ancient prophecies are to come true. How about her wacky visions? First the The Opera House, now her Barbara Bush lookalike dead mother. Weird, wild stuff, folks.

Man, the destination Earth bandwagon just got a lot more crowded. Leoben’s base ship and Starbuck’s gang are ready to roll. They’ll have some serious ‘splainin′ to do when they jump back to the fleet.

“Guess What’s Coming to Dinner”

What an appropriate title for this episode. Easy, but clever. Surprise, surprise, the base ship jumps without the Demetrius. Luckily, Saul’s Cylon sense saves the day. I love the look on Adama’s face after Saul issues his weapons hold command. “What the frak are you doing you drunk bastard?” had to be running through his head. Saul seems to be taking his new identity in stride. He has to lose it sometime, right?

The Six leader lays it all out in the open: the war, the rebellion, the boxed Three model, the whole kit and kaboodle. She even offers up the Resurrection ship. She and the rest want to feel mortality. Crazy. Her revelation that the final five Cylons are in the fleet has got to cause some wandering eyes. I for one would be freaked my neighbor might be a frakkin’ toaster. One eye open and a pistol under my pillow. Every night.

Hey look, it’s Lee. I knew I wouldn’t like him in a suit. He’s trying to stay relevant, but it’s not working. I don’t give a shit how he feels about Laura sharing visions with Cylons. Climb back into a Viper and maybe I’ll pay attention. Hell, I care more about Gaius at this stage of the game.

This ending ruled. The Six leader wanted to feel death, but probably not so soon. Sharon blowing her away came as a complete shock. I liked the Six big time. She even had a change of heart about double-crossing the humans. Damn, this sucks. Then the Hybrid jumps with Laura and Gaius aboard. Where the hell did it go? Back where it came from? To the Cylon fleet? I’ll have to wait for my answer.

Final Thoughts

The pieces to this massive puzzle are beginning to come together. I’m still not sure any of the Cylons can be fully trusted. And what is the deal with the mysterious Opera House? I still can’t make heads or tails of its meaning. Well, time to slide the last disc of Season 4 into the top of my Netflix queue.

Photo Credit: Syfy

One Response to “Diary of a Battlestar Galactica Virgin – Mutiny, and Starbuck goes all Jackson Pollock”

July 9, 2009 at 4:03 PM

Last disc of season 4.0, not season 4. :-p

If it was the last disc of season 4 you will be sadden by the lame answers you get. lol

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