CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Cell phone cameras ruin lives


(Season 2, Episode 4)

All right, catty ladies and gentlemen. Let’s take a moment to admire the costuming on Gossip Girl. Despite the tacky trendiness of some of the Brooklyn characters (they’re desperate to be oh-so-hip), the school wardrobe is both eye-pleasing and hilarious. It seems like the school doesn’t have an official uniform, with the only requirement being, “wear something preppy and expensive and show a lot of leg.” Secondly, I think we need to consider Serena’s dress from the bar scene. Not much to say. Just think about it. I’ll give you a few minutes.

“The Ex Files”

Also, I couldn’t help but crack up when Chuck Bass appeared out of nowhere in the bar, dressed full-on like Willy Wonka. Though, if I had the money, I’d probably dress like Willy Wonka all the time, too.

Fashion-related notes aside, this episode was strange. We see that the British guy and his American step-mommy are getting it on, and Vanessa catches it on her cell phone camera. And then Dan briefly gets a new chick — who later turns out to be one of Chuck’s hired minions — and the news is broken thanks to a cell phone camera. I can’t wait to revisit this show on a sad rainy day fifteen years from now and laugh at all the dead, clunky technology involved in these kids’ social sabotage.

I’m glad that Blair and the British lord are done, because this means that she and Chuck can just get this tension over with. Right? Or are they going to drag it through two more seasons? I guess I’ll just deal with the suspense (and intense eye-rolling).

I’m feeling a little conflicted about Nate’s good guy persona. He’s really still a douche, right? Because he wasn’t banging Catherine for money until well after that whole “almost get hit by a car while wearing zero clothing” incident in the Hamptons. Or maybe I’m a bit confused. This whole show is getting a little too complicated for me. It’s an incestuous pool of characters; I’m starting to lose track of who has wronged who, and who is joining forces for social purposes, and who is joining forces in a biblical sense.

Maybe I need to make a chart.

Photo Credit: The CW

2 Responses to “Diary of a Gossip Girl Virgin – Cell phone cameras ruin lives”

July 15, 2009 at 9:55 AM

The throughline is that Chuck and Blair love each other but each is too prideful to put their feelings on the line, so they play these games with one another to get the other party to be honest. It never works.

Also, I kind of think they all hate each other. But when someone attacks a member of the group, they all band together to deal with the problem.

August 4, 2009 at 4:53 AM

Haha this show got me confused too.

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