CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Yes! Here we go again

'Idol' is back! And with it comes the same old critics who want to rip it up one side and down the other. But that's okay; there's investment in this particular reality show.

- Season 10, Episode 1

I saw the following quite a bit on Wednesday:

“People who watch American Idol instead of 2nite’s amazing Modern Family hate America and puppies.”

Well, not only am I a Modern Family spurner, but I apparently hate my country as well as cute, cuddly little puppy dogs. Tell you what … let’s talk about the show a smidgen and then come back to this little topic in a bit, shall we?

Among the dizzying throngs of hopefuls on the Season 10 premiere of Idol, there were a few contestants I liked immediately. Devyn Rush, the singing waitress (who needed a make-over according to Jennifer Lopez though the girl’s got some umph, which may get her far despite her plain looks) and 16 year-old Victoria Huggins of Lumberton, North Carolina who can really belt out a tune. Both girls will get along just fine on Idol. Watch for them down the line.

Of course there was a lot of “the usual” within the two hours: Hoopla … bad choices … kids deluding themselves that they can actually hold a tune … the clueless. The nice thing was, however, the premiere wasn’t the three-ring circus the auditions have revealed themselves to be in past years. But I may be speaking somewhat prematurely — this is, after all, only the first show of the season.

What about the new judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler? How did they do on there initial stint behind the table? Not too shabbily. JLo had some difficulties bringing the hammer down on some of the first rejects, but she got into the swing of things pretty quickly. Steven Tyler? He fell into the role being … well, Steven Tyler. He may be approaching the age of dirt, but he can still mix things up and turn a comical phrase. Plus he’s coming on his own when it comes to sizing up the contestants. All the judges — JLo, Steven, and Randy Jackson — seem to get along swimmingly.

Two hours of back-and-forth and introductions wound down to the final audition of the evening. And if there’s one thing Idol knows how to do, it’s mix in the drama and pull on the heartstrings at just the right moment. So here’s an additional thing besides being a puppy hater:

I developed a nagging tear in my right eye, courtesy of 16 year-old Travis Orlando. A kid who came from a poverty-stricken family and with one terrific voice. A kid who not only put out an original and unique version of The Beatles’ “Eleanor Ribgy” for his audition, but, when asked to throw out something else by Tyler, delivered with nary a pause.

I’ve always maintained the audition rounds are for finding out where the raw talent lies. It’s about the hopefuls such as Devyn and Victoria and Travis who make these rounds worth watching. If you like Idol, you become invested in it.

So … back to the quotation at the top of this post:

I wonder … did the person who vilified American Idol watch Modern Family and get as invested as I did watching contestant Travis Orlando? Because I’m still feeling the impression he left on me … and I’m champing at the bit for more.

Mr. Modern Family Viewer? Probably forgot what the show was all about the next day.

Therein lies the difference.

Photo Credit: FOX

16 Responses to “American Idol – Yes! Here we go again”

January 20, 2011 at 8:24 AM

I gave it a shot. AI is lost without Simon’s giant, freezing cold bucket of reality. For me, there’s no point in tuning in again.

January 20, 2011 at 8:56 AM

What if I:

A) Don’t watch Modern Family
B) Love America
C) Love my puppy Gibbs


D) Hate Idol?

Where do i fit in this dynamic sir?

January 20, 2011 at 9:39 AM

I watch both AI and Modern Family. Love America. Wish I had a puppy. Classify that!

I have a burgeoning platonic crush on Steven Tyler. Dude was a breath of fresh air at that judges’ table. Plus he accessorizes himself oh-so-well And Miss Lopez offered some constructive helpful and tactfully administered advice. Not saying Simon Who? yet, but I was pleasantly surprised.

January 20, 2011 at 10:26 AM

What eees thees “American Idol” you speeks of?

January 20, 2011 at 10:39 AM

I wanted to reach through the screen and give JLo a beoytch slap for the comment to Devyn about her “plain Jane” appearance. Hello…she might have had to go to work after the audition..ya know..her job? I thought Steven Tyler did fall right into cadence. LOVED his question to the one kid about eating paint chips when he was growing up! This year is starting out a whole lot better then last year….!

January 20, 2011 at 11:00 AM

I was THRILLED with last night’s episode. I had VERY a very small hope that Simon’s absence wouldn’t ruin the show for me… and it DIDN’T. I would LOVE to sing for that panel of judges. (And it doesn’t hurt that I’ve had a long standing crush on Stephen Tyler …. GOD KNOWS WHY)

January 20, 2011 at 12:49 PM

I did not want to watch this season, told myself I wouldn’t! JLo is just irritating and Steven Tyler grosses me out! (That mouth-Yuck!) However, the kids ruled the TV last night and I got sucked in. I was pleasantly surprised that the big wigs seemed to tone down the the really horrible auditions (Yogi/Yuki not withstanding), my least favorite part as I feel so sorry for those tone deaf people embarrassing themselves. I found myself laughing at Steven Tyler (begrudgingly), surprised by JLo’s compassion and touched by the sappy back stories. I too loved that they put Travis through. Coming up… one more night of getting sucked in!

January 20, 2011 at 3:23 PM

I was surprised that the show didn’t totally suck without Simon.

JLo is obviously the softie on the panel..but once she found her ….”ummmm no…..”rhythm it wasn’t so bad having her on the panel.

I could do with a bit less of the hard luck back stories and more of the actual auditions..some of the packages about contestants were just to long….give it a minute not 3 or 4, SERIOUSLY!

I’d say that I for one will be tuning in again!

January 20, 2011 at 6:15 PM

Great post as usual Rupe. I really enjoyed the show. I like the new panel so far. I think they put the kids more at ease and they could actually sing for once without the fear of what was to come. Don’t get me wrong I do love Simon and he tells it like he sees it but I was one that thought he could be a tad brutal at times. So I am ok with how it went. But I will say I quit adding 1/2 or 3/4 to my age along time ago.

I too agree I could do without the stories. I think all the kids have a story and you have to tell them all or don’t tell any. Just saying.

January 20, 2011 at 6:19 PM

I miss Simon. But I like the new dynamics. Steven Tyler was a little creepy with a couple of contestants but his cool cravat and scarf combo gets him a pass. And JLo was surprisingly good, if a little soft. I am excited to see what Hollywood Week is like.

January 20, 2011 at 7:48 PM

Thus far the jury is still out on the new panel. However, I suppose I’m a puppy hater too…..even though I own the most adorable Mr. Beaglesworth. And so my move to China begins?!? Yeah right~

January 20, 2011 at 8:50 PM

I do still miss Simon, but I don’t miss the sourpuss expression he usually held during auditions. This panel of judges actually seem friendly! It’s good to see that they are able to instill energy and enthusiasm into what I was afraid might be the beginning of the end for Idol. It just proves what a powerful force this show when it comes to finding good raw talent. I have so much fun seeing ordinary average citizens given the opportunity to realize their dreams! Love this show!

January 20, 2011 at 9:37 PM

I agree with ME (above). I too found Jlo irritating and Steven creepy. I have seen the Idol light. So far I’m liking the changes.

Oh…..and I’m a cat person.

January 21, 2011 at 10:41 AM

I DVR Modern Family, and really like it. Puppies are OK, who can actually hate puppies for Gosh Sake’s? And I’ve watched Idol since the beginning. I have to admit, I still think of ST and JLo as guest judges, and wait for the return of Simon. I’m good at denial.
I’m also surprised that Randy seems to be letting them just burst in and take over with nary a raised brow. That’s either charitable, or dumb. You can look at it both ways.
At least Kara’s gone, praise be!

January 22, 2011 at 8:18 AM

I loved the shows this week, although my picks [alongside Travis, of course] were the guy that sang “Yesterday” and the Mr. America’s Abs who sang “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. I also think Star Child was a diamond in the rough [when she kept the jacket closed]. [Yes, I am terrible with catching names, but you know who I mean.]

January 22, 2011 at 3:39 PM

Did you guys happen to see that guy who claimed that he was often mistaken for Steven Tyler? I agreed with Steven, that guy actually looked more like Mick Jagger.

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