CliqueClack TV

Hawaii Five-0 pulls a Se7en

Last night featured 'CHiPS' references, a severed head, Masi Oka guest starring and the world's guiltiest looking victim. Did 'Hawaii 5-0' deserve the People's Choice Award? Of course it did; last night proved it.

- Season 1, Episode 14 - "He Kane Hewa' Ole "

Clearly, Hawaii Five-0 listens to my posts. After last week’s episode which showed us a useful Kono, more on screen Chin Ho, and incorporated increased Chin Ho/Kono’s team interaction, the balance returned again this week. Although Julia and I — who will share Hawaii 5-0 duties now — had our debate over Kono’s usefulness, I hope the writers will continue stepping up to the plate to nullify its existence.

I enjoyed this week’s episode (although I slightly dozed towards the end), because it broke up the usual formula while introducing an interesting case of the week. Think Speed meets Se7en meets The Fugitive. A man hired to deliver a packaged head dies in the high speed chase and is accused of decapitating the victim until the father appeals to McGarrett.

A couple things I like about Five-0. They don’t push the guest stars and they don’t rely on faux TV awards to get viewers. Although the commercials featured People’s Choice Award for Best New Drama in the subtitles, the announcer never said it out loud. Additionally, this week Masi Oka returned and, again, the commercials focused on the episode’s content and not the guest star gloss; what’s up Greg Germann (Ally McBeal).

Things I enjoyed this week:

  • The pacing/balance: The first half was incredibly tight. They improved and focused the Max character. They showed Kono interviewing the GUILTIEST-LOOKING THEFT VICTIM EVER. I actually thought she suspected him until she turned him loose. And, they did a good job of balancing the interactions between the team. This week didn’t feature any filler moments, it just went from crime scene to crime scene which maintained the energy.
  • The formula: The show’s continued improvement of mixing up the formula including the hot cousin bonding in the beginning. During the first three episodes, it seemed like the show had gotten into a rut. The pattern’s still there, but it’s less apparent. On a side note, Chin Ho and Kono drive into work, they’re partners all day, they’re cousins, and they don’t have any issues, ever?
  • The non-stop commercial for Hawaii and Chevy cars. Seriously, WHO doesn’t want to visit Hawaii at this point?
  • The humor: Who didn’t love Danno punning about “heading” over to the “jack in the box” a wee bit “too soon,” calling out Danno for his daddy issues on cases, and serving as a total downer on motor cops. On a side note, McGarrett is totally Estrada.
  • The action: DAMN! Danno is hard core! Seriously?! Rolling out of the car and then running to catch up with the perp?! Awesome! It’s the first week we don’t see kamikaze McGarrett.
  • The wives/fiancées. I might complain about Mary Ann/Kono, but the writers did a good job avoiding stereotypes with Rachel\Malia. It’s nice to know that neither are cold-hearted women. On a side note, is there a TV show where a cop’s dedication to the job/a case didn’t burn his relationship? My now-retired uncle was a detective for however many years, but he and my aunt (who have been together since the dawn of time) are still together. From Blue Bloods to Human Target to NYPD Blue most TV shows tell me, cops are hot, but NEVER, EVER marry them.
  • Tank Top McG. Enough said.

Things I didn’t enjoy:

  • McGarrett’s accent. Seriously, O’Loughlin just mastered an American accent. Please stop him from speaking in any other language. PLEASE. OR could he NOT speak in another language while trying to maintain the American accent? It’s horrifying. And, if I’m honest, it’s also difficult. Enough said.

What did you guys think? Are they improving the formula? Did you enjoy Kono this week? How about the cover Seven reference? Is CHiPS really the penultimate cop fantasy?

Photo Credit: CBS

5 Responses to “Hawaii Five-0 pulls a Se7en”

January 18, 2011 at 4:29 PM

“Did you enjoy Kono this week”….

The pressure on me to harness my writings of Kona and you pose a question like that!

Kono IS….the show!

As usual, you covered everything so well that I need not add anything. Keep up the good work!

January 18, 2011 at 5:57 PM

Thanks, Tim, compliments always make me purr. However, I’m surprised you didn’t clack in on my debate with Julia regarding Kono’s merits :)

January 18, 2011 at 7:00 PM

To be sure, my respect for your reviews is sincere (they are very interesting). I would have loved to chime in on any discussion regarding Grace Park/Kona. However, I have been around this site a long time now and I think my passion for my favorite actress may wear thin on people and actually bring criticism to my beloved actress….and that I must never, never do.

ps: Plus….when it comes to any debate about the merits of Kona, I will use a colloquial expression: Kona is the absolute hottest woman ever to enrich the eyes of man!

ps: And Grace Park is the one who should have got nominated and won that award!

January 18, 2011 at 7:09 PM

I thought this was an entertaining, suspenseful, humorous and heartfelt episode. Alex O’Loughlin did an awesome job as ususal and spoke his Mandarin to perfection. As a matter of fact, the cast and the guest stars all did a commendable job in this one. I hope Mr. Chi returns to help McGarrett fix his father’s old car in future episode. The exchanges between Steve and Danny about the Chips’ characters were hilarious! Hawaii Five-0 and its actors deserve Emmy nominations and Awards this year.

April 12, 2011 at 8:29 PM

Who played the son of the victim in last night’s 5-0? I just know I’ve seen him someplace, but can’t remember where.

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