CliqueClack TV

Dancing With the Stars – Hit me baby one more time!

We're waltzing across the floor on 'Dancing With the Stars,' and a new contender is stepping up to the plate. But. I have another bone to pick....

- Season 11, Episode 5 - "Season 11, Episode 5"

Before we discuss how well Audrina Patridge performed last night on Dancing With the Stars, there’s something I simply have to say. Maksim Chmerkovsky is a pig. There! I feel much better.

Yes, he’s a fabulous dancer. And yes, he has placed three times in the history of the show. But when it comes to the way he treats his partners, he just makes me cringe. He’s dismissive, angry and often times petulant.

O.K. I hear you gal readers saying he’s hot. And although I detest that term and can’t wait for it to go away, I do agree with you. He’s great to look at. But over the last several seasons, I’ve noticed that his personality is completely lacking.

Last year, when his partner Erin Andrews was going through a hard time with a stalker while filming, Maks showed he could at least be human. But they were rumored to be doing the horizontal mambo as well as all their “scheduled performances,” so that’s to be expected.

This year, he’s paired up with singer Brandy. And even though Brandy professes to admire him and crave his approval, even Tom Bergeron is making Stockholm Syndrome references.

In rehearsal for this week’s dance, Maks repeatedly slaps Brandy. He hits her on the arm and the butt. O.K., not hard. But really? I mean really? It was hard enough to make her wince. It was hard enough to cause judge Len Goodman to comment. Len said, “I didn’t like that whole VT (video) of your way of training.”

And judge Carrie Ann Enaba helped to send us all back to the dark ages when she put her two cents in … “I don’t condone that kind of teaching. But it worked.”

Thanks Carrie Ann. Maybe elementary school teachers should start slapping kids now? It could be called the Dancing With the Stars Method! Sigh.

What a big oaf.

The whole thing reminded me of when I was young. I had a lot of waitressing jobs while I was struggling with the acting bug. And twice I was pinched and slapped on the arm by managers. So. It incenses me when a person of so-called authority abuses their position. Big time.

Maks did defend himself to Brooke Burke, when he and Brandy went backstage to get their scores. He said, “My number one priority is to make my students better. It’s not about the method. It’s about the end result.”

Oh. Alright. And Brooke made it all better by pointing out that Brandy’s scores have improved under Maks “teaching.” Sigh. Did I just sigh again?

Aside from that Mrs. Lincoln. The show was good tonight. The contestants are improving, and a new contender showed her stuff in the form of Audrina Patridge from The Hills. I have no idea who she is, but lil gal can move!

And, although I adore Margaret Cho, she can’t dance. Don’t ask her. I believe she’s this week’s casualty. She looks so uncomfortable with the whole situation, that she may secretly find it a blessing.

But wait. By the whole situation, I don’t mean her fellow dancer The Situation. See, I meant … oh never mind. I’m still boiling over the whole Maks thing.

What do you think? Am I over analyzing?

Photo Credit: ABC

9 Responses to “Dancing With the Stars – Hit me baby one more time!”

October 5, 2010 at 12:40 PM

. . . . .

Hokay … I have a few questions. Here goes:

“… even Tom Bergeron is making Stockholm Syndrome references.” But … that’s Tom’s job … isn’t it?

Who is “Mrs. Lincoln”? Did she get voted off the show while I was napping? I wonder how she would have paired up with Maks? Does she have anything to do with the Ford Motor Company’s recent demise of their Lincoln Mercury vehicle line? Are you sure you’re not talking about Cloris Leachman?

“And judge Carrie Ann Enaba helped to send us all back to the dark ages …” And this surprises you?

… waiting … waiting …

October 5, 2010 at 3:21 PM

To answer the kind Sir’s questions:
A. I meant, even Tom Bergeron knows Brandy is afraid of Maks.
B. I’ve tried to explain this joke to you before. I can’t believe you’ve never heard of this joke! Have you been living under a rock? Is it comfortable there? Can you get pizza delivery?
C. No, sadly I am not surprised.
Thanks for asking!

October 5, 2010 at 3:59 PM

. . . . .

What’s the matter with you?

You know I don’t like pizza …

October 5, 2010 at 4:29 PM

We get Pizza tonight for the elimination show? Sweet :-)

October 5, 2010 at 4:34 PM

You two. Why, I oughtta …

October 5, 2010 at 4:33 PM

I have an idea: let’s make Michael the next partner for Maks.

I taped the show so I could watch it today–yeah, hasn’t happened yet, but maybe later. I just think Maks is creepy. Really. But then so is Corky.

October 5, 2010 at 4:35 PM

I also think Corky is creepy! And I’m throwing in Anna while I’m at it.

October 5, 2010 at 5:40 PM

Yeah, I’ve never been a fan of Maks or the way he treats his partners. Seems like he almost always makes them cry! Brandy seems too tough to let that happen, but still; all that smacking didn’t go over well with me, either! *takes a seat beside fuddy duddy Len*

October 9, 2010 at 2:59 PM

There is noone on Dancing With the Stars I feel like watching…and for some reason Bruno is getting on my nerves more then usual this season, haha

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