CliqueClack TV

Chuck – Nicole Richie steals the show

Sarah has something she wants to discuss with Chuck. We don't find out until the last five minutes what that is, but guest star Nicole Richie's character chips away at the core with her witty insight.

- Season 4, Episode 3 - "Chuck vs The Cubic Z"

Chuck and Sarah – the pre-chat chatter – as narrated by Heather Chandler (aka, Nicole Richie), with special appearances by Chuck and Sarah themselves.

“But we both know that’s handled by Wit Sec, who I’d be happy to talk with. Not some wispy boy and a bottle blond with a daddy complex.” – Heather
“You, you got a lotta nerve talking to her like that.” – Chuck
“Burton can handle a little ribbing from an old pal. You’re her partner Chuck, not her boyfriend.” – Heather

“So, how deep are you? Shacking up? Doing the dog thing first or straight to babies? One? Five?” – Heather

“So when’d you two start dating for reals? You know why she won’t talk about this Chuck? Because it makes her edgy. I get it. You met my so called husband/con-victim right? I toyed with normal life, played happy homemaker for a while, and as soon as he got serious, I robbed him blind. My advice? Pull the rip cord before you get fried.” – Heather

“You know I was thinkin’ about how some of my favorite movies wind up in air ducts. Like Aliens, Die Hard, although generally speaking, it doesn’t wind up well for the duct crawlers.” – Chuck
“Thanks for that, movie dork. I bet you have like a Tron poster in your room.” – Heather

“You hear that Chuck? Stay alert, as in don’t distract yourself staring at my tail.” – Heather
“Looking at your … no, no, thank you, no.” – Chuck
“I’m kidding. Jenny Sarah, how did you end up with such a goof ball?” – Heather
“Masculine goof ball, thank you very much.” – Chuck
“Awww, you’re sweet. I did the sweet guy thing, too. I know how it is.” – Heather (followed by swift kick to the face from Jenny Sarah)
“Sorry, foot slipped.” – Sarah
“Ooo hoooo … I must be hitting home. Of course I am.” – Heather

“I got hitched to a dork just like you. Sweet, dumb, loyal, a mutt. And, that was attractive. I thought, this schmuck is going to make me a better person. And, for 10 minutes I convinced myself I didn’t mind movie night or dinner at six. But then my true nature kicked in. And the reason this conversation has Burton so upset is because it’s doing the same for her. We’re the same.” – Heather

“She’s all spy. White weddings, rug rats in a mini van — it’s not in our wiring.” – Heather
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. Guess what. You talk too much.” – Chuck
“Burton, be kind to him. He’s too sick in love to in love to see the truth. Just remember, she keeps secrets for a living.” – Heather

“Good luck. I’m rootin’ for ya, but I’m certainly not bettin’ on ya.” – Heather to Chuck

“Hand me over. Save your ass. We both know what you’re gonna do, so just do it. You kept me alive for information, but it’s not worth dying over. I know you Walker, I know what you’re going to do.” – Heather
“You don’t know who I am, or what I want, or what’s in my head. We have nothing in common.” – Sarah

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe we aren’t alike at all. Maybe you are capable of love, affection and vulnerability. I hope so. Chuck seems like a really nice guy. And he’s really in love. Are you?” – Heather
“Goodbye, Heather.” – Sarah

Photo Credit: NBC Television

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