CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Milwaukee does good

Two hour's worth of 'Idol' auditions can sometimes be tiresome and trying. But the land of Danny Gokey put on a good show and skipped along rather well, leaving viewers ready for more.

- Season 10, Episode 3 - "Milwaukee Auditions"

Chris Medina American IdolWhat is it, exactly, you are trying to accomplish, American Idol? Because this oh, so very different format you’re foisting on us this year? We’re unaccustomed to it … but in a good way.

The soft touches? The nicey-nice judging from Steven Tyler and JLo and the uncharacteristic little show intros? We’re kinda diggin’em. (This episode’s entry, with Steven and Randy Jackson’s “Sweet Emotion” tidbit at the start, gave us a little something extra to appreciate.)

Don’t get us wrong. There was plenty of the usual two hour’s worth of commonplace audition antics we’ve come to expect … sometimes painful, sometimes elation-filled, sometimes jaw-dropping. But they were fun and memorable and plunked along at a rather nice clip, thank you very much.

I’ll tell you this: I have an instant front runner. His name is Scott Dangerfield (with his Clark Kent bespectacled look) and he’s one of my top picks. The dude can “feel” the music, that’s why he’ll move right along in the competition. And I had fun with Steve Beghun, the hulky-big accountant with the surprising voice that definitely made me sit up and take notice. The guy’s got some chops, unexpected range and character to his voice. Naima Adedapo? Strong, solid, emotive output, but her exhalations between lines are off-putting. And for those of you who took note of Thia Megia (who also has a voice of interest), Molly Dewolf Swenson (the tall drink of water with the unexpected version of “Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay”) and soulful Haley Reinhart? Don’t get your hopes up. Each one will get swallowed up in the competition by the finals.

The (good) standout moments of the show were a couple sob stories, however. Whereas this might be typical, it was typical with asterisks attached. Steven Tyler look-alike (and gushing fan) Alyson Jados belted out a distinct and raspy version of The Beatles’ “Come Together” that got your attention followed by a cutesy (but thunky) “Dream On” duet with him. It was the cheeze-fest moment of the evening, her fate left hanging on the every word and decision of Tyler, however. She, too, will get drowned in the ocean of talent better than her.

And then came the money shot, the final performance (and final story) of the night everyone will be discussing for the remainder of the week. It’s better seen and heard in the video below than discussed:

I usually groan at the sob stories Idol puts out there. But in this instance I’m not ashamed to confess, heartache-inducing as the video is, it was the unexpected whispered admission from Steven Tyler to Chris Medina’s fiancĂ©e Juliana that really brought the flood works to both eyes of this reviewer:

“That’s why he sings so good … ’cause he sings to you …”

So, I ask again: What is it you’re trying to accomplish here, Idol? Because whatever it is, so far it’s working. …

Photo Credit: Fox

13 Responses to “American Idol – Milwaukee does good”

January 27, 2011 at 10:41 AM

OMG I know. When Mr. Tyler whispered that to her I just… crumbled. Seriously. I’ve had a “thing” for that man for YEARS but that? THAT was just… **melt**

January 27, 2011 at 10:45 AM

Damn Steve Tyler for showing me he is a remarkable human being and making me cry… I have been trying so hard not to like him!

January 27, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Words just fall short …. so gonna leave it at that!

January 27, 2011 at 12:25 PM

Sorry. Normally I’m all about syrupy sweet pap, but I draw the line at shows that feature people embarrassing themselves by trying to do what they clearly are not capable of… and no, not even the occasional gem is enough to save AI for me. (I love vicious snark, but even Simon’s nasty wasn’t enough to bring me to the party before.) I have only seen the clips I couldn’t click past fast enough, and I will continue to stringently avoid anything more.

January 27, 2011 at 1:45 PM

I loved the Milwaukee show! I thought the “Go Pack Go” girl was awesome. Freaky, but awesome.

January 28, 2011 at 4:28 PM

. . . . .

I saw no “awesome”, Rachel.

I saw “annoying” with an extra dollop of “freaky” on top …

January 27, 2011 at 3:07 PM

I am not a fan of the sob stories and never have been. I ussually refuse to let them get to me. But this one go me. I admit it I cried when he sang the song because I could not forget her out in the hall. Then when they brought her in and Steven said what he did I was toast. Couldn’t stop the tears. Was chatting on line with a few ladies about the show and I could not even see to type. And the kid was good. That was awesome, I am so very glad he was good.

January 28, 2011 at 4:38 PM

. . . . .

Ginas: “Good”? Yes. He was. Really good … good in the way you can feel the music through him. But that was it.

Will he make it? Good bet he will … and his back story won’t hurt any. Personally, I see better than he offered, but the proof will be in the pudding of the finals.

January 27, 2011 at 5:51 PM

I completely agree with Gina, couldn’t say it any better. Awesome story, incredible singer, and Steven Tyler’s words were beautiful.

January 28, 2011 at 4:38 PM

. . . . .

See above, Renee …..

January 27, 2011 at 6:52 PM

I’m with everyone else, that was quite a moment. And it made me like Steven Tyler more.

January 27, 2011 at 8:05 PM

I think the stories go on far to long…but the story of Chris and his fiance just sucked me in. I cried to when they brought her in and the judges all hugged her and then Steven said what he did, and the tears just flowed…forget hankies….sometimes ya just hafta let go. Chris is one of those I’m sure will make it past Hollywood.

January 27, 2011 at 9:44 PM

Ditto, Gina…..I so agree with everything you said. Not much on the sob stories myself (and neither is my hubby) but this one really got to me. I hope this dude does well during hollywood week!! :D

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