CliqueClack TV

The Event – Didn’t see that coming. Oh wait, yes we did.

From the start of this series I believe quite a few of us guessed the reveal made at the end of this episode. But if this was so easy to guess, what does that mean for the rest of the show's unsolved mysteries and their most plausible answers?

I’m sure I’m not alone on this one, but as soon as Sean and Leila discovered Paul Stern’s file amongst the burned remains in the hospital, I knew what was coming. What’s strange is that the discovery of Stern being an EBE was more of a surprise than finding out Leila’s dad is one. It’s the most logical explanation for why he was targeted from day one, and unfortunately it was the most obvious one.

As far as my time traveling theory, it was severely weakened in this episode with the launch of the satellite. I’m still holding out hope, though, to be honest, I don’t really care. If they’re aliens, fine. Time travelers? So be it. I’ve lost interest at this point in who these people are or where they came from and really just want to know what this “event” is all about and then go about my life. But as for that satellite, any clues as to what it’s meant for? Is it really to broadcast to another planet? And could that broadcast really somehow travel fast enough to matter?

I do wonder if there’s a big hint here as to the reason for the EBEs being on present-day Earth. Could it be that the only reason they are able to not age is because of breeding with humans? They produce offspring, and then they are able to extract something from them to remain young? Obviously the offspring age, or else Leila is lying or was brainwashed to believe at least her sister aged normally (never mind herself). So, if that’s true, then the mysterious James Dempsey could actually be the offspring of one of the EBEs. The other theory about Dempsey I like (as was mentioned by one commenter) is that Dempsey is actually taking those drops not to stay younger, but to appear to age normally like the rest of humanity, as to not throw suspicion his way.

While I’m enjoying The Event OK enough, I’m not loving the hell out of it. It’s one of those shows I’d actually rather DVR and watch later — it’s not must-see programming for me, other than for writing up something here about it weekly. When it comes back (if it does?), I’m not sold yet on whether I’ll continue to review it here or not. Can you convince me it’s worth keeping up with?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | Features | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “The Event – Didn’t see that coming. Oh wait, yes we did.”

November 30, 2010 at 2:24 AM

“Can you convince me it’s worth keeping up with?”

I honestly don’t know if I can. The reviews are nice after I get around to watching it, but actually watching the show is getting to be a struggle. Tonight I had to constantly fight the urge to fast forward through half the episode out of boredom. I didn’t even bother to watch last weeks despite having plenty of chances to. I don’t know if I’m going to continue watching when the show starts back up at this rate. Though I would still read the posting about the show on here to see if the show is ever going to get to that freakin event already.

November 30, 2010 at 3:39 PM

“Could it be that the only reason they are able to not age is because of breeding with humans? They produce offspring, and then they are able to extract something from them to remain young?”

I don’t think that theory holds. Sophia was in Alaska 50 years, and I’m assuming she wasn’t breeding with humans, yet she never aged. Same goes for the guy that wanted to talk, but Sophia had him offed.

I’m thinking they have to be time travelers. If their DNA is so close to ours and the they can reproduce with us, they have to be us. A monkey’s DNA is 99% similar, but we still can’t reproduce with monkeys. If they were aliens, how could their DNA be closer to ours than a monkey, yet they evolved on another planet? I supposed it’s possible, but the odds for that would be astronomically small.

All we know is that the satellite is sending a signal away from earth. They could just as easily be sending it to a wormhole that goes through time.

And I have no idea why I just spent so much time analyzing a show that probably won’t be back.

November 30, 2010 at 7:12 PM

Yeah you need to think your theories out a little more. This isn’t an overly complicated show, but your first theory just doesn’t fit.

This was a lame way to finish the season for several months. They should have ended it with the satelite launch.

December 5, 2010 at 3:30 AM

To me it’s simple. The EBEs are human beings from the future who had to leave Earth because there was no more water. Some of the EBEs traveled back in time and crash landed in Alaska. They are using the satellite to try to communicate with wherever they went to in the future after they left Earth.

March 29, 2011 at 12:48 PM

Wow, time to catch up… The Event got really good last night! Too bad they waited ’til the last minute……

March 29, 2011 at 1:45 PM

I watched the last 5 minutes. That was supposed to be good?

Get everyone on one bus, problem solved.

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