CliqueClack TV

Chuck – Is Frost good or bad?

Mama Bartowski returns. Volkov returns. Thanksgiving? Nope ... Leftovers!

- Season 4, Episode 10 - "Chuck Versus the Leftovers"

A month ago at the end of  “Chuck Versus the First Fight,” we were left wondering whether Mama Bartowski was good, bad, or a bit of both. The poll results showed that most of you thought she was good (76%) over bad (24%). Tonight, we got the answer to that question. Well, did we? As frequent commenter, AC, left in the comments after that episode, “As for Chuck’s Mom: Bad, but not willing to sacrifice her son at the same time. Villains can love family members too.” That’s how I feel right now. Yes, I’m happy that she still loves her family enough to protect them. But, I’m not sure how her staying with Volkov can be considered on the “good” side of the spectrum. That said, I think there is still a lot about Frost that we don’t know. Could she really still be working for the better of society? Or, is she just an arms dealer now?

Now that Volkov knows about Chuck and Ellie, their mom may need to stay with Volkov to protect them. But, why did she stay with him all these years? That is still not clear to me. Did I miss something? Or, is that still an outstanding issue?

What do you think? We know that Chuck’s mom loves her family and will protect them, but is she working for the good guys or the bad guys?

Quotes and Notes:

  • Morgan and Chuck on a pole. Enough said.
  • A little surprised Morgan turned down the pretty customer outside, but glad to see it. He is growing up! Our Morgan is becoming a mature adult.
  • The family dinner and charades with Volkov was creepy.
  • “Chuck, I’m sorry for everything. I hope someday you’ll trust me.” – Mama Bartowski
    “Mom, I already do.” – Chuck (awwww….)
  • Morgan walking in with bloody feet, shirtless, with the gun taped to his back. Hilarious! (How did he get it taped if he couldn’t get it off, though?)
  • Joshua Gomez (Morgan) was much more attractive than I expected with his shirt off!
  • Chuck has the intersect back!!! Though, I did enjoy last week’s “Chuck Versus Phase Three” with him not having the intersect, I am glad Spy Chuck will be back next week … hopefully.
  • It was nice to see Black Friday referenced without being a major storyline.
  • “Guys, I know Kung Fu … Again.” – Chuck

Tweeted by @JoshSchwartz76: To those who have asked — the answer to the Charades game?  Lawrence of Arabia

Photo Credit: NBC

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