CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars – It’s never too early to panic!

'Dancing With the Stars' started twirling again last night, and I for one am excited! It's good clean fun, with a bonus thrown in. And by bonus, I mean being able to ridicule The Hoff, and Mrs. Brady and The Situation and ... oh just read on!

- Season 11, Episode 1 - "Season 11, Episode 1"

See Jennifer Grey. See Jennifer Grey as you probably remember her from her blockbuster movies like Dirty Dancing and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, on the left. See Jennifer as she is today on the right. Yeah, I hear ya. It’s amazing to think a nose job could radically change someone’s appearance like that, isn’t it? And she’s taken a lot of flack for it over the years too. But for my purposes, it’s rather old nose … er … news. My job is to talk about her performance on the premiere episode of Dancing With the Stars. And basically I can sum it up in one word. Fab!

She was amazing, for the first week of competition. As a matter of fact, it’s easy for me to call her in the finals already. So I’m doing it! She has the perfect, compact muscular dancer’s body. She’s obviously had a bit of training. Although I saw an interview with her last week, where she mentioned that the training for Dirty Dancing was not as extensive as everyone seems to think.

Jennifer did say that she had dancing lessons as a child. I think a lot of her ability is probably inherited from her father, Joel Grey. For those of you who have not a clue of whom I speak, he was in Cabaret with Liza Minnelli, and he’s just fantastic. (Yes, I am a bit of a Broadway geek. What of it?)

Anyway. Jennifer lucked out with the best male dance partner on DWTS, Derek Hough. He has wins behind him, and can choreograph his little butt off. They happened to be assigned a tune from Dirty Dancing to use in their performance, and it was really touching in the background package, to hear and see Jennifer’s reaction to the loss of her friend Patrick Swayze. I admit to tearing up a bit right along with judge Carrie Ann Inaba.

O.K. So I cried a little at DWTS. I’m a chick. It’s allowed!

Anyway, she was goooood. Guess who wasn’t?

Uh huh. The Hoff. My oh my. This is a main reason I adore the early rounds of the show. See, I have a nasty streak. Sometimes I like to watch celebrities make utter idiots of themselves. It makes me chortle. Hey! It’s not my fault! These people put themselves out there. They accepted the offer. And believe me, I’m no dancer. I’m not saying I could do any better. But! The difference is, you wouldn’t see me subject myself to it. And with a straight face and an attitude too!

The Hoff’s dance was the best cheese I’ve had since the baked Brie I enjoyed at a party last winter. Lovely in its utter embarrassing glory. I so hope he lasts a few more weeks. But it’s probably doubtful.

The only contestants that were equally as bad were Margaret Cho and The Situation. What kind of a name is The Situation anyway? This guy is from the reality show The Jersey Shore, which I admit to never seeing. But he seems like he has an ego as big as the great outdoors. He didn’t even show up for rehearsals until five days before air. All the others had prepared for three weeks! Yes, he was finishing up filming, but usually the celebrity will work on location. I guess he thought he’d be O.K. He wasn’t.

And comedienne Margaret Cho? Well. I was rooting for her. I’ve seen all of her specials, and read her book. I can tell she’s overwhelmed with this show. She has major “body issues” from all of her years of rejection in Hollywood, and I think she’s letting it get to her. She came out in a ridiculous get up, with some sort of weird cape, and “intentionally” got caught in it and stumbled a few times. I think she had us all confused, including the judges. Very strange.

So it’s anyone’s guess whose going home. As Len Goodman says “It’s never too early to panic!”

And a final thought concerning Florence Henderson. Was anyone else a little bit freaked out by her flashing her bra to the camera? ‘Cause I was. Just a lil bit … . I mean “Gee whiz, Mrs. Brady!”

Photo Credit: ABC

15 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars – It’s never too early to panic!”

September 21, 2010 at 11:14 AM

I love DWTS because it is a great TV spectacle from the set to the lighting to the costumes to the dancing and music, but I just can’t watch this season for one big reason – and you didn’t mention her in your review! I’ll keep reading your column and once I see the coast is clear, I may check back in to see how the rest of the “real” celebrities are doing! I still voted for Margaret Cho, though, just to keep her on the show long enough for me to see her dance.

September 21, 2010 at 3:32 PM

BRISTOL PALIN! There I said it. I didn’t mention her, as I find her unremarkable so far. Don’t worry, I’ll get there.

September 21, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Maybe she’ll get halfway through the season and decide to quit.

September 21, 2010 at 11:59 AM

Actually, She Who Shall Not Be Named wasn’t that bad, for not being someone used to celebrity spotlight. I don’t know that she’ll last long, but she gave it a good try, and I respect that. I’m sure Tara will let you know when she’s off!

I was kinda dumbfounded by Margaret Cho’s routine. I realize she’s a comedian and all, but please, try to dance and not just intentionally look stupid? I think she might be the first to go. Or The Hoff, or The Situation. Anyone referred to as “The” can just leave now.

I love that Florence Henderson is giving it a go… I didn’t realize she’s 76 now, that’s a year older than my mom, who gets around with a walker, so I’m impressed! I still wish Betty White could compete.

Who I really liked was the kid from the Disney show; he had a lot of spunk and just went out there and had fun. I hope he sticks around! And of course, Jennifer Grey. I would love to see her win, and she will definitely make it to the finals, barring injury.

Tara, I’m thrilled you’re reviewing DWTS, it’s definitely one of my guilty pleasures!

September 21, 2010 at 3:34 PM

I think Margaret may be gone, Lisana. Although I saw her begging for votes mightily on FB …

September 21, 2010 at 3:37 PM

It all seems to depend on the fanbase. People who shouldn’t be sticking around often get kept due to the home voting I believe. I don’t much care for Adam Carrolla, but at least he tried when he was on.

September 21, 2010 at 3:04 PM

(ROFL) I couldn’t stop laughing! I can only describe it as a HOT MESS!

But I couldn’t look away either. You’re right there was some good dancing, and it will only get better once the dancing challenged are weeded from the herd. :)

September 21, 2010 at 3:35 PM

Yep. I can name the first six easily enough. But I won’t be a spoiler … wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

September 21, 2010 at 4:18 PM

The Hoff….was more entertaining eating his cheeseburger off the floor while drunk as a skunk. Florence…Florence…Florence…is a flasher what happens to one after raising the Brady Bunch? Nice review Tara! ;o)

September 21, 2010 at 5:05 PM

i loved watching David Hassellhoff too and now I don’t feel guilty any more!

September 21, 2010 at 5:51 PM

It looks like Margaret Cho’s pretty nervous about the results …

September 21, 2010 at 9:32 PM

I didn’t freak out at Florence as much as I found her sort of icky. I can’t explain it. Only feel it. Yes it’s great for the old gals to show us what they got but she creeps me out even more than Cloris (sp?). And at least she was supposed to be freaky.

And speaking of icky….The Hoff…ahh the potential foddar.

Why oh why do they allow contestants with any sort of previous training in this competition? That really bugs me.

This season I’m not feeling it (except a lot of icky). If I do hang in I’ll hang out here.

September 21, 2010 at 10:36 PM

. . . . .

With regard to The Hoff:

Carrie Ann Inaba: “… somehow you reminded me of the offspring of Donny Osmond and Jerry Springer … you dance with your mouth more than you dance with your body …”

Len Goodman: “It’s never too early to panic.”

Love it.

September 23, 2010 at 11:31 AM

If the reason you cannot watch DWTS this season has anything to do with the Palin girl, you are wrapped a bit too tightly, yes?

September 23, 2010 at 1:42 PM

I’M late to the the comments, but here goes. I know HOFF is gone-properly so! I like Jennifer Gray and the work she has done–I really beleve in Hollywood, close to my home, a female actress has to get nip and tuck work–just to get a chance to stay in the business–not fair, but true. Even our local female news people have work done, just to stay on the air–the men, not soo much. As for Bristol Palin–I agree she doesn’t exactly meet the critera for a “Star”, but how many others on this, and the previous shows really do. I dislike her mother and her ilk greatly, but I admire Bristol’s efforts-for the money or not, and think her performance was fair enough to stay on for awhile. I am upset, with the fact that Mom is still going to try and horn in by being there, and also by the shows attempt to use it for increased ratings. I know, that many “Stars” were contacted, and turned down the show–it shows how difficult it really is to get ready for the performances, and how few are willing to do the work. Overall, it has been good to revive a lot of struggling careers. My wife does, and will, watch the show on a regular basis. This time, even, though I usually watch only when a favorite former athelete is on, will have watch more parts. As an aside, has anyone besides me, noted that Tom Bergeron has got to be the most under-rated hosts in the business–It is amazing the number of so-so shows that he keeps in the top 20 in ratings, including such “winners” as the old “Hollywood Squares” to ABC’s Video’s show against some pretty tough competition.

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