CliqueClack TV

Bleep My Dad Says – Keep’em comin’ … just like this one

We get a better than usual offering this episode: Lots of zingers ... Navy jokes ... and John Mahoney to boot.

- Season 1, Episode 8 - "The Manly Thing To Do"

We start the evening with all sorts of zingers, so many in fact most got lost in the shuffle.

Since the beginning, I’ve felt every episode of Bleep My Dad Says should be just like this one … because this one was pretty hilarious. The guest appearance of John Mahoney as Wally — one of Ed’s old Navy buddies — definitely brightened the show.

But over the the last few weeks, I’ve been having the same thoughts An’s been having regarding Hawaii 5-0 … and I quote:

“OK, so far the show’s pattern is as follows: McGarrett and Danno banter. Kona looks lost. Chin Ho demonstrates his iPad view screen skills and then disappears for 40 minutes. Danno screams, “I have a daughter!” while McGarrett drives. The team tackles the terrorist of the week, unless it’s a personal connection. Then, the show ends.”

In so many different comparisons, I’m aping her thoughts with BMDS. In a nutshell: Curmdugeonly Ed flings vitriol … a situation presents itself … Ed gets caught in the situation trying to defend himself … Ed thinks about it … Ed makes good in the end, whether by means or apology.

It’s been the same thing over and over again in most of the offerings thus far this season.

Yes, I still dig Ed as played by Shatner, along with his delivery. He’s not a problem in that department. Ed’s son Henry’s grown on me, too. Vince and Bonnie are still bones stuck in my craw.

But the real winner of the show is Tim (Tim Bagley), Ed’s housekeeper. That dude is alternatively funny and insightful and dry as a desert given the situation. Love it when he’s on the program.

So: What’s my problem? It’s throwaway television. It’s there for a half hour’s worth of entertainment for you to forget about your troubles — and life in general — for a few moments. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Nothing in the least … especially with an episode such as this, a better than average one. You see, the last few have been rather thin; the last really good one being #5 — Not Without My Jacket. That one made me guffaw. But, so did this one. These are the ones BMDS should be every week.

I want to hear what you think. Do you agree or disagree with me?

I have the tendency to believe you would lean toward the former, especially when lines like the ones below get shot out during the show. When they do, you’re lost in the moment:

“Berries and cream? What do I look like … the Queen of England?” – Wally
“No, but I bet your jewels are just as old and dangly.” – Tim

Photo Credit: CBS

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