CliqueClack TV

At Bob’s Burgers, meat is murder

Yes, meat just might be murder, but it's showcased hilariously through Bob Belcher's family of wisenheimers. Trans-gendered animals, word play and cow dung texts make for a half hour of Sunday evening frivolity.

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Sacred Cow"

Randy Watkins, documentary film maker, is on a mission. He’s out to sully Bob’s good name and the restaurant itself by accusing him of having the blood of 100,000 slaughtered cows on his hands. His intended feature (“Dial M for Moo-der”) is going to utilize two key props: “Moo-Lissa” who is a steer with a blond wig glued on his head and positioned outside Bob’s Burgers for effect and a “Cow-ntdown” ticker to indicate the intended demise of Moo-lissa.

See what you missed this week? Bob’s Burgers was packed with these and more spiffy zingers. Examples? Gene trying to convince Randy his film needed a soundtrack (hiss cheesy pre-programmed keyboard riff sample complete with dog “Woof!” sound effect). Moo-Lissa “texting” Tina emoticons with … erm … cow pies. Louise and her attempts at sensationalizing Randy’s documentary by yelling “Murderer!” at her father throughout the telecast.

Best of all were some of the things I learned over the course of the 1/2 hour:

  • Animal cruelty is many things … but it isn’t anthropomorphizing an animal with fake tresses and glue …
  • nor is it putting socks on an animal so it won’t slide …
  • nor is it forcing said animal onto a mattress and pushing it down a staircase. …
  • A memorial can take many shapes and forms … even an edible tribute. …
  • Gene (Eugene Mirman) is sometimes out of control … yet funnier than hell. …
  • Louise (Kristen Schaal) is definitely out of control and yet funnier than hell. …
  • Tina (Dan Mintz) is usually in control with her dry delivery, not only funny but under-rated. …
  • Bob (H. Jon Benjamin) is one tough, beleaguered, under-appreciated head of household. …
  • Linda’s (John Roberts) got some pretty funky issues. …

I thought the first two episodes of Bob’s Burgers were funny … and they were. But this one had me rolling minute to minute. We’re talkin’ chock-full-of-gags rolling. H. Jon Benjamin has got his delivery as the patriarch of the Belcher clan down drier than an arid martini. I mean, just take a look at the exchange with Bob and his kids below. A simple declaration turns into mental hair-pulling. No wonder Bob is balding.

The finale is often the icing on the cake as was this time around, a tribute to Moo-Lissa who ends up suffering from a “cow heart attack” and collapses in the road. How? How else? With Bob naming his 100,000th burger as a tip of the hat to Moo-Lissa: The “Rest In Peas” Burger … with snap peas and carrots. *snarf*

“Dad’s been putting murdered cows in our hamburgers!”
– Louise

“I know urine … and this is urine.”
– Gene

Oooooooaaaaaaaah! Look at him!
– Bystander, talking about Moo-Lissa
“He’s so cute … he’s making me hungry!”
– Another bystander

“Here, in this box, is the beef that will make our hundred thousandth burger”. – Bob
“Wow.” – Tina
“Can I touch it?” – Gene
“I want to touch it too.” – Louise
“I want to feel it between my toes. Mmmmmmm …” – Gene
“I want to put a stick of dynamite in it and blow it up!” – Louise
“No! What is wrong with all of you?!? No one is touching this meat but me!” – Bob
“I have an announcement, too. My bra’s chaffing me.” – Tina
“That’s not a real announcement.” – Bob
“Oh, I have one! I … love … House music! There, I said it!” – Gene
“And I’m going to get my gun license. Finally.” – Louise
“Well congratulations …” – Tina
“Can’t believe they’re making you wait three days …” – Gene
“Stop stealing my thunder … !!!” – Bob

Photo Credit: Fox

One Response to “At Bob’s Burgers, meat is murder”

January 24, 2011 at 7:18 PM

Rest in Peas Burger OMG I’m off to watch it now!

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