CliqueClack TV

TV at the San Diego Comic-Con: Friday

I'm making only my second pilgrimage to the San Diego Comic-Con this year, but with so much TV stuff in attendance, it's impossible to be thorough. Here are my picks for the 'con's second day.

If you thought my first day’s schedule was intimidating, you ain’t seen nothing yet. The second day of Comic-Con is when things really start cooking with the TV panels. And, as with Thursday — and all the other days of the ‘con — I’ve got to make some sacrifices.

If you want to see a schedule of everything TV-related going on at SDCC 2010, I put them together on the official Comic-Con scheduling page, which allows you to import it into iCal.

10:00-11:00 Ugly Americans (Room 25ABC)
10:15-11:15 Aloha, Earth! [Hawaii Five-0] (Room 6BCF)

I’ve never caught Comedy Central’s animated Ugly Americans, so I’m opting out of that one. And while I’m not really sold on needing to see a panel about Hawaii Five-0, sometimes you need to get in a room early to see the stuff you really want to see.

10:30-11:30 Stargate Universe (Ballroom 20)
11:30-12:30 AMC’s The Walking Dead (Room 6BCF)
11:30-12:30 Caprica (Ballroom 20)

This is where I’m going to lose some respect, if you have any for me at all. I’m going to the Walking Dead panel. I know, I know — me, the BSG guy for CliqueClack, missing out on two Syfy shows for some unproven show? Yes, it’s true. As much as I like SG:U and … Caprica is a BSG prequel, I’m a fan of the Walking Dead comics and have been looking forward to this series since hearing of it. I also believe there are times when covering something new can be a lot more interesting than hearing tiny tidbits about a show that’s already established.

12:45-1:45 Big Bang Theory (Ballroom 20)
2:00-2:45 Bones (Ballroom 20)
2:15-3:15 The Cape (Room 6A)

Yeah, this one stings a bit. Because I’m not going to sit in Ballroom 20 for the SG:U and Caprica panels, there’s just no way I’ll see the BBT panel after Walking Dead. And then Bones after that. However, I do have a chance to get in to see The Cape, which I’m also interested in.

3:00-3:45 The Joss Whedon Experience (Ballroom 20)
3:15-4:15 Spartacus: Blood and Sand (Room 6BCF)
3:30-4:30 MTV’s Teen Wolf (Room 6A)

Again, I won’t be in Ballroom 20, so I won’t be seeing Joss. I have to admit that this is where I rethink my choices, because I love Joss’s stuff and really want to hear what he has to say. Will he show some of his movie, Cabin in the Woods? Will he announce more Dr. Horrible? Or maybe he’ll go on talking just about comics.

So, instead, I’ll stay seated after The Cape to see what this Teen Wolf series looks like. It’s MTV, so I don’t have high hopes, but it would be something to report that it actually looks good, right? I wonder how empty this panel will be with everyone in Ballroom 20 and elsewhere.

4:00-5:00 EW’s Women Who Kick Ass (Ballroom 20)
4:30-5:30 Robot Chicken, Venture Bros., Metapocalypse (Room 6BCF)
4:45-5:45 Falling Skies (Room 6A)

Again, 6A is where I stay. Falling Skies actually sounds pretty interesting, produced by Steven Spielberg and coming to TNT next summer. Cable shows are where it’s at these days, so it’s starting to make me feel a littler better that I’m opting to attend these smaller rooms rather than the cavernous Ballroom 20.

5:15-6:15 True Blood (Ballroom 20)
6:00-7:00 Being Human (Room 6A)

Being Human‘s second season comes to BBCA the following day, so they were smart to make an appearance here. I’m not a fan of True Blood, so I would be sorta clueless watching that panel and trying to think of what to write about. At this point, though, I’m really starting to feel skeeved out at the thought of staying in Ballroom 20 the entire day, with nary a break to be seen. It’s big, dark, and not at all intimate unless you’re in the front row.

6:30-7:30 TV Guide’s Hot List (Ballroom 20)
7:00-8:00 RiffTrax Live (Room 6DE)
7:30-8:30 Discovery Channel’s Reign of Dinosaurs (Room 6BCF)

The only option here is the Dinosaurs panel, and, honestly, I’m tired just reading my list already. After Being Human, I’m either taking a well-needed dinner break, hitting up a party or two (networks and studios put them on, or web sites, etc.), or go get some sleep. After all, my mind will be three hours ahead.

Tomorrow: the overwhelming Saturday schedule.

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Categories: | Comic-Con | Features | General |

3 Responses to “TV at the San Diego Comic-Con: Friday”

July 20, 2010 at 3:24 PM

I like your choices because you are there for you first if you ask me. If it’s only work and no fun then forget it.

There will be a gazillion fanboys in those other panels and there will be enough shaky video about Joss and the others. Who says I’m going to get as good a report from those other panels if it weren’t for you.

And with an ass so kissed like yours now sitting will be no problem as well ;-)

July 20, 2010 at 8:37 PM

Yeah, too bad I won’t be there… Because we’d have everything covered, because I’d would be spending the day in Ballroom 20 :)

July 22, 2010 at 3:50 PM

I am SOOOO glad you bit the bullet and went to Comic-con. Woo hoo! Jealousy is running out of my ears.

I have gained respect for your choice to go to Walking Dead. I can’t wait to hear about it!!

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