CliqueClack TV

Stargate Universe’s Johansen lives in a dream, then in a nightmare

Alright, I don't want to get into a big ethical discussion over this, but I can't be the only one glad that Destiny won't be sporting a "Baby On Board" sign anytime soon.

Before you finish sharpening your pitchforks and lighting your torches, let me say the situation of Johansen losing a child –o f course it’s awful! I didn’t find any pleasure in that part of the story at all. What was good about it, though, was that I finally saw what bringing a pregnancy onto the show could do for the overall story. Just the initial thought of possibly having to raise a baby in that dark, stark and utter hostile environment was hard to imagine. It brought an added bit of drama to the story in the first season that was just enough to make us nervous for Johansen and her pregnancy. However, the next thought was what Destiny would be like with goofy Uncle Eli making cooing noises while operating the gate controls … and we groaned. Well, that’s all over now.

I don’t believe the baby storyline is over, though. Johansen still has to deal with it, and so does Young. But it’s the kind of drama and issues that we’ve come to expect with what we’ve already seen on this show. I’m still not exactly sure what to make of her “vision” while unconscious. It’s hard not to simply chalk it up to being all in her head and nothing more, so until we see otherwise, I unfortunately can’t look forward to seeing more come of it.

The one question I have coming out of this episode is what will become of the now prisoners. Could then not care less about Destiny now, or will they be colluding behind the others’ backs to make all sorts of trouble? Or maybe they have something useful to offer the current crew in terms of technology and know-how?

A pretty intense episode, though because Syfy ruined this episode with previews at the end of last season, not much was surprising. Still, it was just as entertaining as it always has been, so I’m happy. What about you?

Photo Credit: Carole Segal/Syfy

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9 Responses to “Stargate Universe’s Johansen lives in a dream, then in a nightmare”

September 29, 2010 at 2:18 AM

I’m sad for TJ and Young too. It does make for compelling drama. Nothing hoses a person’s mindset like losing a child, especially when there was drama behind the conception of said child to begin with.

This summer I watched all seasons of SG1, and the main thing I learned is that ANYTHING is possible. An Ascended being spiriting away a child is nothing new. Nothing will shock me in this regard.

Ah, the prisoners, well the gal is a likely love interest for someone right? The guy who was a baddie on BSG, Mr. hityouinthebellywithabarofsoap – he’s already falling for TJ – so, things will be
heating up soon.

September 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM

I’m with Kieth, while the death of a child is horrible (or the abduction of a child by higher beings to place her on a distant planet), any reason for TJ and Young to be less together is a good thing in my book.

I hope the red head makes eyes at Eli. He needs it :)

September 29, 2010 at 11:36 PM

I agree with you too, Keith. I didn’t like the baby story arc on Atlantis either. It was especially annoying because the baby was a sort of Mary Sue baby, meaning it was special and it was always the key to some heinous plot and the bad guys wanted to get their hands on it… come on. It’s not just a baby, it’s a SPECIAL baby? That’s pretty much the only way to make me actually dislike a baby.

Ivey, I hope you’re right. I’m tired of Eli moping over Chloe. She’s not worth it – maybe she just happens to be one of the only hot, single girls his age available on Voyager-I-mean-Destiny, but she’s useless. Here’s how little I esteem Chloe – if I had to choose between TJ’s baby and Chloe surviving this episode, I would choose TJ’s baby.

September 29, 2010 at 11:59 PM

Oh yeah? Well Camille Wray irritates me so much that when I see her, and hear her speak I want to throw the tv in the pool, pro wrestler style.

Chloe’s got her alien skin psoriasis now so no doubt, she’ll turn out to be a great leader, and be a clutch player in every dangerous situation from here on out. :)

So glad this show is back, I sure love Sci-Fi!!

September 30, 2010 at 9:51 AM

I’m with you on Camille – can’t stand her either.

I was disappointed that Rhona Mitra was disposed of so quickly, although that made for a really electric moment in the finale. Kiva was way more interesting than Baldie. Interesting factoid: I read somewhere that Lara Croft was modeled after Rhona Mitra (obviously Rhona later became one of the many live-action Lara Crofts).

October 1, 2010 at 9:24 PM

My dear, dear bsgfan….a little harsh on poor innocent Camille? LOL.

October 2, 2010 at 12:52 AM

To clarify Ming Na is great. The character of Camille is just a pain in the keister. Her teeth gritting assumptions that she knows best rub me wrong.

September 30, 2010 at 10:53 PM

great episode. anyone find a parallel between TJ seeing the nebula at the end and starbuck’s visions of nebulas guiding the crew of the galactica home? i wonder if TJ now has a special connections to the aliens.

October 1, 2010 at 9:22 PM

Poor TJ. It’s not enough for her to face the misfortune of having the bungling Young as the father (I don’t hate him, but so far I’m just not impressed with him), and then getting all shot up. Now she’s got these mysterious, trick-playing aliens messing with her baby. I agree sans baby would be better for the overall show, but I hate the concept of mothers having their child stolen. This brings back the hurtful memory when they stole Sharon’s baby.

Overall, as far as the entertainment factor, this episode was a step in the right direction.

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