CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Some Nashville flavor

An abbreviated 'Idol' hour reveals a JLo with the beginnings of a short fuse when it comes to some of the contestants. Mayhap Simon left a bit of his presence for her to wrap around herself.

- Season 10, Episode 4 - "Nashville Auditions"

NashvilleI’ve noticed over the course of the last few nights that Jennifer Lopez has really been facializing her distaste for contestants who aren’t meeting her standards. You can’t help but notice it.

Sure, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson do it, too, but in varying degrees and in different ways than she does. Steven is way, way subtler; Randy has the tendency to comically gesture or flamboyantly flail. Jennifer however … Jennifer is altogether interesting. She doesn’t tolerate the incompetent in the least. I can understand that. You get on that stage and you’re expected to belt a tune well enough to wow the judges. Do otherwise and watch JLo’s face contort. Or watch her turn away in disgust. See her grimace. Witness what appears to be her grinding her teeth.

It’s not just facial features which evidence themselves over the course of an hour or two on American Idol. Case in point was last night in Nashville. After one contestant’s failure to impress (it was one of those ear-piercing auditions that leave your nerves on edge); she stated matter-of-factly about the venue the judges were in: “You know … the acoustics work, no matter what. …” Ouch. Burn. That’s not just sticking the screw driver in someone’s side, that’s twisting it for a bit of extra effect.

She was not on board Stormi Henley’s performance, either. She ragged about her voice being weak and small (granted, it was); but it was the manner in which she conveyed her distaste, with extra vim, that caught my attention. And when Steven and Randy put Stormi through, JLo being the lone hold out, it appeared to gall her.

So why am I noting this stuff? Well … I think a storm might be brewing ’round JLo; a gentle one which will build and build to the point it’s going to unleash itself at someone or some group or somehow in a grand show for us all to see. Not sure when we’ll witness that little show, but it’s coming … it’s coming.

And Nashville? It was rather throwaway, wasn’t it? There was the wild and unrefined Jackie Wilson who can put it out there, but who will ultimately get engulfed by the finals. And then there’s Lauren Alaina, a big front runner in the game. (See below.) With a voice like hers, this 15 year-old could very well get to gettin’ and cruise all the way down the line.

Onward to next week …

Photo Credit: Fox

9 Responses to “American Idol – Some Nashville flavor”

January 28, 2011 at 10:43 AM

I agree that Nashville was a wash talent wise. There were only one or two that even remotely impressed me. She who shall not be named (The Hussy that got to duet with MY Steven! **sob**)may look like she’ll breeze through but… yeah… how often does that actually work OUT that way?

January 28, 2011 at 2:34 PM

. . . . .

NotAMeanGirl <—– contains no drama

January 28, 2011 at 11:31 AM

Wow, we missed Idol last night…so you saying we didn’t really miss out? **wiping brow**. Ooooh….storms a brewin’?….**grabbing the popcorn***!

January 28, 2011 at 11:50 AM

Well, it appeared…thought my comment vanished.

January 28, 2011 at 8:12 PM

I have to admit last night didn’t add much to the season contestant-wise, and it was a good show to watch the nuances of the bad auditions. I stayed to the end only to see “the one” in the previews that Steven promised they had found. Not only is Lauren a front runner, I can see the makeover artists drooling over her photos now. AI loves someone they can redecorate, and Lauren’s hair is a natural.

I think J-Lo’s storm will be with the producers off camera. As in “Why are you wasting my time with all these painful auditions? If you are interested in making this gig last more than one season for me, there WILL be changes!”

January 28, 2011 at 9:10 PM

I’d like to see J’Lo bring out the Diva claws. It would be cool to see if she could even compete with someone else around here who may also have a few diva qualities. *ahem* (whistles a tune and walks away)

January 29, 2011 at 11:13 AM

. . . . .

I find it a bit strange you write while sitting in front of a mirror, Renee … then walk away from yourself … whistling a tune …

January 29, 2011 at 9:54 PM

Well maybe she was just discussed that Steve and Randy put the girl through for reasons that had nothing to do with Vocal Talent. I am sure that wears on the nerves to sit between the two of them to see cute females with no voice pass just because they are eye candy to the two guys. After all it is suppose to be a vocal contest right?

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