CliqueClack TV

Caprica’s V-World has never heard of respawning

'Caprica' is still going about things at a near snail's pace, but what may have finally given us a big step forward in the story is the final word from Daniel: "Zoe."

“I work with top secret military robots.” – Pilomon
“That’s really hot.” – Zoe

I was actually glad to have the short recap at the start of this episode, since I wasn’t really aware that Zoe was using “Pilomon” as a way of getting the hell out of the lab. I’ve got some idea of why she wants out, though I’m not sure she has any idea how she’s going to get around without making people run around in a panic when they see her walking about.

Did you notice how Joseph Adama made the holobands appear very taboo when trying to get that kid to bring in to see Tamara in the V-World? Look again, and you’ll see he even gave a cocaine-like rub to his nose with a sniff. These things — the holobands — are very quickly becoming big contraband items of Caprica. How long before it’s near impossible to get a holoband without getting arrested?

I said before that I thought V-World could likely come into the forefront more, and here it took up at least half of the episode. One thing they never really get into regarding V-World is why everyone is just so damned angry there. This is a virtual world that’s all about killing, where if you “die” you’re never able to return — there’s no “respawning” in Caprica’s V-World. I’d say the same could be said about any of today’s violent, multiplayer games, but at least there you can keep playing. If things are so dangerous and violent there, then how is anyone able to “frak 50 girls and not need Vinagro?”

Did you notice the “.cap” top level domain for VMatch.cap? No? Alright, must be the altra-IT-geek in me that caught that and found it somewhat funny. The thing is, it’s these little details that relate to today’s world that make me more angry and disappointed with how Battlestar Galactica ended — that these people were supposedly responsible for the evolving of humankind as we know it. And, as it turns out, we instinctualy learned to use top-level domains from them.

As I said, things finally took a step forward when Daniel Graystone looked into the eye of Zoe the Cylon and seemed to have some hope that she was still in there. I’m not convinced at all that she’s ready to reveal herself to him yet, though I’m confident he’ll know before the season is out.

Overall I’m still moping along in this series. There’s little room for things to kick into action, and I’m not sure I want to just settle with that realization. If the series simply fat-forwarded into the Cylon war in season two, I’d be a happy camper. Are you getting sick of my nagging yet?

Photo Credit: Syfy

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Caprica’s V-World has never heard of respawning”

March 13, 2010 at 1:16 AM

Really liked this episode. Joseph on the hunt for his daughter makes it interesting. I wonder who his guide will “really” be? Hmmmm.

I hope Amanda can come out of her downward spiral. Sister Clarice is a witch. I mean it. She’s reminds me of one of Baltar’s self serving witches. I don’t like her a bit.

More neat world building tonight, liked the Pyramid game going on.

Great final scene. He knows she’s in there.

March 13, 2010 at 4:36 AM

Yes, I am sick of the nagging.

I’m pretty sure the cylon war isn’t supposed to happen for a long time, if not at all in this series. I think of it like Star wars, in that we’re learning about the people, not the pay-off at the end. War is boring, it’s the buildup & the fallout that’s the interesting part

March 13, 2010 at 10:57 AM

Except with Caprica that also makes the build up extremely boring. I have no reason to care about any of these characters, the writers haven’t given me a reason to care, and that’s just sad.

March 13, 2010 at 2:48 PM

“These things — the holobands — are very quickly becoming big contraband items of Caprica. How long before it’s near impossible to get a holoband without getting arrested?”

Good Lord, no they’re not. They are the internet of Caprica, produced by a major corporation and probably sold on hooks at the checkout of every store in town. Didn’t you see Joseph trying to hack his way into the plastic clamshell pack of the one he bought? Just like a cheap Coby CD player from Walmart. There are the family-friendly gated gardens that the Graystone Corp. provides for users (just like AOL) and then there are the hacker dark corners… just like our internet.

And there IS respawning in V-world… just not in New Cap City.

March 14, 2010 at 6:18 AM

alex99a is completely right, and since Daniel announced on Sarno that they would abolish the licensing fees for the holoband technology, there will be an explosion of legal, competing products from other manufacturers that will slash prices to near-cost. As a result, anyone will be able to afford to enter V-World. I assume that Esai simply used mannerisms we associate with an addict to portray Joseph’s desperation and compulsion.

New Cap City works exactly like a Grand Theft Auto MMO. The one life rule lends the game its hardcore cachet. Those who succeed at it are obviously the l33t, with the commensurate fame and reputation. If you’re not good enough, there are obviously plenty of other games in V-World that do allow respawning, from club gunfights to Viper dogfighting. By the way, atmospheric Vipers? Nice.

What I want to know is who owns the Dirigible, and whom are they fighting with their autogyros?

Personally, I think the Cylon War is completely beyond the scope of this series, save showing the beginning of the war in the final episode. At 12.5 years, it took longer than the Clone Wars, and we’ve already seen the time when the peace accord was signed. There’s no dramatic point in seeing the intervening years of the war.

March 14, 2010 at 1:40 PM


March 16, 2010 at 7:12 AM

I love Caprica, but I was glad to hear that the series becomes ‘darker’ mid way through the season. So far, it’s been emotionally light weight compared to BSG. I think you could quite easily introduce a precursor to the cylon war by having Caprica exert its dominance over the other worlds using a cylon army. Using the cylons as war machines, and slaves, would represent the axe they later have to grind against their human creators, that and the fact that centurions it seems all have human personalities copied into their CPUs. You could have much more of the action based in space, by having cylon production move off world, to some sort of space station, or the enormous moon orbiting Caprica.
Really excited to hear that Syfy want Ron D Moore and team to start working on a parallel BSG spin-off which is space based. There are still lots of questions that went unanswered in BSG: where did the original centurions on first Earth go, given that they won the war against the humanoid cylons? Where did the red stripe centurions go? What became of Di’anna on first Earth? What if anything, is happening on Caprica, and the other worlds? I’d love it if in a twisted way, the V World had survived through the Fall of Caprica, full of players who’s avatars were copied into the New Cap City etc. Obviously, the V World would be powered by some sub atomic energy source unaffected by nuclear war, and could be stored inside the centurion unconscious mind, like a never ending robot dream. What if anything is happening on Kobol? Who or what were / are the gods? Who or what is God and the Head characters? Who or what was Kara Thrace exactly? What happened to Cavil, Simon, Dorel, and their labotamized centurions? What is the strange, Heavenly riverworld, that Baltar spoke about? And why was Leoben obsessed with Kara Thrace? It was such a missed opportunity in The Plan, not to explore this particular question. I was hoping that we’d learn that all along, Leoben had been speaking with a Head Kara. If any of these ideas get picked up by Ron D Moore and others, they can send me a cheque for a million pounds in the post plus signed blu rays of Caprica. Cheers :)

March 17, 2010 at 12:48 AM

Agree, agree, agree. Some space would be nice. And having sweet Zoe like Cylons forced to make war against their will, would certainly give the Cylons a reason to revolt.

If the spoilers are to be believed, its gonna get white hot soon.

About more BSG:
Kara could even make an appearance on Kobol somehow, being that she is an angel or Gangalf and all this has happened before…..

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