CliqueClack TV

American Idol – Hollywood groupies, Hollywood groupless

Where's my drama button? 'Cause 'Idol' was full of it during Hollywood Group Week. Lots of bad, lots of tears, lots of good old fashioned television escape.

- Season 10, Episode 9 - "Group Auditions"

Yeah, I love American Idol.

And there was a lot to love in this episode. So much, it’s a bit hard to pick and choose what to write about. But I’ll mention a few “things” that got my motor runnin’.

Thing #1: Things Aren’t Always Written In The Stars. Tiffany Rios was the girl with the stars on her … “lungs” … during the audition rounds. Let me tell you something: The stars weren’t the only big things about her. Yep, you got it … her ego was too big for her britches as well.  When you call yourself out as one to beat, you better not only be ready to stand your ground, you better be ready to suck it up, Cupcake, and brace yourself for the consequences if things don’t go your way.

Care to hazard a guess at what happened to “Ms. Mouthy” Rios? Outta here, baby.

Thing #2: Thick Skin. The 15 year-old straight out of the New Orleans auditions bounced around like a stainless steel ball caroming inside a pinball machine trying to get into a group. And when he finally did, he was ousted by that asshat Clint Jun Gamboa because the kid’s “just not feeling right” or somesuch spew. Now to be fair, the group performance with Jaycee pulling up the rear was rather lackluster. The boy didn’t shine in the least. But … he was a favorite and he snuck through, probably on a bit of sympathy.

And that fact had Clint sweating just before he took the stage with his group. Now, here’s the deal: I don’t like Clint. He’s a whiner and he appears to be a little stoolie. But, much to my chagrin, the dude’s group not only belted it out, but he sang to his potential. Beyond it, even. Yeah, I would have loved to see him crash and burn after kicking Jaycee to the curb, but he deserved to keep going. Dag nabit.

Thing #3: Sometimes Moms Know Best. So … maybe it wasn’t quite Kosher to have those moms coaching their young’uns at what they believed a Queen song should be. But you know what? They did what they did anyway and their progeny pulled out a winner. (Unnecessary Moment: Did you see that one woman exhaling smoke like a chimney while she was talking at the camera? Wasn’t that lovely?)

Thing #4: Just Because I Like You Doesn’t Mean You’re Gettin’ Through. And the name attached to that would be Paris Tassin. She who endeared herself to JLo. And who was given the bad news by her new-found judge friend she didn’t make the cut. Remember way back when I said JLo was going to surprise me? (Reason #7 here.) Well … she did. It was a small surprise … surprising in and of itself … but it was a good one. And I’m positive there’ll be more …

Yep, the Hollywood Group Rounds.

Filled with heartache, frustration, bantering, bickering, reward, tears, spirit-breaking … and standards set so high they’re bound to be one’s downfall.

Fun as this episode was, the games have yet to begin.

“This is what I joined forces with American Idol for.
Freddie Mercury is smiling down at you right now.”

– Steven Tyler after a group performance of Queen’s “Somebody To Love”

Photo Credit: Michael Becker / FOX

6 Responses to “American Idol – Hollywood groupies, Hollywood groupless”

February 17, 2011 at 11:22 AM

I was so grossed out by that chimney mom! At first I thought it was just her breath, until I remembered, DUH, this is Hollywood, it’s not cold. Blecch!

Also, after that train wreck with the ex-couple and the blond, I was glad to see him go, even though I thought his voice had been ok. I am so sick of that “Will they or won’t they get back together?” narration.

February 17, 2011 at 11:25 AM

. . . . .

Half the fun, Rachel, is being witness to the circus without the cumbersomeness of the three rings …

February 17, 2011 at 11:27 AM

I was out last night with friends and so had it set to record. Hubby was out hunting lobster and upon his return at 2:00 a.m., while giving the lobsters their jacuzzi..he watch the show..then..**drum roll** deleted it. WTF was he thinking?

February 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM

Heh. A “stoolie!” I love that! I’m stealing that.
And Mikki, he must have been over tired or something. Out of his head. Feverish. I’d have to punch him in the meat and 2 veggies if I were you!

February 17, 2011 at 6:56 PM

I don’t like Clint either. I think they could have kept the kid in their act and still managed to shine. Kicking him out like that was cruel and made their group look like a bunch of mean bullies.

February 21, 2011 at 6:22 PM

I agree Clint may have so sort of voice i seen better, but what he did to Jacee showed his true character. Not Good Clint coming into vote week. Should of made it work, that shows a great artist in knowing how to take something and make it work. But Jacee wasw better off, like his mom shared with him, In his group Jacee did good with all that on his shoulder of being kick out at such a late time, then having learn a new song. Come on how would you think you would of sound the next day. He did well for a 15yr old with aLL THAT ON HIS MIND. I pray God bless him to take it all, because kids need to see someone like him in the music industry, the boy is gifted, and I can’t wait to see him use those vocals, like I know he has, that is a Gift from God. Even if the Clint issue never happenh Jacee has something special. :) and truly stands as an American Idol. Keep up the great work Jacee!!!

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