CliqueClack TV

Caprica – Will Evelyn become Bill Adama’s mom?

James Marsters makes his 'Caprica' debut with wrapping barbed wire around his arm. Y'know, I tried that and I still had a hard time staying awake.

Come on, guys — you’re losing me! I’m still eagerly awaiting a moment when I can say, “Wow! This show has really blown the hatch!” Not happening yet. Is it happening for you guys? Because I’m all for finishing up watching the season, but things are dragging along here.

I had mentioned before of a possible “Blow the Hatch” moment for the show, via rumors/spoilers, that I won’t get into here. But the fact that Evelyn is seemingly cozying up to Joseph Adama raises an eyebrow for me. Could they possibly wind up together at some point and then…? Oh stop, I don’t mean they frak — go read my spoiler post if you must know.

I’m not buying the tough Daniel Graystone. Maybe it’s just that Eric Stolz just isn’t a threatening sorta guy, or maybe it’s just ludicrous to fathom a geek like Daniel being able to follow through on any threats. After all, it’s Adama who has hit men in his pocket, not Daniel. Seems to me Danny has a death wish by harassing Joseph at all.

I love that “Philomon,” the 27 year-old Graystone Industries tech with two PhD’s, has listed for hobbies on the “Caprica V-Match” site: Applied robotics, Quantum Mechanics on the nuclear level, and astrology. I’m betting Zoe reveals her true self to Phil-o next (though I realize that’s not much of a stretch). On a side note, it’s interesting to learn that all of the colonial planets are networked somehow, as Phil-o said the V-Match site checked all the planets for matches. Ouch.

Does anyone else think that the mysterious, garbled voice talking to Sister Clarice from the confessional sounds an awful lot like the talk show host, Baxter Sarno? I’m not sure whether to think they’re masking the voice from one we should already know or one we’ll know later. Or is it Barnabus (James Marsters)?

Lastly, is it just me or does the view from Graystone’s huge windows look an awful lot like the same ones Baltar’s looking out of when the nukes hit Caprica? I did a quick search for the possibility that Baltar lived in the Graystone home later, but it doesn’t seem that’s the case.

Anyone else with me that the show is slow as molasses? Are you zoning out or totally sucked in?

Photo Credit: Syfy

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Caprica – Will Evelyn become Bill Adama’s mom?”

March 6, 2010 at 1:22 AM

Tonight was sloooooooow. Looking forward to the life changing events. When Zoe/Robot moved I perked up a bit, then drooped again. The Tauron Vergis fellow did seem menacing and that was good.

March 6, 2010 at 2:47 AM

We’re enjoying it as it is. Yes, they could move things along faster, but the current pace isn’t bothering us at all. I guess it’s what we expected the show to be like.

March 6, 2010 at 5:17 PM

The show is like watching grass grow but at least with grass I’m outside.

I have already given up on this show for the most part, it’s somehow an incredibly interesting world that is insanely boring! I don’t know how they do it.

March 8, 2010 at 9:46 AM

I agree that the show is incredibly slow, and I am also totally engrossed. When the atmosphere of a show is this good, I relish a slow burn. And at least it’s not one of those haphazard shows with a thousand mysteries and plot lines that tease you each week with answers to your questions, yet either never deliver or are disappointing when they do. I’m not minding that very little happens just yet.

March 11, 2010 at 11:48 AM

I’m engrossed for a few minutes each episode. The rest of each episode is tedious and boring. Apparently that is enough to keep me coming back, but who knows for how long. I didn’t mind the slow build up at the start, but I don’t think I can take much more.

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