CliqueClack TV

Burn Notice – I kinda see where Fiona is coming from


For the most part, I’m of the the belief that Michael Westen is in the right to pursue his dream of being fully reinstated as a spy. If that’s what he wants to do, who am I to judge? After all, he’s pretty damn good at what he does, and he has a boy scout mentality, meaning he leans toward the side of good. There’s plenty of corrupt covert ops running around the planet, so having Mikey don a white hat isn’t such a bad idea. That’s the way he sees it, anyway. Unfortunately for him, the lovely Ms. Glenanne doesn’t share his perspective. It’s about time somebody took her side. By somebody, I mean me.

Last night’s episode was chock full of hints that Mikey may be foolish in his endeavors, but Mike isn’t one of those guys who takes hints very well. One would think that discovering the VP for a major defense contractor is outing spies, then selling the names to people who eventually kill said spies, might persuade an unemployed spy to look into another line of work. Alas, Mike views things another way. He prefers to see himself as the ideal candidate to chase and catch would-be traitors and hand them over to the proper authorities. Rewarding as that may be, it’s still extremely dangerous.

Fiona – no stranger to putting herself in harm’s way on purpose – has seen the light. Shacking up with Mike in a quaint beach house far away from the evils of the world seems like a sensible way to spend her final days. She is keenly aware that the life of a spy is fleeting. Always looking over your shoulder, never knowing when or where you’ll meet your maker can’t be healthy for the heart. Her desiring calm and companionship is understandable.

How many doors have to be slammed in Mike’s face before he realizes “The Company” wants zippo to do with him? He’s persona non grata in their eyes, but Mike is stubborn, and hell bent on not accepting no for an answer. Diego threw him a bone by telling him the bosses were “reviewing his file.” This reeks of a kiss-off. It’s like when you apply for a job and they tell you “we’ll keep your résumé on file and contact you when we have an opening.” I’ve been fed that line of bullshit countless times. Not once have I gotten a call back.

So, spies are dropping like flies and no one wants to work with Michael Westen. That cozy place on the beach with the gorgeous Fiona looks better and better, right? Not so fast. Mike has no interest in giving up his dreams, even for a girl he obviously cares for.

“You should damn well want what I want for myself.” Mike’s final words to Fi before she makes a tearful exit. What will it take to change Mike’s mind? Fiona appears at a loss. If she were crying on my shoulder (sweet!), I would advise her to leave Miami. Tell Mike she won’t stick around to watch him die. She loves him too much. It’s a standard play, I admit, but if he gives a shit, he won’t let her go. Mike is an action, not words kind of dude. Let him call her bluff. Personally, I think Mike needs her too much to watch her walk away. Any thoughts from my fellow Burn buddies?

Photo Credit: USA Network

6 Responses to “Burn Notice – I kinda see where Fiona is coming from”

July 10, 2009 at 1:11 PM

At this point, I do agree with Fiona. In S1, Mike was burned, he didn’t know who had done it, couldn’t get into the game, but he was able to get regular security jobs. But, he kept pushing until Management tried to use him. Now, he’s back to S1 again. At this point, he should be happy with where he is. If he wants to serve his country, he could just re-enlist in the army. Or, he could serve as a security consultant for international companies or charities who do good. And while Michael’s talented, there are tons of spies without his burn record. At this point, he isn’t doing it for his country, but for himself. Maybe he’s one of those guys who feels returning and staying in his hometown = failure. And, although he isn’t interested in $, living in an apt above a club with limited expenses probably isn’t the best either. I wonder, will S4 focus on what happens when he pisses off the CIA so they don’t just ignore him but want to imprison him?

Regarding Fiona, it’s clear she moved to Miami for Michael. After all, as an international arms dealer, why move to the town of your ex-lover’s mother, when there are other places for relocation?

July 11, 2009 at 1:53 AM

I’m glad to see this, because so many people seem to think Fiona finally got put in her proper place, whereas I think Michael was being an ass. Another blogger called it emotional blackmail, which I think is spot on. Fiona’s in a tough place. Now, she’s the bad guy if she doesn’t help Michael, while he doesn’t have to care about what she wants because he’s on record as being uninterested in a relationship (despite his post “Hot Spot” behavior second season).

As for Michael’s “I save American lives” spiel, if that were all, he’d be okay in Miami where he is doing much the same. I don’t buy that as his primary motivation. I think that he likes the rush, likes the large scale, and is afraid of falling behind. Working Miami must seem like a cheap substitute for the real thing (kind of like buying a Kia…)

July 11, 2009 at 12:03 PM

In this week’s episode, “Signals and Codes,” Michael makes it a point that he wants to get back into a job that could potentially hold no future for him. He wants something that does not want him back. In a way, I do hope he does get his “dream job” back–spying for undercover organizations, getting the bad guys, upending evil plans–so that he could see what he is really missing back in Miami. Leaving Fiona, Sam, and his family would be the biggest mistake Michael could ever make. I am a big proponent of learning by one’s mistakes. Michael needs to get that spy job back working for the Company in order to realize that Miami is where he really belongs.

July 18, 2009 at 2:01 PM

Am I the only one who was tickled that Michael Weston was guest starring on a show about Michael Westen?

Yes, I’m a nerd.

July 18, 2009 at 4:07 PM

Good call, Bob. I never made the connection. Too busy staring at Fiona.

July 18, 2009 at 4:32 PM

I caught it, but just figured I was the only one, as I too, am a nerd.

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