CliqueClack TV

Ten reasons I will be watching American Idol

There's so much going on this season on 'Idol', you can't afford to miss out. I'm willing to bet even the nay-sayers will be tuning in, hoping for some crash-and-burn drama.

Yes. I will be watching American Idol.

From the get-go. With fervor. Like it’s my job. Twice a week. To the very last drop.

And — just for the heck of it — I jotted 10 reasons why. Of course, there are a lot more, but these ones came flooding out first and they’re as good as any.

So in no particular order and for your dining and dancing pleasure, here you go. (And if you happen to be an Idol hater or you’re on the fence as to whether to catch the show or not, maybe a few of these will nudge you into tuning in. Who knows?)

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Reason #1
I’m reviewing it

I take it upon myself to review American Idol. No one is forcing me to do so … no one is paying me under the table … no one is holding me hostage against my will. To some, reviewing Idol might translate as “You’re stuck with it. You lost a bet, didn’t you?” But nothing could be further from the truth. I really do enjoy the show. It is my guilty pleasure.

Reason #2
Steven Tyler

Is there any doubt he will drop some phrases of wonder from behind the judge’s table? The dude is a firecracker and a welcome addition. Add to that the fact he’s a dynamic front man for an iconic band and things could get very interesting when it comes his turn to critique. Steven being Steven, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least if some heated confrontation circles his proximity, either.

Reason #3
Idol remains a ratings monster

“It’s doomed!” “The writing’s on the wall!” “Idol’s ratings are plunging down the toilet!” “It won’t be the same without Simon!” Trust me: I’ve heard it all. Pish, posh I say. Nothing comes close to Idol. Nothing will come close when it begins next week. For all those who will disembark the Idol train when the season starts, just as many will jump aboard to see where it’s headed.

Reason #4
The wonderful awkwardness of Ryan Seacrest

Come on! You love him! There’s a contingent of people out there who, deep down, love to mock him! He’s committed some fantastical socially awkward moments in the past and new ones are bound to emerge as the season goes along week to week. What? You don’t remember the little verbal wars between he and Simon, causing him to retort so goofily it made for (virtual) water cooler moments? How about when he tried to high five Scott MacIntyre, the eventual legally blind Top Ten contestant from Season 8? That was a golden moment, my friends.

Reason #5
Three words: No … Celebrity … Mentors

Thank you, Idol Powers That Be! No more Mariah Carey! See ya, Kenny Rogers! Your heart will go on, Celine Dion! Hasta La Winebago, Barry Manilow! I can name two mentors I enjoyed – and one came completely out of left field, someone I wouldn’t have ever guessed I’d enjoy: Rod Stewart. The Rodster was a bang-up mentor. (The other, of course, was Harry Connick, Jr., everyone’s favorite from last season.) Instead, we have industry mogul Jimmy Iovine. Let’s see where we go with him.

Reason #6
Train wreck potential

If there’s any kind of disaster coming down the Idol tracks, I want to be there. I highly doubt it will happen, but if it does I want a front row seat. Never say never.

Reason #7
Jennifer Lopez will surprise me

And she will. I’m counting on it. People who I have no opinion of or little regard for turn the tables on me and surprise me all the time. Julia Roberts in Notting Hill. Jim Carey in The Truman Show. The above mentioned Mr. Stewart. So, I’m expecting something from her. What that something is I have no clue. But I’m hopeful.

Reason #8
Contestants who have never heard a Beatles song

Here’s a new twist some of you may not have considered: With the advancement of the years and lowering of the age on Idol, there is a percentage of people out there in the world who don’t know The Beatles, some of whom can’t even hum one of their tunes. This is amazing to me, but it makes perfect sense. Think about it: Kids today don’t know a world where there hasn’t ever been a computer populating it. So, why would everyone know The Beatles? Intriguing, isn’t it? We’ll see just how intriguing when contestants head to Las Vegas to perform Beatles songs on the Cirque du Soleil “LOVE” stage in a month or so.

Reason #9

At some point during the season, controversy raises its ugly head on Idol. Something comes up that turns heads and gets people talking or sends them running for the blogs. This year will be no different.

Reason #10
The Eventual Winner

Love him or her or hate him or her, the finale of the show continues to be an event and a source of excitement, right down the announcement of the fortunate — and sometimes controversial — winner. Remember when Adam “Screaming Mimi” Lambert was in the running and got side-swiped? And Crystal last year? Drama, baby … drama.

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I’m ready. Let’s get it on. Next week is a long way away and it may just be the auditions , but it will be American Idol … back again.

And I’ll definitely be watching.

Photo Credit: Fox

11 Responses to “Ten reasons I will be watching American Idol”

January 13, 2011 at 1:21 PM

2 reasons why I’ll read your reviews instead of watching the program:

1. I’ll get the low down on what’s going on without giving up what 4 hours per week of my life on that crap,

2. I enjoy your reviews much more that anything on TV anyway :)

January 13, 2011 at 1:35 PM

considering I’ve never seen a single episode, I don’t think anything you say can convince me this season…

January 13, 2011 at 2:05 PM

The show became s joke a couple of seasons ago so I just can’t watch anymore. I’ve read that Steven Tyler surpasses Paula Abdul for sheer looniness, so that’s something at least. But I’ll wait for The X Factor.

January 13, 2011 at 2:15 PM

Reason One I won’t watch: Tyler. Loony people are not exactly what I call “can’t miss TV” (also why I don’t watch reality TV).

Reason Two I won’t watch: I mean, seriously, if I could pull of “I’m Ivey West” the same way “I’m Chuck Bass” comes across, that would totally be what I put here.

January 16, 2011 at 11:47 AM

. . . . .

The $10,000 Question: Have you ever looked in the mirror and tried to put that off, Ivey?

And, if so, I think it safe to speak on behalf of everyone: We want video.

January 13, 2011 at 2:27 PM

As awesome as your recaps are, I’m out this year. Simon’s been the only redeeming quality (if you can even say that) of the show for years now. I’ll let you know what it feels like to take your life back! :)

January 16, 2011 at 11:47 AM

. . . . .

“Redeeming” … ?!?

January 13, 2011 at 5:18 PM

I am with you! I am looking forward to the changes. Even though I will miss Simon.

January 14, 2011 at 3:07 PM

I’m totally there. Front row. Popcorn. Snuggy. Fizzy lifting drinks. Count me in.

January 16, 2011 at 11:47 AM

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“Snuggy” … ?!?!?

I don’t even know you anymore …

January 15, 2011 at 10:57 PM

I will be there watching right along with you. Not saying I won’t complain about some of it but that is part of it. I personally love Steve Tyler so I am looking forward to him being on the show. Might break my heart if he is too stupid but he is a icon in the music biz as far as I am concerned so there you go. For those of you who don’t watch too bad for you.

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