CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars: The Results – Time for me to go ballistic!

The finalists have been announced for this season of 'Dancing with the Stars.' And I, for one, am irritated beyond belief!

Are you kidding? I mean, really. Are you freaking kidding me? Bristol Palin goes into the finals on Dancing With the Stars and beats out Brandy and Maks? Bristol should not have beaten Kurt Warner. Or Rick Fox. And definitely not Audrina Patridge.

In fact, why don’t we just train me for the next season. I’ll campaign on every media outlet that will have me that this show is simply about popularity and not dancing ability. I will go out there and suck week after week, but be very sweet and nice and you all can vote for me and I’ll go all the way to the finals. With absolutely limited talent. We’ll make a point, you and I. Maybe that is what it would take to prove to these producers that this way of choosing a winner to this competition is completely ridiculous. They can call it Dancing With the Stars and a Normal Chick Just Trying to Make a Point.

Do you think that would fly? Probably not, you’re right. But tell me. What is the point of even having judges scores, when someone (Brandy) can get a perfect score of thirty for a dance, and still not make the finals just because of how many people call and text? (Bristol)

If you missed it last night, I want you to take a look at these videos of their respective performances. Here’s Brandy and Maks with their perfect Argentine Tango.

And here’s “Stompy”, er … I mean Bristol.

Even Bristol herself has said more than twice she is surprised that she was still in the running. Last night, when asked why she thinks the votees have pushed her through she commented that she thinks the audience relates to her “because I’m not typical Hollywood.” Well then. All I have to say to to the viewers out there is … stop it.

Brandy was in tears tonight, and I don’t blame her one bit. There is just no comparison who is the better dancer here. Frankly, I was surprised Brandy’s partner Maks didn’t just go off on the whole process when they asked him his final thoughts. The producers must have him on some sort of gag order, after he yelled at Carrie Ann a couple weeks ago.

The only good thing to come of this whole debacle, is it clears the way for Jennifer Grey to take the trophy easily. Or does it? Please. If you vote, go with who deserves it. Despite who their Mother is, or how cute they are or whatever the hell else.

Now I must go have some ice cream to calm my nerves.

Photo Credit: ABC

27 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars: The Results – Time for me to go ballistic!”

November 16, 2010 at 11:34 PM

After this, you seriously think Jennifer is still going to win? The same 5 million people that tuned in to that Alaska show Sunday night, plus all the Tea Bagging Twitterers, are mobilized to vote and they are going to push her to the win. And then they’ll do it again in two years. We’ll all need some ice cream at that point.

November 16, 2010 at 11:38 PM

Chuck, I’m actually hoping that with all the backlash I’ve been seeing on the social media sites tonight, the producers will get the point that people started getting pissed about this with the ousting of Audrina. Have faith?

November 16, 2010 at 11:48 PM

Are you suggesting they “fix” the results? No, they dug themselves into this hole, but it continues to be the number one show on TV so why worry? The controversy only helps the ratings. If people were really upset, they’d stop watching like I did when it was announced that she was in the cast. She’s so dumb she still thinks that being average is what has gotten her to this point! What part of “Dancing With the STARS” does she and the people supporting her not understand? Well, that answer is much too easy! And, yes, I did vote for her this week just to really screw things up.

November 16, 2010 at 11:37 PM

The WORST part of this…she believes she is that good.

November 16, 2010 at 11:39 PM

You’re right Mikki, and in reality she should be embarrassed to have taken Brandy’s place, and should say so.

November 16, 2010 at 11:42 PM

I am in total agreement. Anyone with any type of integrity would realize they are only mediocre and are not rising due to their talent but other influences.

November 16, 2010 at 11:53 PM

Come on really if this is a competition why are the good ones being voted off and the bad ones continue…I don’t get it..that’s TV for you!

November 17, 2010 at 12:00 AM

Lulu, that’s why I have been calling for a change in the voting during this season. As in strictly going by judges scores. At least after the first few weeks. I understand involving the viewers brings in more ratings, but this season (and past on other “competition shows”) has proven it completely unfair. Ask Chris Daughtry! :)

November 17, 2010 at 12:10 AM

I STRONGLY agree. Here is an opportunity to create a Facebook Group to petition the producers for judges and not viewers to decide the outcome. Unbelievable!!!

November 16, 2010 at 11:56 PM

It does not even matter what the judges vote..they do not is a personality comp and more

November 17, 2010 at 12:03 AM

I am so turned off from Dancing With The Stars! First of all, will someone please tell me how did Bristol Palin qualify to be a Star? Several times she mentioned being a receptionist. I guess as of this season it`s not really what the name suggests.
Actually, since it`s all about getting Sarah Palin to Tweet followers for votes Jennifer Grey should condition her mind to not win the finals. DWTS show is utterly ridiculous! The show has now gone political. Now I`ll have ice cream too.

November 17, 2010 at 12:13 AM

I recommend Ben and Jerry’s Cookie Dough Mary. Thanks for your comments!

November 17, 2010 at 12:17 AM

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!! I am BEYOND SHOCK about the elimination of Brandy. Now I know for sure that this program is definitely “fixed” – and we all know it’s “POLITICAL” – Hint, Hint – ALASKAN MAMA BEAR! Producer of “Dancing” will you
P L E A S E change your voting method: For God Sake – The Judges are the professional ones here!! Please have Judge’s votes count for 75% of the score and the “at home” voters (Popularity Contest!!) count only for 25% of the vote. This is the ONLY fair way. Brandy and Maks were TOTALLY ROBBED!! I refuse to watch the final!! Patty in Phoenix.

November 17, 2010 at 12:29 AM

That’s a great idea Patty. Clearly we all agree that the popular vote being able to usurp the judges opinions is wrong.

November 17, 2010 at 12:26 AM

Have you noticed the promo pictures released by DWTS of Bristol Palin look as if she were about to spit?

November 17, 2010 at 12:31 AM

Shane, I didn’t notice that really, as I find Bristol always looks like she’s going to spit. But. Jimmy Kimmell just freeze framed Derek and Jennifer’s reaction, which was rather priceless.

November 17, 2010 at 1:08 AM

The expression on Derek’s face said it all: This shouldn’t have happened!

I had the feeling after Jennifer and Kyle (yay!) were safe. I don’t know if I dare watch next week’s… if Bristol wins it, I’m totally done with the show. Poor Brandy, she really was robbed. I’m not a big fan of her, but she can dance circles, ellipses and stars around Bristol!

November 17, 2010 at 1:21 AM

. . . . .

The Pail … !!!

November 17, 2010 at 1:40 AM

OMG – I am beyond mad!!!!!!
I thought for sure this would be the week Bristol would FINALLY go!

It really IS time to change the voting, this is lunacy!!!

Michael….pail?????….so we can hurl?????
Bring it on over…oh wait….she’s not worth hurlin a good home made meat loaf dinner!!!!!

Time for a huge groundswell of pissed people all challenging each other to use whatever phone, e-mail address etc to vote for ANYONE BUT bristol next week!!!!!!

November 17, 2010 at 1:55 AM

. . . . .

<——– so loving this

November 17, 2010 at 8:39 AM

Hi Tara. I don’t watch the show but I must admit, I am enjoying all the hoopla. It’s very amuzing. Just to put your mind at ease, this Tea Party Member doesn’t vote for DWTS ;-)

November 17, 2010 at 2:31 PM

This Tea party Member hasnt voted for Bristol since week 1, then I stopped voting and watching anything but the results show. But I too find it amusing :)

November 17, 2010 at 9:42 AM

I think someone has you beat with the whole “going ballistic” thing, Tara:

“Bristol Palin’s dancing on TV set off man in standoff, complaint says”

November 17, 2010 at 7:24 PM

Wow. Just … wow!

November 17, 2010 at 5:55 PM

Hey, Did everyone see the interview that Brandy and Maks gave this morning (11-17) on the Today show with Matt Lauer? It was so obvious that Maks was really “holding his tongue”. I guess if he wants to hold onto his job he’ll stay “zipped up” – I liked his one line in their somewhere – “I am a trained professional ballroom dancer.” Wake up ABC and “Dancing” – doesn’t that say it all!

November 17, 2010 at 6:48 PM

Who gives a rat’s ass about Maks and what he thinks? Whether he was ‘holding his tongue’, ‘zipping his lip’ or pinching himself to stay calm, it’s not about him.

Dancing. With. The. Stars. That’s the name of the program. That’s who’s on it … minimally starred though they may be.

He’s ‘a trained professional ballroom dancer’. Yes, we understand this. But it’s not about him at all.

So: What’s your point, Patty?

November 17, 2010 at 7:27 PM

I think maybe Patty is saying something along the lines of what I mentioned in my post. I think after Maks got into that verbal altercation with judge Carrie Ann Enaba, the producers told him to shut it. (Probably saying just what you did Shockless, pointing out that it isn’t about him.)

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