CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town – Uncle Joe is dead. RIP!

There's no shock when Jules doesn't take well to Travis' new, older girlfriend. It's not the best episode, but still has some funny moments.

- Season 2, Episode 8 - "Little Girl Blues"

There should have been more here for me to love. It had all of the components to make a really good episode, but they didn’t flow together for me. Taken apart quote by quote, there were some laugh out loud moments. But in general it just didn’t hit the note for me. Much like the show itself, this post is going to jump from thought to thought, so sorry in advance for the annoyance.

The part that bugged me the most is how Travis was talking to Kirsten. The whiny sing-song way he spoke to her. What the hell was that?  I don’t remember him doing that with the chick that spends her time on some guy’s shoulders. He actually scrunches up his shoulders and ends all of his sentences with a rising inflection to his voice. Just didn’t like it and it didn’t feel like my Travis.

The word of the week was Cobbstopping. I do give credit to the writers for coming up with so many damn catchy little bits show after show. And they even revisit them, like when everyone drank coffee out of bowls at Grayson’s and then spoke Japanese, bringing us back to the episode when they said it felt so good to be greeted like that all the time. So I expect Jules will need to be Cobbstopped again in the future. Kinda makes me wish my last name was Cobb.

So, Cougar Town writers. This post is how it feels when a show doesn’t come together. Disjointed, rambling and lost.

Quotes & the Title of the Week ‘n Stuff:

  • “I thought this would be like sleeping in a cloud, but it’s just terrifying.” – Bobby on sleeping in his hammock
  • Title of the week: It”s Okay To Watch A Show Called Cougar Town
  • “Oh this is fun. I feel Japanese.” – Bobby, on drinking coffee out of a bowl, after Grayson breaks all his coffee mugs to get everyone out of his house
  • I loved the thunder and lightning Ellie made … I wanna play!
  • “Trav, I’m bad at sex. There’s a lot of thrashin’ and thumpin’, but nothing really gets done. I’m like a broken dishwasher.” – Bobby, explaining to Travis that men live in constant fear of disappointing women
  • Kristen/Kirsten … see how parents can screw things up with just one little word?
  • “”How are you this tiny and this strong? You’re like an ant.” Laurie to Jules
  • “You see, we women have a great responsibility. We have the power to control the men in our lives.” – Jules
  • Kirsten killed Big Joe. Wonder if he’ll be replaced, or if he’s really gone for good.

Photo Credit: ABC Television

5 Responses to “Cougar Town – Uncle Joe is dead. RIP!”

November 18, 2010 at 9:30 AM

Big Joe was replaced during the closing credits at it’s funeral by his vase-like predecessor “Big Carl”.

November 18, 2010 at 10:45 AM

My DVR hath forsaken me. Thanks for the news, and now I’ll have to find and re-watch the end!

November 18, 2010 at 11:44 AM

Mine did too — I didn’t get to meet Big Carl either! I think the show ran a minute long.

November 18, 2010 at 11:45 AM

To think I lost sleep over Big Joe’s demise…when it was all due to DVR and programming. What a waste! LOL

November 18, 2010 at 4:39 PM

Big Carl looked like a candle holder. I’m so not on board. I want Big Joe back!!!

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