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Fringe – Choosing sides is no longer easy

There are tens of thousands of people trapped in amber in the alternate universe. Turns out they're alive. This very thought lends itself to the ultimate framework of Fringe.

- Season 3, Episode 5 - "Amber 31422"

This episode was pretty hyped when they cast real life twins Shawn and Aaron Ashmore to star as, dare to guess, twins. Given that we now have most of the cast in dual roles, I’m not sure why they thought that casting twins as twins was such a coup, but the story did lend itself to Olivia questioning what’s really happening to her, so I’ll give them that.

We were in the alternate universe again, joining Olivia as she struggles for her very sanity. I love that the alternates have turned out to be good people, as it makes the two separate story lines not only palatable, but a toss up. If it continues on this path of alternating between worlds week by week, I’m going to become increasingly attached to both sets of characters. If I then have to choose between them, I believe I might be a bit pissed.

I have not really understood how amber stops the anomalies (that Walter caused) from spreading. Just from earth sciences class, I know it has preservation qualities and time kind of stands still in amber, which is why it’s so cool to find bugs and such inside of it. The reveal tonight was that using amber not only stops time in its tracks, but apparently everything else with the human body as well. Without food, water or air, the captured continue thinking and survive. They can be saved. Suspension of disbelief is warranted, as this is Fringe, but I wish they had explained a bit more exactly how that works. Using twins as the catalyst to learning this secret worked well. They could easily pass as one another, thus throwing the team off and eventually allowing the “evil” twin to set things right, by freeing his brother while he became encased in amber. They couldn’t both be out due to the enormity of the secret, and the “good” twin couldn’t stay out lest they spend the rest of his life experimenting on him.

Speaking of experimenting, Walternate is using a water tank to do just that on Olivia to learn about her ability to travel between worlds, much like the one Walter used in season one to join Olivia with her partner, John Scott. Peter is still inside Olivia’s head, giving her pointers. As he notes, she seems to listen to what he says when it comes to cases, but not when it comes her own situation. She finally got the message, and demanded another dunk in the tank. With the knowledge Peter provided about the twin towers falling in our world, she made it to the other side and viewed the changed landscape. That is still, to me, one of the most powerful series symbols of the difference between the two worlds. Given the tale of the twins previously told, our Olivia now has the upper hand in what this could mean to her and Fauxlivia, as well as the rest of the characters. Only one of each will likely survive whatever happens as both try to bring their worlds back into balance.

I remember how excited I was coming into the season knowing we would be jumping between worlds, and how certain I was that I would be rooting only for our original characters. As the story gets deeper, it’s really picking up speed and I no longer have expectations; I’m just enjoying the ride.

Photo Credit: FOX Television

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9 Responses to “Fringe – Choosing sides is no longer easy”

November 5, 2010 at 12:23 PM

Nice post.

I totally agree, the current season is getting better and better. The back and forth between both scenarios is such a great story-telling element (just like it was in Farscape with the two Chrichtons).

It is unbelievable how likeable the writers made the “B-Team”. I see a very emotional episode in our future, where it comes to the unevitable clash between the two worlds.

Now Olivia is back! I can’t wait for her to figure out a way to get back and reunite with the others.

November 6, 2010 at 2:12 PM

I’m not sure if Olivia is quite back yet, or just beginning to get it. They really messed with her brain, and it might take a little while for her to remember everything, but she’s on her way now.

I’m still shocked at how well they have progressed the alternate universe. It’s been handled brilliantly by the writers. Think of Lost as an example, By the end of the show I STILL didn’t feel for The Others what I did for the main Losties. Fringe has been able to change my outlook in a mere five episodes. Impressive!

November 5, 2010 at 3:08 PM

While the season is fantastic the ratings are not and this will most likely be the last season because it’s clear Fox doesn’t care about the show at all. A true shame because it’s the best show on TV right now.

November 6, 2010 at 2:13 PM

All we can do is hope. With writing like this, I wish they would play it through summer, really hype it, get others to watch and move it to a new night before cancelling it all together.

November 5, 2010 at 3:35 PM

The whole Ghost and Mrs. Muir thing is off-putting, but I agree, the season has gotten much better. I like how they used twins to really drive the point home: twin universes, twin brothers, twin Olivias, twin towers….

It’s a puzzle to me how the amber is somehow aerosolized enough to flow around you and encase you, but not enough for the amber to solidify inside of your lungs. But like you said, you have to suspend disbelief.

And yeah, this show is awesome: they almost have to cancel it.

November 6, 2010 at 2:14 PM

Took me a minute to get the Ghost and Mrs. Muir reference. LOL – what’s funny is Peter even looks more dapper in his Olivia appearances, just like the Ghost did to Mrs. Muir!

November 6, 2010 at 2:56 AM

I agree with cgot2b, Carissa. This post rocked! It’s a shame that a show with such smart writing and stellar acting is doing so poorly in the ratings. This was finally a replacement for the hole left in my soul when “The X-Files” went off the air and I also fear this may be the last season.

There is some hope, though. I don’t know if any of you frequent Airlock Alpha, formerly SyFy Portal until the name was bought by a network we’re all familiar with, but there was an article last week about how Fox execs are standing by the show. It could just be BS on the part of Fox, but I want to believe there may be another season. Fox has shown lately that it’s no longer quick to dump a series, so let me dream for a while. Below is a link to the article for those who wish to get a small glimmer of hope for themselves.

November 6, 2010 at 2:18 PM

Thanks for the article link. You can really tell they are writing their asses off for the sake of the story and not to save the show. When you think of the fear-driven writing process of Dollhouse, it really hits home. I really hope they play the “best of” eps all summer and move the night before cancelling.

And, thanks for the kudos on the post. You guys are the greatest!

November 7, 2010 at 1:03 AM

Carisss, your analysis rocks! I love the show bu see even more when I read your posts. Keep them coming!

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