CliqueClack TV

Saturday Night Live – Ryan Reynolds; Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga and Madonna

Tonight I was surprised not more was done with the Polanski case, but Weekend Update took it on a bit. For some reason, though, the doors to the SNL studio flew open for a few notable cameos, one of which will likely have people talking.

We’ll update the below with video clips of the skits from sometime Sunday morning, when they’re released to the public. Until then, here’s a rundown on the skits and what I thought of them all.

Cold Open: Presidential Address — I knew the Olympics decision would make its way into the night’s episode somehow. How many Chicagoans now want that 2016 t-shirt he held up? Anyway, this wasn’t all that funny but maybe those who really despise Obama loved it more than words can say.

Monologue: Ryan Reynolds — I really like Ryan Reynolds, but this was definitely not a memorable monologue for the show. Best quote, regarding his starring in the Green Lantern movie: “We start filming soon, so look for that in 2053.”

Commercial: Mostly Garbage Dog Food — Wow, did this one hit home here, because we spent an unholy amount of time, money and sanity to feed our dog an all organic mix of raw meat and veggies that would infuriate the hungry. Why do all of this, when a dog would just eat crap right out of a garbage bin? Pretty funny commercial.

Celebrity Family Feud — In case you have no idea who the other family was playing against the Osmonds, that would be the Phillips family, also known as The Mamas & The Papas. Yeah, I know of them, but not enough to have totally gotten the creepy jokes. Was just OK — they could have gotten better families, no? (Update: After catching up on the week’s news, yeah this is timely and works perfect. Creepy!)

SNL Digital Short: I Threw It On The Ground — Did you catch the Elijah Wood cameo, while he was shoving a taser in Samberg’s ass with Ryan Reynolds? For all the WTF digital shorts over the past couple of seasons, this was one of the better ones. I thought about writing up the lyrics for y’all, but I thought better of it. (Update: Screw it, I wrote up the lyrics for you.)

Porcelain Fountains –I really have nothing to say about this skit. It was just one of those weird ones thrown in that I had hoped would have that “Sofa King” funniness to it, but it had none of that. Scarlett Johansson’s cameo was the only thing that made it remarkable.

Deep House Dish — Daymn, they were really messing with Samberg’s hair tonight. The Danny McCooz song basically making fun of Facebook status updates was … oh who are we kidding, it was all about seeing Lady Gaga and Madonna’s asses, then them getting in a cat fight, am I right? Actually, Samberg taking a jump in there was damn funny. That’s three cameos for the night, so far!

Weekend Update — Was it just me or did the Weekend Update seem especially long this week? I think the Schwarzenegger segment got the most laughs because of his authentic gapped teeth over how well he was impersonated. I’ve seen Hammond do better (that’s four!) Loved the Eeyore joke and the dig at Entourage‘s Turtle in a couple of other segments.

Musical Guest: Lady Gaga — What was with the dude basically humping Lady (or is it Ms. Gaga?) and gyrating behind her throughout the first song? Not my kind of music, so I can’t really comment on her anymore than saying she has a nice voice based on her solo number at the piano. Anyone else think she looked like she was being sentenced to the Phantom Zone by Kryptonians in that getup in the second number?

So You Committed A Crime & You Think You Can Dance — What a dig at K-Fed’s failing physique. The recorded rehearsals were the best part of this skit, especially Will Forte’s character. The cuffed convict trying to dance and the one gnawing on Reynolds’s hand like a soup bone got a quick laugh out of me too.

International Masterworks — I loved the swipe at foreign programming overcompensating when trying to imitate an American accent along with the culture. “Hard to believe these actors are from Oslo and have never been to America.” Wasn’t awful, wasn’t fantastic.

Bubble Outfits — I always love when a celebrity figure can make fun of themselves. In this case, Lady Gaga one-upped her outfit from her Phantom Zone one, and in record costume-changing time! Squeezed this skit in, right under the wire.

Photo Credit: NBC

13 Responses to “Saturday Night Live – Ryan Reynolds; Lady Gaga”

October 4, 2009 at 3:12 AM

was i the only one who felt the lady gaga and madonna skit was really awkward and borderline actual catfight? also makes me wonder how many times (if any) they rehearsed

October 4, 2009 at 3:43 AM

Yeah it looked like they rehearsed it during the commercial break right before they went on.

I guess you haven’t heard about Mackenzie Phillips and her dad having a consensual sexual relationship in the 70s. It was kind of a big story. Made the Osmond family seem like the family next door.

October 4, 2009 at 9:29 AM

Agreed. It came off as really unrehearsed, but I have to admit that Madonna strangling Lady Gaga while asking “what the hell is a disco stick?” is pretty frickin’ funny.

October 4, 2009 at 3:49 AM

Yeah Mackenzie Phillips has been all over the news this week. That sketch was timely.

October 4, 2009 at 8:47 AM

The Philips family was a poke at Mackenzie Philips who recently went public with accusations that she was sexually assaulted by “The Mamas and The Papas” front man, and her own father. The skit was funny, some will think it was in bad taste, but it’s SNL and making jokes on current events is what they’ve always done.

Oh and the digital short was hillarious, could you post the lyrics.

October 4, 2009 at 10:07 AM

OK, I went ahead and published the lyrics. Enjoy!

October 4, 2009 at 10:48 AM

SNL is a TRAIN WRECK anymore!! Who is writing this show anyway?? When Arnold S. is the funniest thing and blended into Update, you know you should fire your writers and re-think what makes people laugh. BTW- what happened to the spot-on Obama impersonation that Armand did during the pre-election? He seemed rushed, not really trying to do a good impersonation…not even the actors care anymore!!!

October 4, 2009 at 2:07 PM

I think Lady Gaga proved to her naysayers that she really does have talent with that solo at the piano. I love her CD, but I just figured she was some auto-tuned “singer” who could never cut it live. Great job! Wish the Madonna bit had been funnier, but I did love the “what the hell is a disco stick” line. I thought the Family Feud sketch was tasteless – seriously, poking fun at alleged sexual abuse?!?! – and Jason Sudeikis did the worst Richard Dawson impression! Dawson is British! Sudeikis sounded more like a cross between Dean Martin and Bing Crosby. Just terrible!

October 4, 2009 at 6:25 PM

I usually fastforward through the musical acts but the weird get-ups made me actually watch them at normal speed. As an over-played pop act I’m conditioned to hate her, but the second song just made her so damn likable. It was funny mainly due to the wardrobe issues and her stopping and talking (guess to prove she wasn’t lip syncing). The bubbles short was also pretty good. The Deep House Dish always sucks and the Madonna/Gaga piece was just too staged to be funny.

As for Reynolds he can be funny and he was a few times, but they just didn’t seem to really use him.

October 4, 2009 at 10:51 PM

Danny McCooz is….. funniest thing on SNL in a while

October 5, 2009 at 2:26 AM

i had to rewatch just to make sure that was madonna. also, sandburg didn’t jump in, lady gaga grabbed him.

October 6, 2009 at 10:26 PM

In Ryan Reynolds monologue, what was the song that played when he did the romantic comedy version of the superhero movie vs romantic comedy sketch? I recognize the song, I just don’t remember the name. I that it was hilarious that the song began with “Damn!”

October 25, 2009 at 3:24 PM

I also have my own blog I just find it hard to write quality content like this.
I guess I really don

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