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Fringe – The Vacuum, the key to the universe?

As much as I wanted this to be some great X-Files-like discovery, it seems The Vacuum is Walternate's device. It has a name, and it's the source of all creation and destruction.

- Season 3, Episode 6 - "6955 kHz"

I guess it my lack of strong religious connections that keeps me in tune with any and all possibilities of the beginning of time, of people, of the earth. Even though it didn’t end as I had hoped, I loved every minute of “6955 kHz.”

Even though the book about The Vacuum, when deciphered, leads to all things Walternate, I’m not convinced that it didn’t have some basis in reality. It’s possible that Walternate used a book that actually existed to pique the interest of Walter, Peter and Astrid, and eventually lead them to the pieces Peter needs to complete the building of the Vacuum. It was such an interesting way to get them to follow his lead; sending hidden codes in age-old numbers broadcasts, leading to a case that would get them right into the path of what he has wanted all along. Because I want to, I’m going to believe we will learn more about the first people, and that Walternate used that book not only because of where it lead, but because of some other truth about the first people in one of the two universes (or perhaps they started as one, and split?)

Astrid came alive in this episode. It’s really the first time I can recall her taking charge of a situation and not just offering help as needed. It was great; the way she thinks and formulates her ideas was really fun to watch and I was totally sucked into her process. Fingers crossed that her role continues to expand.

We have all the pieces located to build the big device. I wonder how long, in Fringe time, it will take to get them all dug up and for Peter to put them all together. I hope it takes a little more time than one week, but with Olivia no longer necessary on the other side, it seems time for the two universes to coincide side-by-side is dwindling. Why did finding the pieces make Olivia expendable to Walternate? It never seemed to me that he was holding her there to build the device. Did I miss something?

Fauxlivia, meanwhile, is having sex with our beloved Peter, being served breakfast in bed and going to U2 concerts. I was so sure, in prior episodes, that Peter was on to her, but I am less certain of that now. These people are supposed to be so brilliant — is it my fault that I expect more from them? She doesn’t look, stand or act like Olivia. How the hell can they not see it? Even a quick twinge of doubt from Nina Sharp didn’t last more than a nanosecond. Everyone brushes their hunches off like they’re tiny pieces of dandruff on their shoulder. Hello! This is Fringe Division; alternate universes, devices creating or destroying entire universes while maybe leaving others in tact. Yet you can’t see a woman you know has a double and follow that lead? It’s frustrating.

More hope I am holding onto is that the device will be the key to THE universe … somehow bringing two together into one. Fauxlivia asked Peter if he would choose his own world if he absolutely had to make a choice. He said he would continue to find another way. Perhaps the writers are doing the same, finding a way to combine the universes into one storyline. I can’t imagine what it would look like, but the idea is thrilling.

Photo Credit: FOX

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3 Responses to “Fringe – The Vacuum, the key to the universe?”

November 12, 2010 at 1:49 PM

I’m not so sure Nina brushed off her doubt. She seemed to continue to look at alt-Olivia a little warily after the first moment…

November 12, 2010 at 1:59 PM

I think Peter knows she is not Olivia and subconsciously is testing her. I think his Love for the real Olivia is clouding his judgement.

November 14, 2010 at 11:03 AM

I agree, he knows. He had no visible reaction when Fauxlivia had trouble remebering the numbers in the car. If he didn’t know that would be a huge shock, he would have had some sort of reaction.

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