CliqueClack TV

On Chuck, John Casey + The A-Team = a really great time!

Turns out that 'Chuck,' with less Chuck, is a really great thing. Casey and Morgan turn on the heat, highlighting the series' unleashed potential.

- Season 4, Episode 5 - "Chuck vs. the Couch Lock"

I REALLY like episodes where Chuck is not the center of the universe. A Casey-centric episode would have been sheer perfection had he actually spent less time paralyzed. Just sayin’. All his old A-Team buddies are skulking around and he’s caught in “Couch Lock.” So unfair! I did enjoy his facial expressions as various people poked and prodded him, physically and mentally, until Morgan finally goaded him awake with his confession of dating Alex.

I’ve mentioned my enjoyment before, but Casey and Morgan are now officially my favorite part of the show. Morgan is growing by leaps and bounds. He’s dating Casey’s daughter for goodness sakes! Once he had the thumbs up from the General, he’s been gaining confidence that he tends to squander being silly, but really brings it on when needed. I’m proud of the little bugger.

It’s easy to see the contrast when we have Chuck, whiny-ass Chuck, always blaming himself for anything that goes wrong. Until his eyes roll back in his head and he flashes, he’s just weak. He actually considered stopping his life-long search for his mother. Get a backbone Chuck! Morgan is not weak. OMG … I think I have a crush on Morgan. He and Casey together are just magic. My vote for a spin off when the inevitable cancellation comes: Casey and Morgan. And they join …

The Expendables! Or The Losers! Or, one of the other myriad of movies about ex-commandos that could easily transfer to television. My favorite B-movie man, Eric Roberts, showed up to the party this week, fitting perfectly as an old team-mate of Casey’s. And Joel Moore … what is he? He has to be the most versatile nerd in entertainment today. He plays a hard ass, a dork, a genius, and he plays every role with ease. I would definitely tune in to watch a show with all of them blowing things up and making snarky comments, teetering between being good and bad guys.

Chuck has a very fanatical base of viewers. The numbers seem to remain steady week after week. Episodes like this one make me think Chuck is a bubble show because they don’t make full use of the incredible cast they have. There have been definitive steps taken this season to remedy that, especially with Adam Baldwin (Casey) and Joshua Gomez (Morgan). Their burgeoning friendship, the involvement of Casey’s daughter, Alex, and her dating Morgan really make them more important to the overall success of the show. They obviously want to build more story for them, but it seems too simple for the writers to fall back to the Chuck and Sarah relationship. I’m wondering: is that why you watch? What keeps you coming back? Did you enjoy this episode as much as I did, or would you have enjoyed more Chuck and Sarah lovey dovey?

Fun Stuff:

Description of Morgan’s A-Team qualities:
Name: Morgan
Expertise: None

“Huh – pesky dress uniforms, they get a little tight when you don’t wear them in a while.” – Casey as he tries to fit into his funeral dress

“Tell me about the drug you’re gonna use to kill me, hmm … what’s it called? Fakeadeathinol?” – Casey to Chuck

“Don’t you worry about a thing. I am going to eulogize the hell outta you buddy.” – Morgan to Casey

Photo Credit: NBC Television

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7 Responses to “On Chuck, John Casey + The A-Team = a really great time!”

October 18, 2010 at 11:34 PM

Great review as usual Carissa! Loved it! Agreed with everything you said.

October 18, 2010 at 11:39 PM

Back at cha! Check your page for the mutual admiration society handshake. ;-)

October 18, 2010 at 11:44 PM

I loved this episode. I adore the relationship that has grown between Morgan and Casey. They are such opposites, like the elephant and dog who had an unusual friendship (

While I love Chuck, I like when we get episodes that highlight other characters, well … unless it is the Nerd Herd.

October 19, 2010 at 9:42 AM

Pairing the polar opposites always makes for fun times! I think of how great The Big Bang Theory is whenever Penny and Sheldon interact. That engenders the best comedic moments!

October 19, 2010 at 5:04 PM

Throughout every season Chuck always does a great job of giving the spotlight of all the characters on the show. And this season they should do even better since NBC just cleared them to do 24 episodes this season. Thats a lot of time to focus on everyone this season.

October 19, 2010 at 8:08 PM

Finally, FINALLY an episode without all the Chuck/Sarah relationship crap. I’m so sick of it. I know Chuck is a comedy, but the crap that Chuck is pulling during missions is really stretching even comedy.

This episode was great. They acted like spies, it was amazing. And I agree, Casey and Grimes are becoming my favorite characters on the show.

Thanks for the review.

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