CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars – Are they voting for Sarah or Bristol?

I usually don't write a column about the results night of 'Dancing with the Stars,' mostly because I'm usually right about who's getting voted off. But this week was an upset. Sort of.

- Season 11, Episode 10 - "200th Episode"

I started a bit of a controversy on my own Facebook page by posting my article last night, saying Bristol Palin would be the next one to go home on Dancing with the Stars. And, as we found out in the results show, I was wrong. Bristol will live to dance another day. But Florence Henderson is gone (only one week early, according to my predictions.)

My friends on the ole FB, as well as some of you who have left comments here, agree that Bristol is only surviving week to week because her mother is Sarah Palin. I’ve heard a few of you say you won’t watch the show until Bristol is kicked off because of Sarah Palin being in the audience. Several have hypothesized to me that Bristol is only doing the show to garner positive public opinion for her controversial, political Mom.

And as I’ve said, I’m keeping my views to talking strictly about Bristol’s performances. I hate talking politics. I think that when it comes to that topic, intelligent people usually have very specific views, and what starts out as a “discussion” can quickly turn into hurt feelings and broken relationships. But I feel as if I have to address the fact that Bristol should have gone this week. She did not do as well as Mrs. Brady. (And that is saying something!) In fact, she was horrid. See for yourself …

From Bristol’s statements to her partner, you can tell she is even surprised she’s still there. She bumbled and stumbled. And still: Jennifer Grey was in the bottom three?? Obviously, someone is voting for her. Are they her fellow teens? Do you think Sarah Palin has an influence here? Or are these competition shows just unfair sometimes?

So I’m suspending my rule about political talk. I’m giving the people what the people want. Dish away! Just don’t blame me, if I try to stay neutral.

Photo Credit: ABC

15 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars – Are they voting for Sarah or Bristol?”

October 19, 2010 at 11:40 PM

I am with you…Bristol should have hit the road not for any other reason other then….she was bad bad bad. I loved Buzz Aldren (the astronaut) BUT holy macaroni…he was a MESS…an absolute MESS. But as American Idol..sometimes I just think these shows are not talent driven but popularity. Who knows where she is getting her following. But LOVE YOU Florence Henderson…aka Ms. Brady.

October 20, 2010 at 4:10 PM

Mikki, Buzz Aldren was painful to watch. Sometimes I wonder if it’s even fair to let celebrities on the show who are over “a certain age.” They’re obviously not going to win, and sometimes just make me sad to watch.

October 20, 2010 at 12:59 AM

. . . . .

The Flo … !!!

The Pail held water! The Flo flowed … !!!

Whoduh thunk it … ?!?

October 20, 2010 at 4:12 PM

“The Flo!” Heh. That killed me.

October 20, 2010 at 8:39 AM

There are a lot of teen moms out there who like the idea of being compared to Bristol … Heck, their faces are plastered on magazines I see at the checkout counters. It’s a bizarro world, but they are the people who use up all their DWTS allotted votes. They might not be old enough to vote in the real world …yada yada. Plus, I think the people who admire Sarah (she has her own reality show now, donchaknow?)are voting for Bristol to the max. Athletes with 2 left feet remain season after season due to their fans. It has nothing to do with Cheryl Burke’s amazing dance instruction (can’t stand her… yuk!)
Anyway, even my son thought Bristol stunk up the dance floor.

October 20, 2010 at 4:13 PM

Marissa, do you think there are that many teen Moms out there? *shudder*

October 20, 2010 at 11:18 AM

I’m not sure if it’s the teens, the tea partiers or both, but the voters can really skew things. I loved that Woz was on a couple seasons back, but he really should have gone in week one! And Master P and Billy Ray overstayed their abilities too, thanks to fan voting.

October 20, 2010 at 4:14 PM

It’s true Lisana. So is it fair to really call these shows “competitions” and not “popularity contests?”

October 21, 2010 at 12:44 AM

Hey Gurl,

Well, I have to say I thought she’d go home BUT not because she did the worst. I think Flo looked awkward and that thing with Barry (greg) didn’t help her. Ha, Ha. I am not a tea partier but I don’t think people are voting because of Sarah well, maybe a few but I think there are a lot of younger viewers that are voting for her. She seems to be a sweet girl you is trying to take the experience she had to help other girls and I have to look up to her for that. Anyway, that’s my opinion.

October 21, 2010 at 12:46 AM

Oh also, I think Mark B. didn’t help her at all by putting her in a monkey suit and making to awkward to get the dance started. Bad move Mark!

October 27, 2010 at 3:39 PM


Bristol picks the music, getup, and choice between the 2 types of dances in each round. She thinks the teeny-bopper music and the victim of being a single mom brings in the votes. She doesn’t have an ounce of taste of classic dancing music (just like the “Situation”), can’t dance correctly (actually getting her butt off the ground), and not relying on her momma’s friends bringing in the phone votes to keep getting past round 3 and beyond is hilarious. Being a sweet girl is one thing, but getting paid 30K to flap your gums about being a single mom (there are so many that they don’t need a role model because it’s really becoming the norm) is hardly someone to look up to. Len was right on how screwed up the public voting is and look for the judges to even up the scoring next week. Kurt, Bristol, & Kyle will most likely get super low scores in the next few weeks, so the public can’t actually save them (bring them past the 3rd place couple) anymore. These DWTS competitors get 175+K to “show up” and let the public push them thru the rounds. It’s kinda a joke how it works, but we all know that Jennifer, Brandy, & Audrina by far were the 3 best competitors bar none.

October 26, 2010 at 10:09 PM

What is going on here is Bristol is getting all the tea party votes. The Alaska votes. She is part of a small group that votes as group for their favourite thats how these shows are won people from big places could care less about these shows whereas small town folk identify with their local heroes.

October 28, 2010 at 8:02 PM

After seeing Donny Osmond win the last time out I am convinced that this is not about dancing – just “popularity”,..that’s it !! In my view there is only one way to make it fair,…select “five” qualified Judges,..let their score’s mount, week by week and whoever has the best total at the end of the competition “win’s” the whole ball of wax. That is the “only” way it can work properly. This public sentiment/popularity thing just won’t get it. The show is beginning to stink to high Heaven ! Embarassingly phony.

November 3, 2010 at 2:50 PM

Bristol Palin has no rhythm – no personality – she is an awkward participant. If she keeps knocking out good dancers, I would not watch it again –she is the worst I have ever seen on the show –
Yes, the voting is not working – it is about dancing supposedly —and she should have been eliminated the night Florence Henderson went off. I hope the producers read these blogs

November 3, 2010 at 5:34 PM

I don’t think she’s the worst ever seen on the show Pat. But she’s obviously sticking around because of the popular vote. And I’m with you. I hope the producers read these reviews too!

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