CliqueClack TV

HIMYM meets the Lost smoke monster

While it wasn't the most legendary Thanksgiving episode on a TV series ever, the "Blitzgiving" episode of 'How I Met Your Mother' deserves serious consideration amongst the best.

- Season 6, Episode 10 - "Blitzgiving"

Every Thanksgiving, those of us writing for TV can’t help but remember the best Thanksgiving-themed episodes ever. It seems every year someone makes a list, and it doesn’t often change. Starting this Thanksgiving, however, there’s another entry that may crack into the top ten: tonight’s Blitzerific How I Met Your Mother.

Now, I won’t go saying this was one of the top episodes of HIMYM, but it was definitely a memorable one. The casting of Jorge Garcia — while cleverly sneaking in a few Lost references — was really well done, and I’d love to see him come back to bring the Blitz curse to the group again. By the way, I totally thought Barney was going to wind up causing the Blitz curse to infect all of the others when Zoe walked through the living room half-naked. Then the curse would work in reverse, where everything cool happens to Barney … but nobody else is there to share it with him and believe him.

(In my best Ted voice) Funny story — I firmly believe that I am infected with the Blitz curse. One time about 12 years ago, I was in Nantucket with friends and, rather than have one more margarita with the rest of the guys, I decided I’d be first to take a shower at the marina. When I came back, everyone went on about how I had just missed Jimmy Buffett hanging out on the docks and talking with everyone. Yeah, I still feel that one. (End Ted voice)

One thing about Zoey that was confusing: didn’t she and Ted sorta make up two episodes ago? Remind me where they decided they were firm enemies again, because I thought they were more of frienemies now. Following this episode, though, Ted explained they are full-fledged friends, which will make for interesting episodes with her down the road. I’m still not sold she’s the mom, though.

Other things:

  • Is 481-516-2342 a real phone number? That poor, poor bastard. (Edit: Yes, I get that it’s the Lost hatch numbers.)
  • Love the call back to Marshall blinking every time a picture is taken of him.
  • “Life moves pretty fast, Barney. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.” – Marshall
    Chick-ah-chick-ahhhhh!” – Ted
  • “I’m sorry, but I was on that island for what seems like eternity. I’m gonna enjoy things on the other side.” – Steve

Photo Credit: CBS

7 Responses to “HIMYM meets the Lost smoke monster”

November 22, 2010 at 9:25 PM

481-516-2342 = 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 – the magic numbers from Lost…

November 22, 2010 at 9:29 PM

Right, I got that. :)

November 22, 2010 at 9:35 PM

Maybe it wasn’t Slapsgiving, but I enjoyed this episode, as well as the museum one. HIMYM is pulling it out for Nov. sweeps!

November 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM

So is Steve another “Lost” reference?

This way or the other, this was a lovely episode. In other words: what Deb said :-)

November 23, 2010 at 6:26 PM

Loved it.

Except … The Blitz left during one of the flashbacks to play Madden 2k1. But they all weren’t friends during 2001….. Right?

November 24, 2010 at 9:39 PM

I am a little late on watching this one, but I had the same thoughts about the Madden reference.

November 29, 2010 at 9:44 AM

it was one of my favorites. i wish i could have been there with them too.

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