CliqueClack TV

Treme – Expletives are havin’ fun

Davis and Creighton have their own missions on Treme: they're taking it to the streets.

Of everything that happened in the last episode of Treme (“At The Foot Of Canal Street”), two things in particular were wowzah yowzah.  And both came courtesy of two characters who have decided to take their cases to the masses.

I was already humming the tune “I’m A Girl Watcher” and replacing “girl watcher” with “ass talker” in reference to woe-is-me asshat Davis McAlary.  At one point, he’s trying to pick up on Annie the street violinist, gets burned by “sometimes girlfriend” Janette Desautel for his efforts and suddenly **BAM-O … !!!** he gets the bright idea to run for office.

He can do it better.  He’s got the chops and he’s got what it takes.  He can run circles ’round anyone else who is currently in office.  And, in the event he cannot, he can let his mouth do the running for him.  That’ll work.


This is just the turn of events I’ve been looking for where McAlary is concerned. Because he was starting to get on my nerves. Oh … the whining and big-talk from him is all still fine and dandy, but enough already.  Shmooze where it’s going to get you somewhere, right? And sure enough, politics is where it’s at.  The perfect vehicle for this mouthy dweeb who believes all his bull shitake.  More power to you, Davis.  I’m champing at the bit to see what happens next week.

The other jaw dropping moment? Creighton Bernette’s fascination with YouTube.  His realization it can be used to project his own vitriol which boils over at each and every turn when falsifications by politicians and newscasters come to light concerning his beloved New Orleans … and the result is magic.  Creighton tapes a segment on YouTube that is a thing of beauty to behold.  I unsuccessfully hunted for a video segment of the rant.  It was terrifical.  And it bears repeating here, if nothing more than as quotation (with some of the expletives creatively altered for your sensitive types):

    “Hello, YouTube?  This is Creighton Bernette from New Orleans. Yeah … we’re still here. I just want to say something to all y’all trying to figure out what to do about our city:  Blow (up a balloon for) me.  You say:  Why rebuild it?  I say: ‘Frak’ you. You rebuilt Chicago after the fire … you rebuilt San Francisco after the earthquake. Let me tell you something:  Anything that’s any ‘schprucking’ good in Chicago came from someplace else … and San Francisco is an overpriced cesspool with hills.  To Houston and Atlanta may I say:  Lick my ‘hirsute cheese’ balls. You took in thousands of our people, but guess what?  You still suck. We got more culture in one neighborhood than you got in all your sorry-‘ascot’ sprawling suburbs put together.  To New York?  “Insert foreign objects where they don’t belong in” you too.  You get attacked by a few fundamentalist ‘fargging grassholes’ and the federal money comes raining down like rose petals.  Our whole ‘flipping’ coast was destroyed and we’re still waiting for someone to give a good ‘St. Pete’.  But you want to write off New Orleans … cancel Carnival.  Let me tell you something:  Tuesday, February 28th, wherever the ‘heck’ you all are, will just be another grey, dreary, sorry-“mass”, ‘frakked”-up Tuesday.  But down here, it will be Mardi Gras.  ‘Schproink’ you, you ‘doinking doinks’!”

Am I right? Good stuff, huh?  Believe you me: It’s better in video.

This Treme Show?  It just keeps gettin’ better and better.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Treme – Expletives are havin’ fun”

May 3, 2010 at 11:35 PM

The original rant recording was simply an audio recording of the FYYFF post. I think it’s still on the original blog somewhere.

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