CliqueClack TV

The Glades – An emotional drama in disguise?

I can no longer stand behind 'The Glade's as a procedural. It's a full blown drama. As the commercial says, the forecast is sunny with a “chance” of homicide. I do believe they’re right. Are you on board?

- Season 1, Episode 10 - "Second Chance"

As I sat scratching my head trying to figure out how best attack this week’s episode, The Glades was renewed for a second season. With an alarming lack of screen time for the costars and leads Matt Passmore and Kiele Sanchez dominating every scene, it’s difficult to even introduce the homicide cases in weekly posts. All the evidence indicates this is not a procedural, but a disguised relationship drama.

And the case this week was interesting. Anything about thoroughbred racing always fascinates me, but it was really just another ruse for Passmore and Sanchez to share screen time. OF COURSE Callie wanted to be a jockey before she had a family. How else would an episode about champion racehorses and breedstock become all about the undeniable connection between her and Jim?

The Glades has become a ratings success for A&E, known more for their documentary style programming than scripted content. A lot of people are tuning in and I’m wondering if they are as confounded by what they are watching as I am. The disguise is worn well; most of the cases of the week are intriguing and allow Passmore to shine with his acerbic wit and expressive face.

But it always comes back to the bond formed between Jim, the socially-stunted super sleuth and Callie, a sexy nurse, mother and med student with a penchant for the bad boys. The real stunner, as I have said before, is Matt Passmore in his portrayal of Jim Longworth. You know that feeling when you are trying to be upbeat and you’re attempting to smile through a tough situation, but you can feel your mouth twitching … the smile trying its damnedest to wipe itself off your face? Passmore can bring that look on with ease, and it’s his ability to do so that makes his interpersonal scenes (especially those with Callie) so riveting to watch.

Sure, Jim can sling one liners and turn his witnesses to Jello with a word and a smirk. He has an uncanny ability to run with a hunch wherein he not only catches his killer, but anyone else standing by with a secret has to watch their back, as well. There is no denying the investigative techniques employed by Jim Longworth are unusual and delightful to watch. But, it’s when Passmore and Sanchez let raw emotion drive their scenes between Jim and Callie that leaves little hope for a mere procedural once the dust clears.

Photo Credit: A&E Telelvision

14 Responses to “The Glades – An emotional drama in disguise?”

September 14, 2010 at 5:47 PM

I’m a couple of episodes behind, but you nailed it on the head, and that’s probably why I like this show. It’s so much more than a procedural and I love Matt Passmore’s Jim.

September 14, 2010 at 6:26 PM

I was an innocent bystander in my house that got roped into this show. Matt Passmore really reminds me of Kelsey Grammar. Don’t laugh– it’s something around his mouth. Kiele Sanchez I wish wish wish would alter the manner in which she delivers her lines. It’s sing-song and Valley girlish. Overall, it’s an OK show for me. I can stand it. Wow, I sound so excited, don’t I?

September 14, 2010 at 6:31 PM

Kelsey Grammar? Ewwwww! I would not want to do the things to Kelsey that I would entertain with Mr. Passmore, that’s for sure!

I think Kiele sounds like she’s always saying “blah”. You hear sing-song and I hear deep, nasal tones. Maybe I’m tone deaf!

September 14, 2010 at 6:36 PM

I hope I haven’t ruined him for you, but I honestly found myself wanting to google if he was related to Kelsey Grammar somehow. Maybe it’s the underbite or something. Kiele to me, always starts and ends each sentence the same way, and def. pronounces the last word in 2 or 3 syllables–drawing it out like a VG and then letting it drop flat. She’d get brutal comments from any radio Program Director, for sure!
I know … picky picky!

September 14, 2010 at 7:20 PM

Nope – you can’t ruin him for me. For his first few scenes I thought he was kind of homely. It’s what he projects that makes me want to jump through the screen. Additionally, I’ve never liked Kiele Sanchez, either. But I feel her. Maybe it’s because I have a boyfriend I’m trying to let go of in jail..whatever it is, both characters resonate with me and I’m in for the long haul.

September 15, 2010 at 5:19 AM

So… have you found your cop with baggage yet? ;-)

After reading all your posts about “The Glades” it’s kind of hard to understand why you didn’t start to write here earlier. When I look at the stuff I wrote the way you write seems so much more to the point… rather enjoyable. The only point I have to criticize is that you fawning over Matt with Deb makes the show sound as if it’s just for girls. Shame on you two for that ;-)

September 15, 2010 at 7:46 AM

I’m not fawning in a girly way — I really love the character. Mod can jump through the screen by herself! ;-)

September 15, 2010 at 10:48 AM

Hey Sebastian…I don’t know who paid you, but tell them it was money well spent. ;-) I wholly admit to a crush on Mr. Passmore. However, I have girl crushes elsewhere, so I feel no guilt.

September 15, 2010 at 2:23 PM

Aks your fellow bloggers about me, I guess they’ll think I’ve fallen victim to the body snatchers. Deb and I first got in contact when I “criticized” (read: was a total ass) in the comments for a blog post she wrote about Buffy.

It’s a rare case of “Sebastian tries to be nice”. I’m so glad you think I was paid :-)

September 14, 2010 at 8:12 PM

Did anyone else know the true killer as soon as they popped up on screen?

Also, I agree, Jim is an awesome character & I wish him & Carlos got more screen time together.

September 15, 2010 at 10:49 AM

Looks like next week we might see a bit more of Carlos. He gets some great digs in on Jim to put him in his place. ;-)

September 15, 2010 at 9:53 AM

Excellent insight into what makes this show tick! I agree it is becoming much more about Jim and Callie and that is a great thing. Lord knows TV is saturated with enough procedurals these days! And yeah that Matt Passmore could charm the pants off anyone I think.

September 15, 2010 at 10:49 AM

You’re in great company, Jeff. LOL

September 15, 2010 at 11:46 PM

I show that just sort of sneaked onto the radar and just keeps getting better and better–Love it.

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