CliqueClack TV

Five things I want more of from Psych when it returns


This is the time of year where other Psych fans like me say “awwwww no!” because we’ve come to the “fall finale” and have to wait for the show to return in January. Here are a few things I’ve liked about the show this season, all of which I’d really like to see more of:

More of Shawn’s dad … and his interactions with Shawn. I’ve always loved Corbin Bersen‘s Henry Spencer, and it seems they brought him in much more this season than in the past. In fact, I believe we’ve gotten a flashback to the young Spencers to open every episode this season. Is it possible Henry will be back on the force — even just as a consultant — after this episode?

Putting the Psych team in real danger. They finally did it in this episode, with real bullets shedding real blood from Shawn. It stands to reason that, with helping solve so many murders in Santa Barbara, not to mention often going about a lot of it without police backup, they were bound to get into some serious, real danger. I just wonder how this last episode will change them, if at all.

Shawn closing in on Juliet. This is one relationship I wouldn’t mind seeing take the next step, and with Shawn having an odd sort-of relationship with a girlfriend this season, it’s only a matter of time before they finally make that connection. Or, maybe Shawn’s new girlfriend will come more to the forefront as she did in a recent episode?

The show’s gotten funnier. Either new writers were brought in or the old ones have simply found their groove. Either way, the writing has been sharp this season and the one-liners (and multi-line banter between Gus and Shawn) have been pure gold.

They keep ragging on The Mentalist. Just when you think they’re done taking jabs at the show, they bring in Shawn’s favorite spoiler site: Come on! Now, if they can only bring in Simon Baker for a cameo….

Anything else you’ve dug about this season of Psych so far?

Photo Credit: USA Network

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Psych | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Five things I want more of from Psych when it returns”

October 18, 2009 at 4:53 PM

First off, I’d like to say I completely agree with you about Shawn and Juliet finally getting together. Enough dancing around and I’m not a huge fan of Shawn’s girlfriend, but I don’t hate her either.

I’m right there with you on finding the show funnier this season. In fact, my entire household agrees. Personally, I think the show took a step up beginning with the 2nd-to-last episode of last season “Tuesday the 17th.” At least I think it was 2nd to last, but no matter, it is just pure gold now. The Shawn-Gus banter is better now that they’ve loosened Gus up. He was definitely not so easy going in the show’s earlier seasons.

One thing we particularly enjoy are when they use a different version of the theme song to fit the episode. Sometimes that’s enough to make the show for me! I’d love to see more of that in future episodes.

One thing that I’d like to see change is the splitting of the seasons. Over the course of an entire calendar year it all works out the same, but I’d prefer to just see all the new episodes play continuously and then be done. More like a network series, but that seems to be a USA Network thing and only a minor quibble.

All in all, Psych started out for us as an enjoyable show. Now, it’s definitely must-see-TV and I hope it keeps on this path for many seasons to come. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it a ton!

October 23, 2009 at 5:16 PM

Simon Baker cameo is a genius idea . If the mentalist was a little more light hearted i would have suggested a crossover but its pretty intense .

Also have to agree with you about Corbin . I love him .

However i have to disagree with you on the whole Jules n Shawn getting together issue i think its a bad idea until nearer the shows end (which i hope is a LONG way away) i think it would ruin there rapport .

To wrap this up i’m going to steal a quote from lenny (hope you don’t mind) because he summed it up perfectly .

“All in all, Psych started out for us as an enjoyable show. Now, it’s definitely must-see-TV and I hope it keeps on this path for many seasons to come. Thanks for the article, I enjoyed it a ton! “

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