CliqueClack TV

The Event – All the president’s men are idiots

It's a good thing the world within 'The Event' seems relatively calm and isn't dealing with other issues taking up the president's time, because his security detail is awful.

It’s no secret that The Event is losing viewers, and you know what? Episodes like this one don’t help. I’m teetering on the edge of a break-up with this show, though for some strange reason I’m compelled to march on. I’m mostly sticking around to see if my time traveler theory pans out, because as soon we learn if I’m right or wrong, I couldn’t care less what happens next. Well, maybe I’d like to know what the “event” is — there’s still that.

In this episode, just as I titled this post, we further learned how inept the people are who work for the president. I mean, seriously, the vice president has a dozen guys sweeping the doctor’s office and standing around in all corners of the building, yet they forget a freakin’ back door to the exam room? And then — THEN — they go through that door five minutes later and can’t find the old man? These guys are idiots!

The most frustrating thing, though, was Vice President Jarvis taking his sweet ass time to tell Martinez about Dempsey. Come on — we ALL knew he wasn’t going to get the chance to blurt out Dempsey’s name before being killed, right? Well that didn’t make matters better. I still threw my hands up and yelled a, “Come on!” when the van blew up. Then I think I muttered something about lazy writing.

Dempsey, by the way, appears to be the one behind the kids with old faces from last week. I believe I’ve solved yet another mystery of this series for you: Dempsey keeps young by taking a dropper full of little girl tears every morning. You’re welcome.

It seems every week I read of people wondering why Leila is smirking all the time. Is she behind what’s going on? Does she have an evil side? Actually, after this episode, I’m going with the most popular theory, and that’s that Sarah Roemer can’t act. I mean, she carries her lines OK, but she can’t emote properly. If it turns out she actually was holding back an evil smirk all along, then I’ll eat my hat, but for now I’m siding with those of you complaining about her acting.

I was really hoping the promos for next week would say we’d finally learn what the event is going to be. Sadly, we’ll have to wait a bit longer.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “The Event – All the president’s men are idiots”

November 16, 2010 at 12:15 AM

I agree, what else can be said?

Oh yeah! Could the Event be more eventful? I’m going to need a bigger scoop of sci-fi every week to stay on. Surgery in the alley and a van blowing up just as the fella was gonna spill the beans is not sufficient.

Let’s just get to the when/where/why answers, then put it to bed.

November 16, 2010 at 1:39 AM

God this episode was horrible!

I don’t want to talk about that, but I would like to talk about the fact I seemed to have been correct. The other group, besides the president and the aliens, do seem to be using the anti again stuff.

Not that it’s hard to figure out. What would the the most tediously stupid and over used storyline they can do? Then that’s what is going on.

November 16, 2010 at 3:08 AM

I don’t know what happened with my DVR recording but one minute Sean and Leila were walking away from the building that blew up and the next minute – after some mysterious pixelation – Sean was bleeding from a gun shot wound. WTF happened?!?!

I got a laugh out of how they went out of their way to not say which parties the president and the VP were affiliated with.

November 16, 2010 at 3:49 AM

One of the guys from the assassination team survived the bomb and followed them and shot Sean. He then managed to ambush him and knock him out with a piece of rebar.

November 17, 2010 at 11:48 AM

I got something completely different from the Dempsey Drop thing. I’m thinking that it’s possible that he’s also a sleeper, but one that had a falling out with the rest, and the drops make him look like he’s aging with everyone else.

November 17, 2010 at 7:35 PM

Ha. So my comment in last weeks episode thread was correct t!

November 21, 2010 at 12:22 PM

I actually liked this episode. I was glad to finally get some clarity about who is doing what and who is good and who is bad. The story is moving forward. I was about to give up on the show, but finally got around to watching the episode today. I’m glad I did.

Hopefully, the plan to show a catch-up episode in January will get some of the viewers back. Not likely, but if it has a good winter ending that creates some buzz … perhaps.

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