CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Oh hello Death

- Season 5, Episode 10 - "Abandon All Hope..."


Well Kripke and the gang have left us with quite the doozy before slapping us with a two month wait before a new episode of Supernatural. After a few weeks of episodes that mostly stood on their own and didn’t tread much into the myth arc of the season/series, it made sense that the November sweeps episode would bring the Winchesters and gang right into the thick of things again, and us right along with them.

First, let me get this out of the way first. Mark Sheppard. Mark. Freakin’. Sheppard! He’s following me around, I’m sure of it! I made joke of this some time ago, and since then he’s appeared in two other shows I watch: White Collar and, now, Supernatural. Will someone give this guy his own show for crying out loud, and get him out of having to resort to guest roles in all of these shows? It’s borderline ridiculous. No … it IS ridiculous!

I really don’t like having to see good characters die on a show I love, and that’s especially true with Jo and Ellen. However, as we’ve seen with some of the other notable characters who’ve died on this show in the past, it’s not necessarily the last we’ll see of them. Did anyone else find it a bit odd that the final scene centered on only Jo in the photograph, pretty much forgetting the fact that Ellen also sacrificed her life for them all? In any case, I’ll miss them both.

We really got a quick and dirty lesson in how the Colt works, or, er, doesn’t work on Satan. The look of pure relief in Sam’s eyes was painful to watch, as it was quickly wiped away with Satan merely brushing the gaping hole in his head aside like a tiny boo-boo. What are the four other things the Colt can’t kill? And is it that the Devil is just too strong for it to kill him? I imagine God is one other thing the Colt can’t kill, and then probably Death. Any other thoughts?

Castiel is definitely shining as my favorite character this season, so seeing a lot more of him in this episode was great. Loved his “I think I’m starting to feel something” during his lineup of shots with Jo and Ellen. Ah … Jo and Ellen. Sniff.

I’m about ready for Bobby to get healed, and I’m pretty sure he’s feelin’ it too. I’m sure by the time the season’s out, Castiel will regain his angelic powers and will make it one of his first to-do items, right after he’s done helping smite Satan with the boys.

See you in January!

Photo Credit: David Gray/The CW

11 Responses to “Supernatural – Oh hello Death”

November 20, 2009 at 1:52 AM

Wow. Tonight’s episode was un-freaking-believable. I love this show. I will really miss Ellen and Jo, but at least they got an awesome death.

November 20, 2009 at 3:24 AM

I would imagine that the other four things are the four horsemen. Only because that would make ending the apocalypse way too easy. I think Satan is in on the “God is already dead” train, which is why he didn’t include the big guy in his count.

November 20, 2009 at 10:17 AM

5 things – Lucifer, God, Michael (I’m assuming he’s as or almost as powerful as Lucifer) and two others. I’m not buying the 4 horsemen…..

November 20, 2009 at 6:22 AM

Well, we all know why the final scene centered on Jo on the photograph, it was Dean’s POV.

November 20, 2009 at 9:18 AM

I have to agree with the Mark Sheppard comment. I love him, he has that bad cop, has a secret, not really straight forward with you thing going on.

I am going to throw in a Kudos for Misha Collins too. I wasn’t sure I would like the angel/devil angle of the series but he is such a good actor I would love to see him in a show of his own.

I loved this episode and boy when Kripkie wants someone dead, they go out in grand fashion. I even got teary when they were waiting for the hellhounds and Jo died. Good stuff. I think the weight of it really hit Dean too from the last scene. How many people have actually died during the last five years since coming into contact with the Winchesters? It has to have some sort of effect on them.

In watching the last few episodes, it feels like they are coming to the climax of the series. I know that there is internet rumors about this show being renewed for a sixth season but how are you going to top stopping the devil?

Looking forward to January when the show returns. How dare they make us wait six weeks for new episodes about the boys?? :)

November 20, 2009 at 9:42 AM

As for stopping the Devil, I imagine they won’t out and out kill him. He’ll just become locked up somewhere or banished, but never really gone.

November 20, 2009 at 1:16 PM

I think the five things should be god, god’s vessel, satan, satan’s vessel and maybe the one who gave the colt it’s power?

November 20, 2009 at 9:51 PM

why do we have to wait so long for another episode!!!??? i don’t get it!!! Awesome episode!!!

November 22, 2009 at 1:11 AM

Yeah, I hate that this show takes such a long break every season, to me it feels like we just got back from the summer break. Well, at least this way I can watch Fringe live each week instead of recording it (at least until that takes a break, too). I am kind of suprised Sam & Dean were so sure the colt would kill Lucifer. Seems like they should have at least suspected that it might not. As for the 4 other things, maybe Michael & Gabriael (sp?)? They’re angels, too, and pretty high up on the food chain. Though with this show, you never know since they pretty much make up the ules as they go along.

November 22, 2009 at 1:12 AM

Yeah, I hate that this show takes such a long break every season, to me it feels like we just got back from the summer break. Well, at least this way I can watch Fringe live each week instead of recording it (at least until that takes a break, too). I am kind of suprised Sam & Dean were so sure the colt would kill Lucifer. Seems like they should have at least suspected that it might not. As for the 4 other things, maybe Michael & Gabriael (sp?)? They’re angels, too, and pretty high up on the food chain. Though with this show, you never know since they pretty much make up the rules as they go along.

December 20, 2009 at 3:40 PM

I donno… I always loved the way this show is written, every thing seems always to fit in the right place, in order to amuse and satisfy the watchers. But Jo’s death… I didn’t feel any need for that. Mainly, I didnt’ feel any need for her to come back just to disappear after a couple of episodes.
It wasn’t “functional” to the story and left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. She also was a valuable character who could have been used to develope a reliable sub-plot. It’s like the writers wanted to be sure she was gone for good and could never come back…

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