CliqueClack TV

Sober House … or Tom Sizemore’s House?

Tom Sizemore loses it and, in the process, reveals his own self. When things get heated, that can happen. Have you ever had the "pleasure" of dealing with someone like that?

Sometimes, you can learn a lot from TV. When you’re little, it’s Sesame Street. When you’re a teen, it might be the power of the Popular Vote on American Idol. And when you grow up, it just might be that you learn from crazy people.

Take this week’s episode of Sober House. Yes, there are eight or nine moments of which I could grouse upon, but that wouldn’t be fair to all of us who have been watching the ticking time bomb that is Tom Sizemore.

First, let me say, that I cannot believe that Dr. Drew Pinsky let these two (Tom and Heidi Fleiss) reside in the same (lovely) adobe while trying to remain sober. I wonder, often, if Dr. Drew is into “helping” these celebs, or making some cash and getting his own name out there even more. That being said….

Tom Sizemore is…. I just stopped for two minutes, wondering how I can explain him. The words narcissistic, crazed, aggressive, and out of control come to mind.

Let me put it this way. I’ve had the unfortunate experience of dealing with some people like Tom over the years. And I have found out that, in a heated exchange (which they thrive on), they will tell you who they really are.

A perfect example was in this episode of Sober House. Tom is agitated at himself, and especially Heidi Fleiss, so he targets Mike Starr. Mike’s been having a time of it, and as the group finally settles down after a long day of drama, Tom lays into him.

Here’s where my point comes in: Mike is trying to placate and smooth the Tom ruffly feathers. That makes Tom really mad, and he lets loose. C’mon, he wants to be really mad right now! Some of the things he says to Mike:

“You are psychotic!”
“You’re mind is f’ed up!”
“Your problem is that you think you’re never going to get better, and you have f’ed up your life!”
“You need to get off your pitty pot!”
And my favorite: “You big has-been washed-up punk!”

Ahh, the irony. The producers leave us mid-fight. Of course they do. But I’m telling you, my friends, bad people will tell you who they are. If you just listen.
And, I used to work with a relative of Tom’s. She said he’s crazy too.

Photo Credit: VH1

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Sober House … or Tom Sizemore’s House?”

April 2, 2010 at 12:10 PM

Man … I need to catch up on this somehow. You know how I *lurve* the drama.

Congratulations on your first ‘official’ posting … !!!

April 2, 2010 at 12:31 PM

Woohoo!!! Your first post.

Did you really work with a relative of Tom’s?!

April 2, 2010 at 2:04 PM

Thanks you guys! And yes, I did work with one of his ex-relatives. She had the stories! Not a nice guy. But then, since you read my review, you already know that!

April 6, 2010 at 7:59 PM

I agree with Tom, Mike needs some reality! He has been sitting on the pitty pot and needs to get off of it…..
I love Tom Sizemore and think he is a tough SOB! I hope he gets out of sober house, dumps his girlfriend that is more troubled than him and goes back to making awesome films!! You go Tom!!

April 8, 2010 at 9:54 PM

Very good insights but you forgot to mention that Tom is also sweaty. Does he never bathe?

April 20, 2010 at 1:57 AM

when you’re coming down “off” from heroin for the first year your body is going to sweat even when/if you bathe 2-100 times a day. You’re body is getting rid of all the poison in that individuals system.

April 25, 2010 at 7:12 PM

doesn’t take a year. a couple weeks at most.

April 25, 2010 at 7:32 PM

Maybe Tom Sizemore is reacting to the really hot television lights, without a makeup artist around. Or he’s just a sweaty guy, I don’t know. The important thing is that you’re reading and responding. Thanks!

May 27, 2010 at 10:40 PM

You have to understand that Tom is an addict. Most people who are addicts are in denial and are suppressing emotions. You can’t expect an addict NOT to have problems. Community is the quickest place for it to surface. You can judge all you want, but it’s not about being crazy- its about being so incredible broken. At least he had the courage to go back to treatment. I do hope that he gets some healing for all the rage that is obviously inside of him. It’s not an easy road- especially when it is public.

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