CliqueClack TV

One of Trinity’s family killed Lundy on Dexter


Sick of my theories yet? Well too bad, here’s another!

Last week, with hat in hand, I posted how my theory of Quinn being Lundy’s and Deb’s shooter was null and void. Given that we have new evidence that shows the shooter is very likely Vince’s height, there’s just no way it could be Quinn without giving us some half-brained reasoning for why he was standing in a ditch at the time. So now the question is: is the shooter someone we’ve already met, or someone entirely new? I’m going with the latter.

More than a few people have pinned the Lundy shooting on Christine, the reporter. She fits the height requirement, but I just don’t buy it. Why? Well, it makes no sense. There’s really no palatable motive there. One argument could be that she did it to generate a story for her endangered career, but I’m totally not buying that. Would you really be satisfied with that reasoning, should she be outed as the shooter? How lame!

Instead, I’m putting what money I have left (from what I lost on the Quinn bet) on the shooter being one of Arthur Mitchell’s family, most likely his wife. It’s possible that, at 5’6″, she’s a little taller than Vince, but not by much. The kids are definitely within that height range, though, and they have just as much motive for taking out Lundy. The motive here is that, unbeknownst to Dexter — and possibly even Arthur — Arthur’s family (or at least the shooter in the family) knows what he’s doing. They know about it and allow for it.

This all makes sense when you think about the theme for this season: family. It’s been all about family and how Dexter has needed his space and needed to provide for and support a loving, happy family. As part of what Dexter needs to keep “sane” and to keep his family together and happy, he has to feed his Dark Passenger. However, all along he’s had to do this by himself, with no one else there to support him, stand by him or understand him.

At the end of this season, Dexter will find out the truth of the Mitchell family. They are a family who supports a loving father, no matter what it is he has to “take care of” to keep him happy and “relaxed,” as his wife put it. Meanwhile, Dexter’s wife Rita will continue to not understand her secretive husband as she drifts further away from him and, most likely, resorts to cheating on him with their neighbor. It’ll be a situation that’s been impossible for Dex to imagine this season: a wife and family who understand him fully and supports what he needs, without making conditions and without getting in the way.

There aren’t many episodes left this season, so I wanted to get that theory out there before it possibly became more obvious. It’d make up for my Quinn flub earlier. Right?

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Dexter | Features | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “One of Trinity’s family killed Lundy on Dexter”

November 21, 2009 at 1:50 PM

Some of us won’t get to watch Dexter until it comes out on DVD. For us, could you please refrain from putting character deaths in post titles? Now that’s spoiled for me. I can avoid the article, but when I read the RSS feed, I can’t avoid the titles.

November 22, 2009 at 10:59 PM

[spoiler]Hmmm.. With the new episode I think you just lost that one too =)! Look’s like its probably Christine =)

November 22, 2009 at 11:52 PM

Based on tonights ep, I’m betting not only did she do it, but Quinn’s going to bite it (or Dex will save him). Wow.

November 23, 2009 at 10:50 AM

Congratulations on being wrong, yet right about the shooter. I loved the reveal in this episode, by the way.

Of course, the whole Miami MPD theory was concocted on the supposition that the killer was shooting his/her gun from the hip, instead of properly extended at shoulder height, so the bullet that hit Deb traveled “straight across.” It could easily have been Trinity, as it would only take him half a second to drop into a kneeling stance as he drew his gun, for greater stability and accuracy. But that’s television writing for you. :P

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