CliqueClack TV

Castle – Hey, it’s Nikki Heat!


We lead off this week’s post with that line from the book party, because that really was the best bit of the episode. Not the book party in and of itself, mind you, but Castle and Beckett and their back and forth over whether or not there would be a Nikki Heat sequel. It’s actually a very good sign for the show. Despite the fact that “When The Bough Breaks” was far from the show’s most interesting case, the Castle/Beckett dynamic still made for a very good episode.

Starting with the case … this one was just OK for me. Much of the start of it just felt like going through the cop show motions, checking off the boxes. It did redeem itself somewhat at the end with the baby-switch surprise, but it’s still not going to be marked down as a favorite when I look back on the season. I do give bonus points for the casting of Reed Diamond (Dollhouse) and Elaine Hendrix (Roxy Wasserman!). And, it really did end on a very nice note with Hajek (Ivo Nandi) meeting his son for the first time as Melissa asked about her son. Overall though … good, but not great. And you know what? That’s OK.

Because … as we’ve all learned by now, Castle isn’t just your run of the mill cop show. The real fun is to be had in the relationship between Castle and Beckett. The introduction of the chance for Castle to get a gig writing three novels, for a series featuring a certain British secret agent, laid the groundwork for some very fun back and forth. Of course, we all knew that somehow, some way, Castle would end up working on the next Nikki Heat. Despite that, though, it was still awfully fun watching the two of them figure it out.

My favorite bit of it was the confrontation at the party for Heat Wave. It was clear that they both want Castle to stay around, even if neither of them will admit it. But the argument that somehow grew out of that shared desire, headed in the exact opposite direction, was what is becoming a classic Castle/Beckett spat. Appointing myself referee, I’ve decided that this round goes to Miss Beckett for the line, “There’s plenty to the character. She just needs a better writer.” Well played.

The payoff was also done very well, with the dueling phone calls. The exchanged looks between the two as they both figured out what was going on, and what it meant for their immediate futures, were perfect. We’re still a long way from seeing either of them admit what it is they are really after here, but the “Are you coming?” at the end at least hints at progress being made.

If I have one complaint, it also comes from the book party. You know how they say the camera adds ten pounds? Well, apparently, it adds about 200 pages as well. That is most definitely not the book that you will find for sale at your local shops. Considering how much work they put in to integrating Heat Wave into the show, that surprised me. All things considered, though, still another solid chapter in the Castle saga. Next week? Halloween!

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Castle | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Castle – Hey, it’s Nikki Heat!”

October 20, 2009 at 12:30 AM

As you had figured out the end of a few of the other episodes, I figured out the baby switch way too early. Well, not necessarily it was a baby switch, but that she was the mother of the boy. But, that was ok. I agree, the case was definitely not the best this week.

I continue to love the dynamic of Beckett and Castle. The end was perfect, I actually thought it was very touching.

Can’t wait for the Halloween episode. From the previews, it looks like there will definitely be some fun.

October 20, 2009 at 2:50 AM

I prefer to think of Reed from his time as Kevin McKidd’s brother on Journeyman. As much as I like Dollhouse (and yes, CJ, I do like Dollhouse), Journeyman was a vastly superior show.

October 20, 2009 at 2:24 PM

Thank you for noting Elaine Hendrix as Roxy Wasserman. The Middleman reference is very appreciated!

October 20, 2009 at 2:50 PM

The previews for next week look awesome!! Castle as Mal for Halloween-I love the shows references to Firefly!!

October 20, 2009 at 3:41 PM

I’m fine with the book being about 200 pages in real life as oppose to the 400 or so it appears to be in the series. The latter is more typical of the genre, but the former is realistic given that it was ghost written as a tv tie-in with probably a very short lead time from approval to publishing.

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