CliqueClack TV

Lost – Sundown – Live-blog/chat

Join us again tonight at 9 PM for our weekly 'Lost' live-blog/chat (more of a chat really, so please join in on the talk!) See you then.

“Uh … I get that the whole Hattori Genosuke thing you’ve got going on is supposed to be all spooky and stuff, but let’s try this again: Hello. I am Sayid. I torture people.”

We’re getting more answers every week as to what the hell is going on on this show. So will we get even more tonight? Or will we just get more questions piled up on those we still need answers to? Join us here tonight at 9 PM EST and discuss the show as it airs live. Make sure you speak up so we know you’re around and can join in the conversation!

See you then….

<a href=”” mce_href=”” >Lost – Sundown – Live-blog/chat</a>

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Features | General | Lost | TV Shows |

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