CliqueClack TV

Glee – Gwyneth Paltrow livens thing up

The November sweeps brings Gwyneth Paltrow to McKinley High as the glee club substitute, and she actually ends up being a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, Terri Schuester also returned to make Will's life miserable.

- Season 2, Episode 7 - "The Substitute"

At the risk of being pilloried, I am going to admit that I am not a big Gwyneth Paltrow fan, but her presence on this week’s Glee actually livened things up and made for a pretty enjoyable episode. They pretty much had me right from the beginning with Sue’s plot to take over McKinley, and then the Glee Babies! They were so cute and made me think of the Muppet Babies cartoon. But after a week without Sue, it was great to have her back in all of her devious glory, however improbable the plot was. It was still funny and I absolutely loved how Coach Beiste managed to one-up her when Sue tried to disband the football team by asking who the Cheerios would cheer for without them. Good move!

I’m actually glad Gwyneth’s Holly Holliday showed up, or else we would have had to put up with more insufferable behavior from Rachel, who thought she was taking over glee and had the nerve to ask them what songs they wanted to hear her sing! I also liked how the people behind the show were actually poking fun at their own penchant for choosing less contemporary songs for the glee club to perform (although it was pretty funny that Rachel’s idea of a modern song was a number from Chicago). Bringing in Holly was a way to get the kids loosened up and allowed them to finally tell Mr. Shue that they’re tired of doing songs from the Stone Age. The little bits with Will saying they need to find another Journey song were priceless.

The one thing we didn’t need was the return of Terri. Will’s illness was a good way to bring her back into his life — Emma certainly would not have been able to deal with him being sick — but she’s basically an adult version of Rachel, completely self-centered and totally unlikable. One can only hope she’s gone for good — no offense to Jessalyn Gilsig — but I’m sure she will make good on her threat to make Will regret dumping her. But, hey, maybe with her around, Rachel will seem less irritating.

It was nice to see Blaine make another appearance, although Kurt’s treatment of Mercedes may be seen as unforgivable. I know a lot of people are going to continue to call Kurt a jerk (and worse) because of this, but when you meet someone new, your friends usually do take a back seat until that newness wears off. And Kurt was right in telling her she was substituting tater tots and him for a real boyfriend. I’m glad she opened her eyes and decided to ask the guy Kurt chose for her to go on a date.

It was also good to see the bullying story from last week continue. I almost thought for a second that Dave was actually going to be civil with Kurt, but the threat he made if Kurt revealed the kiss was bone chilling, and Chris Colfer’s expression at that moment was very real. For me, the episode had some good laughs, some good drama, some good music (still not sold on the Singin’ In the Rain/Umbrella mash-up though) and a lot of the absurd courtesy of President … I mean Principal Sue Sylvester.

“Do you know what this is?” – Sue
“A toilet brush.” – Mercedes
“It’s broccoli. And when I showed it to Brittany earlier, she began to whimper thinking I had cut down a small tree where a family of Gummi Bears lived.” – Sue

“Rachel, you suck! Oh my god, you’re like a total drag. Has anyone ever told you that?” – Holly
“I have.” – Puck, just passing by.

“Look at this crap. Foam fish sticks? Principal Sylvester is only serving pre-digested food now to give us more energy. I mean do I look like a damn baby bird?” – Mercedes

“Mr. Shue taught me the second half of the alphabet. I stopped after M and N. I felt they were too similar and I got frustrated.” – Brittany

“Guys, practice your bipolar rants. See, history can be fun!” – Holly as Mary Todd Lincoln

Photo Credit: FOX

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8 Responses to “Glee – Gwyneth Paltrow livens thing up”

November 17, 2010 at 12:57 AM

When Will said “Singin’ in the Rain” was old-fashioned, I literally said out loud, “But I LOVE that movie!” And I’m only 25! Sorry, Glee, I love older musicals and I want to see them sing more old songs.

I thought the “Make ‘em Laugh” scene was ok (again, love that movie), but Joseph Gordon Levitt did a much more enjoyable homage to the scene when he hosted SNL.

November 17, 2010 at 1:47 AM

I love classic musicals and Singin’ in the Rain and Meet Me in St. Louis are but two of my favorites. It’s funny to think of showtunes as “old-fashioned” and the Journey catalog as “classic rock” when the showtunes seem less dated. Modern spins can be put on any of those older songs to make them current, so kids just have to get over the age of the song and soak in the musical history that comes with them.

November 17, 2010 at 2:08 AM

I would love to see them do The Music Man, some Sweeney Todd or some Rogers and Hammerstein.

They’re newer, but how great would it be to hear some Spamalot or Avenue Q (have you heard A.Q.’s “It’s a Fine, Fine Line?” So beautiful)?

November 17, 2010 at 5:09 AM

was that really Gwyneth singing or just a dub of Chris Colfer in a lil higher octave singing for her?

November 17, 2010 at 8:20 AM

This was a good episode and I loved Gwyneth Paltrow … but I’m a big fan of hers anyway. They haven’t always used their guest stars well on Glee (um, Victor Garber?) but this role was perfect for GP.

I don’t think they’ll stop doing the classics. They’d lose a big part of their demographic if all they did were pop and boy band songs … those are always my least favorite tunes.

November 17, 2010 at 3:33 PM

I agree completely about Rachel and Terri. At points, Rachel’s been redeemable–Terri never ever has been. But it seems like they’ve given up on Rachel now, too, and make her worse every show. Yet they still have her do most of the heavy lifting on the songs (see the Christmas album). If you make me hate the character, I’m NOT going to like her being front & center in all the songs!

Gwyneth worked surprisingly well. Why did Sue have to revert to Season 1 just for the sake of this episode? Cartoon writing, in a season where it seemed like they were getting away from it. Rachel’s “modern” song choice wasn’t just from a decades-old musical–it was actually dancing & dressing like a flapper from the ’20s.

I’m glad they didn’t just shove the Kurt story away for a week. I loved the moment when Mercedes imagined him pulling a tiny little purse out of his mouth, and commenting on it. While he and Blaine’s every word came out “gay, gay, gay, gay, gay”.

I loved the Schu/Mike Chang “Make ‘Em Laugh”. I can’t forgive the disastrous “Singin’ in the Rain” (choreography was great–but they mutilated the song completely in that mashup).

Overall, uneven, but a pretty good show. Written by Ian Brennan. Brad Falchuk writes the best episodes. Ryan Murphy writes the most cartoony ones. Brennan is somewhere in the middle, usually.

November 17, 2010 at 3:51 PM

If I remember correctly, Murphy also directed this episode.

I agree, not too thrilled with the mash-up, but I do love to see people dancing in water in slo-mo (check out Step Up 3D for a great example of that). They are very lucky to have an auditorium at McKinley High with that capability! LOL

November 17, 2010 at 6:25 PM

I loved the Singin’ In the Rain/Umbrella mash-up, and i really don’t like Gwyneth Paltrow, not a big fan, but she did very well in these episode, i even would like to see her again soon.

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