CliqueClack TV

One American Idol contestant raises the bar impossibly high

Another excellent 'Idol' episode courtesy of Lee DeWyze ... with an assist from Simon Cowell.

- Season 9, Episode 40 - "The Top 3 Perform"

There are only so many synonyms you toss about concerning the lackluster season American Idol has proven itself to be this year.

It’s been humdrum, wearisome, flat, uninteresting and — in many an episode — downright snooze-inducing.  And more. But amazingly, in a matter of three week’s time, the Idol Powers That Be have pulled out a couple episodes which have been downright engaging.

The first was the Harry Connick, Jr. mentored episode of a few weeks past. The second was this week’s airing, an episode which certainly delivered.

The contestants really needed to put it all out there in a battle to reach the Final Two next week. All three of them needed not only to give it all they had, but it was necessary to leave it all on the stage and walk away, confident they’d avoided elimination.  So, how’d they do?

The first part of the show saw the contestants getting the opportunity to pick the songs they wanted to do:

Casey James does Eric Hutchinson’s “Okay, It’s Alright With Me”:  Plain Vanilla Casey did justice to that moniker, didn’t he?  Not only was there little taste in the performance, Casey didn’t do anything at all with it worth propelling him into next week. Sadly, it was a wasted effort for him, doing nothing whatsoever to advance his case.

Crystal Bowersox does Melissa Ethridge’s “Come To My Window”:  She was vocally ‘off’ to begin with … a bit pushed and desperate sounding … and verging on the screechy. Sure, better than Casey before her … but not by much.

And then came Lee DeWyze doing Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man”: Have we seen this guy grow throughout the competition?  Have you noticed it?  Because I have. Lee has come into his own.  Not only has he grown more and more confident with each and every performance, he’s reached a point of engagement with what he’s singing. He’s no longer just going out there and shuffling through the motions. And he knows it. Lee picked this particular Skynyrd song, was happy with it and thoroughly enjoyed committing it. Ain’t it a kick when something like that shows as confidence in what you’re doing?

The second half of the show saw judges’ picks for the contestants:

Casey James does John Mayer’s “Daughters”: Holy Moly … what a difference a song makes. Casey did 100% better than he did with his first effort … but there was still vocal wavering and crazy monkey business singing within the arrangement. Despite the fact this tune was hand-picked by Kara Dio Guardi and Randy Jackson, it was just more proof Casey cannot go any further than where he is right this very moment.

Crystal Bowersox does Paul McCartney’s “Maybe I’m Amazed”: Sans guitar, Crystal started out sitting on atop a staircase, dramatically rising from her seat and finally descending. And that was all the drama I got out of her, much to my displeasure.  For me, it was a tad strange hearing her sing “… maybe I’m a man …”. But then, it was Ellen who chose the song for her.  And it showed.  Read into that what you will. (It seemed as if Crystal didn’t really want anything to do with the song by some of the reactions she displayed during the judges’ comments.) There were moments where her ‘shine’ came through, but it wasn’t anything fantastic.

And then came the topper of the evening.  One of the best performances (in my opinion) I’ve ever seen over the years on Idol.  Courtesy of Simon Cowell.

Lee DeWyze did Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”: Suffice to say, Lee blew the roof off the place. It was emotional, it was breath-taking and it was spiritual. (See the video below. Nothing I say can do justice to what Lee gave to the evening.)

Is there any doubt Crystal and Lee are headed for the final week of Idol, leaving Casey in their wake.  I don’t think so, Tim …

Photo Credit: Fox

29 Responses to “One American Idol contestant raises the bar impossibly high”

May 19, 2010 at 9:51 AM

Lee was fantastic. I thought all season long that Crystal had it won, but with Hallelujah Lee changed all that for me. *goosebumps*

May 19, 2010 at 10:04 AM

Casey is a goner. That’s obvious. I will agree with you.. Casey’s second song was 100% better than his first. I really like his guitar work and find myself wanting to hear more. Even last night’s short tease was good.

I don’t know what happen to Crystal’s first performance but it was off the mark and awkward. I don’t think the harmonica help in any way. However, I do think she recovered with her second song but I’m bias because “Maybe, I’m Amazed” is one of my all time favorites songs eva.

For me, Lee was the clear winner last night. I loved what he did with both songs and wow, I am proud of him. He HAS grown through this competition and it can only get better. Remember how timid and humble Carrie Underwood was during her season? Well, Look at her now. I’m not saying that Lee’s another Carrie but anything is possible. Just a thought.

I’m still keeping the theory of “girls with tattoos don’t win Idol” in the back of my mind and if Lee keeps this up.. You maybe right again my friend. I’m predicting no crow for you :-)

May 19, 2010 at 10:04 AM

Re: Ellen’s song choice for Crystal – I think it was totally innocent and it did not bother me at all. Just like the bible and constitition refers to “men/man” and there’s NO way I would want either changed.

May 19, 2010 at 1:00 PM

Dog gone it all….I was wishin that Crystal had been given Lee’s song, cuz I SO want her to win, but really unless Crystal completely blows us away, Lee, a dark horse in my book at the beginning could just gallop away with the whole thing!!!!

I did’t get either one of Casey’s songs. The judge picked song was sung like he was just going thru the motions!!!!!! There was NO emotion, no nothing!!!!

Yep it’s gonna be a Crystal/Lee finale.

Oh and I’m a bit bummed about finale night….I MIGHT miss the 1st 1/2 hour at the very least as the boneheads in the MLS scheduled a soccer friendly and I work at the stadium our team plays in! It’s a 5PM match so as long as people don’t dilly dally I SHOULD make it home in time for the finale!

May 19, 2010 at 2:31 PM

First I have to gripe…… My dish went out right as Idol started. Both TV’s went totally nuts…. searching for satellite, downloading waiting, searching again downloading etc etc etc. My husband I accused each other for screwing up (and it got pretty ugly) somehow for about 15 minutes before we called tech support. He spent the rest of the show on the phone with a really nice gal who was a big Lee fan talking him thru the reset……. Got the thing up and running just in time to see them praise Lee for his last song….. I swear I’d decided there was NO GOD! ……. and that’s just the beginning……..

May 19, 2010 at 2:39 PM

Part 2: Called my sister to see who had what numbers and who did the very best *though I would have voted for Lee even if he fell down* She had watched it and recorded it, invited me down to see it. Jumped in the car IN MY JAMMIES and fuzzy slippers….. drove the 20 miles voting as I went drove. I was a bejammied hazard on the freeway I’m sure. *I did however take my time to put my teeth in and put on clean underwear incase I got in a wreck.* ANYWAY, I got my fix…….. and I didn’t get arrested. Life was good afterall.

Now where do I go to watch all the performances again because my sister yakked thru the whole thing? I was really nice and didn’t tell her to shut the hell up but I wanted to…..

May 19, 2010 at 2:57 PM

I think Lee should win because Gloria almost died voting for him.

May 19, 2010 at 3:52 PM

Aw’RIGHT! *fist pump*

May 19, 2010 at 3:05 PM

LOL @ Tara. I’ll second that.

May 19, 2010 at 3:54 PM

* LEE WINS! It’s a done deal *

May 19, 2010 at 3:11 PM

OMG Glo……you are a serious goof ball…but I love ya JUST the way you are!!!!

May 19, 2010 at 3:56 PM

?????……. toothless and half nekkid on the freeway?*

May 19, 2010 at 4:01 PM

At least you had your fuzzy slippers on.

May 19, 2010 at 4:07 PM

Ok….. 3some show…. great article as usual, Uncle. I so like all of these guys but Casey has to go. I think they had his last number staged AWFUL…. the stage was TOO BRIGHT and he should have been seated on a stool. Sort of coffee-shoppish. Once when my sister shut her yap I said as much and she agreed…. I think she agreed. I didn’t listen to her answer.

Why do I have this Gawd-hep-me-Geezus gut feeling Crystal is going tonight??? Talk me down, guys! My gut has been 100% this year. And don’t try to make me feel better with statistics. I hate that site and never look at it. I dunwanna know what they have to say.

If my dish goes crazy tonight and I miss the show, you won’t be hearing from me again. I will have to kill myself because I can’t do last night again.

May 19, 2010 at 4:25 PM

Oh, one more thing…… The Ellen song choice for Crystal was good but awkward. I’m just glad she didn’t try to ‘feminize’ it by changing the words. ‘Syesha of the Heart-Shaped-Hair’ used to do that and I think ya’all know how I felt about her….. ugh. *I still have hair nightmares*

Jeni, my fuzzy slippers didn’t match. I was in a hurry.

May 19, 2010 at 9:47 PM

Gloria..No worries Lady.. All I got to say to you is….


May 20, 2010 at 1:26 AM

awwwww.. darn sweet, Jeni…. however I think this fits me better, eh?

May 19, 2010 at 11:08 PM

Now that we know the results of the night.. I can honestly tell you who Casey reminds me of, not so much the voice but definitely his guitar work. Listen and see if you agree…


Then this…

Too me.. the young man has a bright future ahead of him. I wish him all the best. He’s got mad skills on the ole guitar! Another Clapton in our future? I can only hope so :-)

May 20, 2010 at 1:40 AM

Casey guitar is most excellent…. I wanted to see him really cut lose Tuesday night….. hell, what did he have to lose really and I think it would have helped him.

The last link reminded me of this, Jeni…… I was such a fan I made my husband sick…. LOL
*I wasn’t lurking in IDOL world back then so nobody here had to listen to me slather.*

May 20, 2010 at 7:45 PM


“Awkward” was an understatement. Especially coming from Ellen.

I’m just glad she had the forethought not to change up the gender of the tune. That would have been disastrous …..

May 19, 2010 at 4:38 PM

I am feeling like maybe I’m a man, maybe I’m a lonely man who’s in the middle of something, that he doesn’t really understand. Puhleese. Why not just make Lee sing “I Will Survive?” Stooooopid choice. If Ellen wanted Cystal to sing a Beatles tune, I’m fairly sure they wrote a few other songs.

Having said that! I would have not picked John Mayer’s “Daughter” for Casey, but “Don’t Call me Daughter” or something else by Pearl Jam. Casey sometimes sounds a lot to me like Eddie Vedder. And some “rock” could have been forced on him. But Kara and Randy ain’t as cool as this man, er, chick.

Lastly, I believe someone should watch Gloria 24/7 until all this is over. Shall we take turns???

May 20, 2010 at 1:44 AM

Aw heck….. I’ll make it one more week without around the clock care but thanks for the thought…… You are such a pal. :o)

Maybe I’m amazed that it’s hard to sing a guy song with a straight face. Ellen shudda thunk that one thru…. or maybe she did… whatever.

May 19, 2010 at 7:25 PM

WOW! (read all the comments) Y’all so ain’t right. Thank God!

So yeah, I think KA-RUH and Ran-dawg totally threw Casey under the bus with that lame-tastic Mayer song. Not a fan of the dude anyway, but “Say” would have been more profound. AT least it is from a movie about dudes cashing it in which is what will happen to Spiral Perm Ken. Quite honestly, Bucky Covington post make over should have been gone long, long ago. If he was fugly and could eat an apple through a picket fence he never would have come this far with his Ba-ba black sheep doofus vibrato. No wonder he chooses to scream. He’ll do fine when some hee-haw record label picks him up.

Lee. Oh Lee. You got the gospel back up singers, baby. That’s big time. Big stuff. Way more groovilicious than the bag piper.
Why was Crystal screaming at me? Of all the nights in all the competition, why did she choose last night to pull out her secret Sam Harris side? Huh? HUH? Did Siobhan call her up and say “yeah! here’s how you do the scream people go ape-sh*t for” Ugh!

May 19, 2010 at 9:09 PM

Lee was outstanding. I totally agree with everything you said in your post. I think we’re looking at a Lee & Crystal finale. Unfortunately, we have to sit through the dreck of the home visits to get to the results. Blah. At least there’s no group number. Yet.

May 20, 2010 at 1:49 AM


I’ll admit: I’ve officially lost control.

May 20, 2010 at 10:27 AM

“Hallelujah” is always a win. That’s such a beautiful, simple song that any pretty good singer can sound like a great singer with it. It would take a truly bad singer to ruin “Hallelujah.” Lee got lucky with Simon’s song choice, and the good thing is that he didn’t waste that opportunity.

May 20, 2010 at 7:44 PM

I’ve seen a few who have butchered “Hallelujah” to the point I wondered if I would ever enjoy the song again, Ruby. Fortunately, I get won over most of the time. Some have been real hack jobs.

That’s why I don’t use the words “always” and “never”, Ruby. You just don’t know what’s around the corner. Thanks for visiting … !!!

May 20, 2010 at 8:49 PM

Yes – as I said, a singer who manages to butcher “Hallelujah” is a truly bad singer.

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