CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars – The Semi Finals are here already?

'Dancing with the Stars' is down to the its final four. And if Bristol Palin makes it into the finals, I may go ballistic.

Have the judges on Dancing With the Stars lost their collective marbles? Bristol Palin has been in the bottom of the leader board six times in the last eight weeks, yet they still keep on singing her praises. Bristol keeps making the sames mistakes over and over (her lack of staying in character and stompy footwork), but instead of being lambasted, the judges treat her with the kindest of kid gloves. Man! If this were Margaret Cho or Michael Bolton, mark my words that the judges would have absolutely no problem telling it like it is. What exactly are they afraid of? Alienating a certain portion of the viewing audience that supports Sarah Palin? That shouldn’t matter at this point, but if all ABC is concerned about is the pursuit of the mighty consumer dollar no matter what the cost, then political figures (or their relatives) shouldn’t be allowed on the show.

Enough is enough, I say. It won’t be the least bit fair if Bristol knocks Kyle out this week, but it would not surprise me. She’s survived better dancers before. Sigh.

Having said that, my pick for the final is obviously a Jennifer Grey versus Brandy showdown. And although it will be close, Jennifer should come out the winner this season. I was glad to see her bounce back this week, and appear to be re-energized after weeks of dealing with various injuries. Her two dances were flawless, and she deserved both of those perfect scores.

If you put Jennifer and Brandy up against each other head to head (or should I say dance shoe to dance shoe), here’s the reasons why Jennifer edges her out. First of all, she has a better partner in Derek Hough. Derek is the proven best choreographer on the show. He knows what the judges like, and pushes the envelope with Jennifer into moves that are beyond the other contestants technical ability.

Maks can’t do that with Brandy, because although she is very fluid and graceful, she doesn’t have the speed or technical prowess that Jenifer Grey has. Brandy is also not as expressive of a dancer, and can only “do” two different characters well– angry girl or super serious girl. She’s just not as well rounded overall.

It was interesting to me to see the remaining stars “back stories” this week. It’s rather ironic that both Jennifer and Brandy have been involved in horrible car accidents, where the other passengers have died, and they were both deemed not at fault. That’s eerie. Compared to them, Bristol and Kyle have had it easy. But then again, they’re a lot younger.

And finally, speaking of age, that’s another reason I want Jennifer to win so badly. That would make two years in a row that someone 50 or older takes the trophy. Somehow, that makes me feel more optimistic about getting older. Know what I mean?

Photo Credit: ABC

5 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars – The Semi Finals are here already?”

November 16, 2010 at 1:59 AM

. . . . .

The Pail … !!!

November 16, 2010 at 3:01 AM

I’m voting for Bristol now just to really screw with them! LOL

November 16, 2010 at 6:38 PM

Ooyyyy….! Still say, the Bristol Stomp. Would love Jennifer Grey to win. Yes indeed…showing us **er** the over 50 age can still strut their stuff. NOT to mention..yes, she is by far the best all around. We shall see tonight what happens. BTW, hubby turns the station with the Bristol Stomp…!

November 16, 2010 at 9:14 PM

Bristol getting the same score as Maks and Brandy was outrageous. hey fear the producers firing them. My how and annoyingly shrill woman can strike the fear in a group of people. It proves what a joke the whole process really is in these talent shows.

November 16, 2010 at 9:51 PM

When Bristol completed her first dance last night, I called for 7s. The judges gave her 9s. I think that pretty much sums up what’s going to happen tonight. Kyle deserves SO much to be in the top 3, and really the top 2 in my opinion… he has that magical charisma!

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