CliqueClack TV

Stargate Universe – “I have information.”

I'm really digging the fact that the guys are getting more control over the ship. It's already opening a lot more possibilities, both positive and negative, and that's always good for a story. It also could mean, though, that things get too convoluted.

Here we saw a big jump in the evolution of Dr. Nicholas Rush. We saw a very emotional side to the character in this episode, other than being a BOFH, that is. He’s always been quick to point out that he’s needed more aboard Destiny that walking about in dangerous, unknown lands, but when the purpose suits him, he’s there. Waltzing right through the open gate without even a thought of a gun being aimed for his head further showed that Rush is one careless fool, but it also showed he’s one determined fool too.

Something about the Stargate … er, universe that I never really knew about was how those communication stones work. I did some reading here and there on the intarwebs, but I wasn’t able to pinpoint anything stating what happens to each person when one dies. So, given this episode, are we to assume Amanda Perry died along with Ginn? Is Ginn’s conscience still with Amanda’s body on Earth? Or was Rush just totally pissed off that Amanda’s visit to Destiny was cut short?

I do find it interesting that, when Amanda was brought on board, we didn’t see Ginn’s perspective on Earth. Especially now that Ginn is dead — at least in body — it seems to me like a loose end. Could we maybe get a flashback later, to see what was going on? Did she fill Earth in on plans she was actually privy to, regarding the Lucian invasion? Or maybe we’re all wrong regarding the stones and Ginn’s still in Amanda’s body? Help me out, Stargate experts!

One thing I need to point out that bugged me — because you know I’m a nitpicking freak — is with the explosives Rush planted. How in the hell did he get that plastique over WAY behind Simeon, and then run back again before Simeon made it through that valley not hearing or seeing Rush? We all knew the stampede was going to happen, but seeing that cloud of smoke seemingly a quarter mile away — behind Simeon — was ridiculous. End nitpick.

Photo Credit: Syfy

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15 Responses to “Stargate Universe – “I have information.””

November 17, 2010 at 12:56 AM

This should help buddy.

That is what the stone technology is based on.

November 17, 2010 at 8:38 AM

Thanks! But … they say if one side dies, so does the other, with the following used as an example:

“Its(sic) shown that when one person on the link is killed, the other is as well, shown with the deaths of Ginn and Amanda Perry.”

How is it shown? We never see Amanda Perry’s dead body. I’ll just assume they’re both dead for now I guess.

November 17, 2010 at 10:24 AM

I doubt we will ever actually see Amanda’s body. Who knows though? The next episode might have Rush attending her funeral via the stones. That would certainly give some closure.

November 17, 2010 at 9:35 AM

I thought Eli might show some maturity. I was wrong.

Dr. Park was awesome. “It’s o.k, it’s o.k.” Who knew she was so brave?

November 17, 2010 at 10:22 AM

Dr. Park is my favorite side character. She is great!

November 20, 2010 at 8:12 PM

I thought Park was compensating, and that she’s definitely NOT OK. But that’s just me.

November 17, 2010 at 9:56 AM

I could have sworn someone mentioned that both of them were dead. We see another crew member use the stone to communicate back with Earth. I believe there is a line of dialogue stating that Amanda and Ginn are both dead.

November 17, 2010 at 9:57 AM

Right before Rush stormed off to the planet, Lt James told them all that Perry was dead. She was in the stones room when she relayed this info, so I’m assuming that she had just come back from checking in on earth.

November 17, 2010 at 10:42 AM

Thinking about Amanda,TJ’s baby, previews of next week and the fabric of the universe. Nothing is lost, it only changes form. I’m guessing we’ll get Amanda’s spirit somehow, and TJ’s baby too for that matter.

Was the Stairway to Heaven joke a blast at BSG’s Watchtower?

November 20, 2010 at 8:13 PM

I KNOW! It stuck out to me like a sore thumb when Eli said it, and had me rolling.

And Manwithsword, it was definitely a nice little shot at them :)

November 20, 2010 at 10:35 PM

I did not think I was imagining it.

November 17, 2010 at 3:21 PM

The device was introduced in the SG-1 episode “Citizen Joe” – a humorous episode in which there was no body-swapping, but rather the stone allowed Joe Spencer to see visions of Jack O’Neill’s life while Jack saw visions of Joe’s life.

The whole body-swapping thing is kind of silly. I liked the idea of it simply establishing a mind-to-mind link. Like a long-distance mind-meld, but less intense.

November 17, 2010 at 6:13 PM

superb episode. It was a nod to BSG, not a blast, or a dig at BSG. For them to take a pop at BSG would be kind of rich, given how much they’ve been influenced by BSG, visually. What would fans make of a BSG / SGU crossover? Would that be impossible? Like a Star Wars / Star Trek crossover?

November 17, 2010 at 7:11 PM

Vanessa James uses the long-range communication device to check in with Earth, discovering that Perry died on the other side, as well. She also reports that he is from the same faction as Ginn, and has information on the planned attack on Earth. – Stargate wiki.

January 9, 2011 at 3:41 PM

I think they’ll bring her back somehow. She’s too much of an emotional factor of rush to just kill off like that. Right now I think this will go two ways. Either she (maybe Ginn too?) gets resurrected and just shows up at the ship, which will start to show us Rush’s emotionally vulnerable side while everyone tries to figure out if she’s real or not. OR they figure out that some other ship or something has resurrected them and the destiny crew will have to go save them, which will show Rush’s and Eli’s “man” side, and probably help secure both Rush’s trust with the rest of the crew, and help Eli continue his path towards self respect, and maturity.

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