CliqueClack TV

Modern Family is the envy of Apple fanboys

Well, I think 'Modern Family' went ahead and did it and became the first primetime comedy show to get right in on the iPad craze. And who can blame them? The sweet baby comes out this Saturday, baby! ... Yeah, I don't really care. Sorry.

- Season 1, Episode 19 - "Game Changer"

“Boy, if a spider would’ve been here, he would’ve been in troooouble.” – Cameron to Mitchell, on carrying a newspaper to take on a suspected intruder

Oh, I have been there. You get up all nice and early, thinking you can beat out the lines and that you’re way ahead of the game. Then you just … y’know … close your eyes just a teensy bit … and then OHMYGOD HOW DID FIVE HOURS GO BY?! Not happen to you? Well aren’t you so lucky.

It is great, though, that this show used a real, overly-hyped item for Phil to be jonesing for for his birthday and not some fictional item. It was definitely something that made me laugh, being an Apple fanboy myself and hearing about this thing for months now, and then the years of speculation on top of that. Phil could have been a little more proactive and pre-ordered it, right? But where’s the fun in that?

Incidentally, I’m pretty surprised they got an actual iPad for the show, ahead of its actual release to everyone this Saturday. Then again, “product placement,” anyone? Heck, even the episode’s title, “Game Changer,” has to do with what I think Apple has been trying to push about the iPad.

Something that occurred to me in this episode is how much Phil is actually very much like The Office‘s Michael Scott. It’s when Phil handed the baseball helmet to the girl with the birthday hats that it hit me how similar the two men are, and I wonder if the creators purposely modeled Phil after Michael. They both have their cute little quirks, while at the same time are able to almost piss you off at how incredibly stupid they can be. Probably not an original thought, I know, but this is where it seemed to really hit me.

Oh, and French Waffle Cakes? Get ready for a post on those babies over on CliqueClack Food in the future. Cue Homer Simpson gurgling noise.

Photo Credit: ABC

8 Responses to “Modern Family is the envy of Apple fanboys”

April 1, 2010 at 1:30 AM

I found the featured birthday app! you can already download it and also works on the iPhone!!! OMG!!!

April 1, 2010 at 5:53 AM

Explain to me how you are able to stay at your current weight writing about food like that?

I’m getting fatter just reading “waffle cake”. I hate you!


All the damn reviews for the iPad now made me want one too. It’s too f***ing expensive dammit. I don’t need one.

What’s with the fast food and Apple theme tonight? Gawd!

April 1, 2010 at 7:51 AM

“I know one colombian piece you won’t be playing later”


Awesome! :-)

April 5, 2010 at 6:10 AM

Birthday A La Carte is the ipad app right? Do you think they will come out with additional features soon? Pretty fun app.

April 8, 2010 at 7:55 AM

Is the screen really sensitive to breath?

April 9, 2010 at 3:19 PM


id assume its a mic. thats how the iphone would do it. does the ipad have a mic?

April 18, 2010 at 12:52 PM

Hey Check this out everyone, we made one, I love that show and that episode takes the cake (ha ha get it , lame i know).

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