CliqueClack TV

Grey’s characters argue about babies and job contracts

A heartbroken McSteamy had to watch while his grandson was given up for adoption while Callie and Arizona continued to disagree about having a baby.

- Season 6, Episode 20 - "Hook, Line and Sinner"

The McSteamy-wants-a-baby story — where his immature 18-year-old placed her newborn with an adoptive couple much to his disappointment — didn’t really move me, probably because he’s been such a narcissistic, selfish user of a man for most of the time he’s been on Grey’s Anatomy.

But I’ve got to admit that these lines he uttered made me feel a tad bit sorry for him: “My mom is dead. My dad’s never going to get off the couch again. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. This is my grandson, MY grandson. I’m not just going to turn him over to some strangers when I might have a chance at a family.”

And he just might have that chance . . . with one of his neighbors who desperately desires a child but whose pediatric surgeon girlfriend is just as adamant about not having one. The “Hook, Line and Sinker” episode (hated the contrived hook case) opened with this exchange:

Callie: It doesn’t make any sense. Everybody wants a kid. And you, of all people, you wear roller skates for shoes. I don’t get it.

Arizona: You know what, I don’t know. Maybe there’s something wrong with me, ’cause it’s “not natural,” it’s not “womanly.” Maybe I’m cold and heartless and dead inside.

Callie then asked Arizona to close her eyes and imagine a baby in her arms. Callie, invoking the language of a besotted lover, asked her to imagine that the baby was “wrapping its chubby little arms around your neck. And breathe in that intoxicating baby smell. Doesn’t it just melt you?”

Arizona: Nope. You know what melts me? Spain, the beach, you in a bikini, me holding a sangria.

Later, after she was sick of being pressured on this, Arizona laid down the law and said she doesn’t want a kid but not because she’s “broken.” “I like my life,” she said. “I like it the way that it is. I don’t want it to change. I thought I liked it with you in it.”

This only made the final scene between the two, where Callie was unconvincingly trying to sound like she no longer wanted a child, more poignant.

Oh, and we can’t forget about the Teddy story. For some reason that I’ve yet to figure out, Derek hasn’t warmed to Teddy and seemed to prefer a “rock star” cardiologist to one who’s a good, inspirational teacher. Teddy’s future at the hospital was left dangling by a terse Derek until after Derek’s first choice passed on his job offer. And, come to think of it, Teddy was also left hanging by a cowardly Owen who really needs to figure out who he wants instead of conspiring to try to get Teddy to leave Seattle Grace.

Think Arizona’s “no baby” declaration will lead Callie right into McSteamy’s arms?

Photo Credit: Danny Feld/ABC

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