CliqueClack TV

Castle – It’s fashion week in New York….


…and the clothes are to die for.

“Inventing The Girl” is a perfect example of what I really like about Castle. There is certainly a formulaic aspect to the case of the week, but they manage to do it in an interesting way. This week, I was sure I had figured out whodunit three different times before it all became clear. That formula we’ve all seen a thousand times is so much more fun when it keeps you guessing. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt that the case is so neatly wrapped in all the various other goings on that come with Castle, the character. From the magazine coming out, to Martha’s audition, right on through to the Riina and Alexis reunion and Beckett’s begrudging request for a copy of the book. More than anything else, Castle is just fun.

A big part of the fun in these shows is figuring out the case. This week, that was a tricky bit of business. I immediately picked out Sierra when we met her, because that was some seriously solid motive. Then the stalker, Will, appeared, complete with the photographic evidence. Those hopes were soon dashed with the revelations about the photographer, Monroe. That quickly went away from us as well, leading to the great reveal scene where Beckett was going to show all of us who really did it. Did you guess the husband? Or Teddy?

It made for a great case. Then, as has become the norm for Castle, the real charm came from all those other little things that surround the case of the week. It’s as if Nathan Fillion was made for this role. He manages the various jumps from suave, to playing the cad, to doting father, so well. Two of those little side stories really stood out for me this week.

First, the Rina affair. Castle’s reaction to finally learning just how it is that he knew Rina was great. And it led to a much easier to solve mystery when we learned of his “date.” The real kicker, though, was his explanation to Martha, that he’s just trying to look out for her. Castle is such a softy. And second, the exchange between Castle and Beckett regarding the new book. It’s a nice call back to her fascination with his books that we learned about in the first season. The back and forth of  it — “Why didn’t you ask?” – “Why didn’t it occur to you?” — was also very cute.

At the end of the day, things are moving along just fine for Castle. The show has really found its groove, with Castle and Beckett, as well as all the supporting players. The only negative I have for this week, is that the preview for next week’s “Fool Me Once” looked so good I almost wish we could have seen it tonight too.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Castle | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Castle – It’s fashion week in New York….”

October 6, 2009 at 2:45 AM

“The only negative I have for this week, is that the preview for next week’s “Fool Me Once” looked so good I almost wish we could have seen it tonight too.”

That is EXACTLY what I thought too!

October 6, 2009 at 2:51 AM

According to the closed captions, the name was Rina — shortened form of Kat-rina.

I was sure from the start that the killer was going to turn out to be Teddy Farrow. Usually when an actor of Julian Sands’ caliber is on a crime show, they are the guilty party. I was happy to be fooled.

October 6, 2009 at 10:16 AM

Nuts. I should have put that together from Alexis explaining it. Fixed it.

October 6, 2009 at 6:48 AM

I was confused also. Usually Jeffrey Pierce plays the bad guy so I went aha he is the one then thought that is too obvious. I thought the casting was excellent – especially the men. And they were good enough to misdirect you. Castle has now made my very short list of shows that I may watch live. It joins Chuck. So out of maybe 15 shows that I watch those are they two that I anticipate enough to watch live and not on my computer the nxt day.

October 6, 2009 at 7:18 PM

This show has definitely found its way this season so far. I love the charm, the humor, and the intriguing way they present and solved these cases. Definitely not a boring procedural!

Now, just have to decide whether to spend the $9.99 to read Heat Wave…hmmm.

October 6, 2009 at 7:27 PM

I’m thinking Heat Wave looks like a very good option for December, when so many of the shows will be taking short breaks.

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