CliqueClack TV

Modern Family doesn’t have to be funny to be good

- Season 1, Episode 10 - "Undeck the Halls"

Modern Family

One of the many things I like about Modern Family is how, even within all of the antics and humor, they can fit in some sort of touching message that makes sense and, dare I say, choke you up a little. No? Just me? Well, it happens to me, dammit, and usually it’s at the hands of Jay, of all people. Even though he’s a crotchety old fart most of the time, he’s still got something the others don’t: many more years of parenting experience.

Of course, with a Christmas episode, you just knew there would be at least one more of these heartfelt moments. In fact, we got a few: one with Alex taking the blame for the cigarette burn, the unemployed Santa forgiving Mitchell and Cameron, and Jay with the fireworks. With so much lovey-doveiness in the air, it took away precious moments for more funny stuff.

Oh, don’t get me wrong — this episode definitely had its funny moments. Modern Family has no doubt been one of the best new comedies of the year, though it can’t have awesome episodes every week. The thing is, this show can be low on the laughs and still be good, because its tender moments feel genuine and make sense. I think the small problem I had with tonight’s episode was that it felt as though the writers were given a smaller canvas to work with in having to write everything around a Christmas episode.

Alright, I’ve got to get one little gripe off my chest, and that’s Alex Dunphy. She had a larger part than usual in this episode, but — and I hate to have to say this — Ariel Winter, the actress, just isn’t good. I get that everyone is playing a caricature of a stereotype, but I’m not feeling the cutesy-nerdy-smarter-than-everyone caricature that is Alex. In fact, it’s pretty annoying, and it feels very … amateur, no? Stage-like at best.

Anyway, let’s end this off with a high note: the best quote of the night came from Manny: “OK, but if this so-called Santa Claus doesn’t bring me a burgundy dinner jacket, we’re going to have a big problem.”

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “Modern Family doesn’t have to be funny to be good”

December 10, 2009 at 7:19 AM

Actually, I felt this one was even more humorous than its typical standard. Maybe I’m just a softie for sentiment and schmaltz, though.

December 10, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Even Steve, my husband, laughed at the dinner jacket line and it takes a lot to make him laugh. I too love Jay.

December 10, 2009 at 12:57 PM

and he was wearing the burgundy jacket at dinner… he looked like a little count! heh heh

jay’s reaction to the videos was great, and got them good when he came home with the fireworks. Innocente!

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